to my knowledge only one formerly banned troll has been resurrected, but that's been taken care of already.
most of what you see comes just from spambots, non-human programs with irrelevant ads and links to sites, lots of which are malicious (so best not to click, though that's probably a no-brainier by now)
they could be sent out by scammers who recieve commission if the product is bought.
many of them just puke out one single post/thread and die out, so once that's been dealt with a ban could probably not be needed, but i still whack em just to be sure. we've gotten a few IP's too.
it's the really prolific ones that are a PITA, and gave me a headache last time
so they've got no purpose on here except to spew out hilariously garbled, incomprehensible word salads good for a chuckle or two.
XFilesGeek wrote:
Well, for one, a lot of previously banned members have somehow had their accounts reactivated since the site upgraded. Dunno why.
yeah, and locked threads have been unlocked too..