jk1 wrote:
Good idea, OP! But, as 886 suggested, maybe the minimum should be 50 or even 100 posts. Also, how about creating a minimum membership period (a month?) before having access to the Members Only and Adult sub-forums? That should deter intruders.
Also, how about mandatory captcha for becoming a member and for posting before reaching a post count of 10 or something to filter out spambots? Or is there something like that already in place?
Having a minimum time period won't work as well because someone can just register and then wait. Also, I tend to think that a minimum of a 100 posts may be bit high, I was thinking of a post count that easily attainable but enough for the new member to make themselves known in the forum, just so that we know that they're not going into the private sections when they're just lurkers and not really contributing to the community. If people want to lurk before joining, then I don't see the need for going into those forums because the rest of the board is public, I've lurked here for 2 years before even registering as a member, so I obviously wasn't able to read those sections during that time.
Also, there are or were already captchas used during the registration process to stop spambots. My reason for this suggestion was more to prevent lurkers from taking screenshots of posts and threads in the Member-Only and Adult sections and then posting them up on another website like what the Kiwi Farms guys have been doing. Those sections are supposed to be private and the problem with allowing lurkers who have not yet contributed anything to WP into those them is that we don't really know who they are.