Can mods edit thread titles to uncapitalize it?

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03 Aug 2016, 5:43 am

It's not just due to OCD that I hate such redundant capitalization... of course, where appropriate, like that acronym, it's fine, but this isn't just about grammar either, although unless the whole title is full of acronyms there is very little reason to have capitalizations... but no, it seems it's mostly due to politics that they want to capitalize everything, to be seen even if a toddler can similarly get the caps lock stuck... and mostly it's one person, nurseangela, who has the brazen cheek to do this... not to mention the sheer idiocy of declaring that a thread is nothing but the 'truth', regardless of whether or not that word is capitalized, obviously nothing is truth... so.

It would make more sense, grammatically, politically, sensibly, and just kind for the eyes too since reading all-caps is never easy. Anyone agrees?


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03 Aug 2016, 9:47 am

I rather appreciate being able to tell at a glance who thinks their threads are so much more important than everyone else's they deserve to be yelled at us. It helps me decide to go spend my time elsewhere.

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03 Aug 2016, 10:16 am

It used to bug me too when I was a mod/admin in a previous incarnation and I made a little software tool to paste the text into and it put text back onto my clipboard adjusted correctly back to lower case, with capitalisation at the start of sentences etc, so I could just paste it back into the subject line. Can be tedious for the mods to do by hand, plus it isn't against the rules as such, just irritating to many people.


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06 Aug 2016, 12:14 am

Thread title lengths are limited, so they won't exactly take long to re-write. Well, as I just suppose, I have the capability to reciprocate stupidity if need be, even if it means degrading discussion... with people like this angela I doubt anyone could even have a discussion in the first place, anyway...


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06 Aug 2016, 12:45 am

Mootoo wrote:
Thread title lengths are limited, so they won't exactly take long to re-write. Well, as I just suppose, I have the capability to reciprocate stupidity if need be, even if it means degrading discussion... with people like this angela I doubt anyone could even have a discussion in the first place, anyway...

If you have a problem with me, you come to me. Going behind someone's back and talking about them sounds like something an NT would do - dirty. And which thread of mine do you have so much of a problem with? Is it the "NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH" thread? HUH? IS IT THAT ONE? It's been active for months now and it's just now bothering you? Give me a break with this crap. I suggest you clean up your own threads before you mouth off about someone elses threads.

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06 Aug 2016, 7:41 am

It's nothing to do with cleaning up, grammar if anything... NTs typically ignore it, and you declare your score... if this website had the functionality for informing @people (like most social media does) then I would've used it...


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07 Aug 2016, 4:41 am

Btw, angela is probably bringing out her pompoms on purpose to antagonize.