please test CAPTCHA at public library

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11 Jul 2016, 6:02 pm

I've had a lot of trouble today at my local public library.

The CAPTCHA is actually a little run, keep clicking as rivers keep appearing, but then it doesn't take me at my word.

Yes, I am in fact a human.


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18 Jul 2016, 3:52 pm

Were you getting the Capcha every time you tried to post, regardless of brevity, lack of brackets, and lack of quotes?


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20 Jul 2016, 12:00 pm

no, frustratingly, only some of the time


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20 Jul 2016, 12:07 pm

but then when I correctly identify the storefronts or rivers, it gives me CAPTCHA again and again and again

Doesn't exactly take me at my word that I'm human.


exactly one time have I done CAPTCHA once and it made my post. But it was recently and maybe that's a sign of good things to come. I will happily accept whatever improvement there is. :D


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20 Jul 2016, 1:46 pm

I don't want to dampen your optimism, but I think capcha is just broken and will most likely randomly build you up and smash you down. I'd be very surprised if anybody had even tried to fix it. But I did read that somebody got good results by opting for the audio puzzle rather than the picture puzzle, so if you've got some headphones then that might work for you. I've not tried it myself, I prefer to split my posts into non-capcha-invoking parts and post them sequentially. That and being sparing on quotes and brackets.


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24 Jul 2016, 12:05 am

Why doesn't the administrator fix this? Do they not know how? Would it cost them too much money?

IMO, we need to migrate to a different forum if they refuse to fix this. We need to create a different forum elsewhere with the same topics, but better software.

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08 Aug 2016, 6:56 pm

even if WP worked pristinely across the board (and we're a long way from that! :jester: ) , I'd still be in favor of multiple sites and multiple organizations.

I am in favor of having more than one resource. For example, maybe sometime in the future my city of Houston could have:

1) an autism group whose main focus is on arranging and organizing social events,

2) an autism group whose focus is running a nonprofit employment agency which respectfully works with persons on the spectrum and does the legwork to help persons get the jobs they're interested in, and

3) an autism group whose main focus is political activism.

And each group might do other things even though they have differing main focuses.

Maybe in Houston 10 years down the road. Sure, why the heck not. although I feel wishing for this is ambitious and optimistic.

Maybe some areas of the UK have some of this patchwork and quiltwork of groups. Maybe. I hope so. Don't really know.