Question a Mod's decisions, here.....

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Okay, I've held my tongue, for several months, now----but, can, no longer.....
I have seen several complaints about the Mods, over these last several months (since my passionate posts on the "Are Mods being vetted" thread, or whatever it was called)----really, only a couple of Mods have been the most complained-about----and, I felt it was long-past time for people to have a place (all in one thread), to voice their feelings, about this particular issue (Mods).
Don't get me wrong, I KNOW how thankless being a Mod, can be, as I have been a Mod, on another site, before----and, in the past, have posted, several times, my thanks, and hugs, and appreciation, etc. (as have others), on this site----BUT, I feel, very strongly, about one Mod, in particular, who doesn't seem to realize (or, DOES realize, but doesn't agree) that they are injecting their personal feelings / beliefs into when they enforce, the rules, or don't enforce the rules. Now, I know / totally understand that for someone to make a decision withOUT their personal feelings, being involved, is difficult----but, it CAN be done, IMO; and, IMO, it MUST be done!!
I don't feel that it would be totally proper, to post the Mod's name----but I have posted these feelings to this particular Mod, on another thread..... This specific Mod has very strong feelings regarding a few topics, in particular: Religion - when someone posted a religious thread, in other than PPR, this Mod's post, actually, came-across as kind-of nasty, IMO (and, I wasn't the ONLY one, who thought that, as it was voiced, in the thread), and I feel the Mod totally misunderstood what the person was saying, and was driven, PURELY, by emotion (aka, personal feelings), and I feel the Mod was wrong, in what they did. ABA therapy - this Mod posts VERY emphatically, IMO, regarding THEIR personal feelings (YES, a Mod has a right to post, just like anybody else----but, then, this Mod, often, will post rules that they think, IMO, will give weight to what they're saying [so, in essence, saying, AS A MOD, "you're wrong"], and their post comes-across like they're speaking for the ENTIRE community, here; meaning, in this instance, that the entire community, is against ABA therapy), and again, I just don't feel this is right.
This same Mod also injects their personal feelings, IMO, when they cite the rules to whom they, PERSONALLY, feel, IMO, is being a sexist----and, it is OFTEN that this Mod does this. This same Mod injects their personal feelings, regarding vaccinations, causing Autism (and that, and someone recently posting that they thought the Mods, were a joke, is what compelled me, to start this thread). Again, Mods, MOST CERTAINLY, have the right to post their opinions, regarding whatever topic----but, when they lock a thread, or cite rules, it is NOT any longer, IMO, "just another user", posting their opinion, and I feel it is wrong.
Now, it would be really GREAT if no one donned a cape, and came to the rescue, of the Mods, ONLY to prove that they CAN be empathetic, for instance (and, quite frankly, I feel, sometimes, that some people only do it, to kiss-butt, cuz they're Mods, and they wanna stay on their GOOD side), cuz that doesn't solve ANYTHING, IMO. Don't get me wrong, I TOTALLY understand that all the Mods are ASDers, TOO; but, they, like anybody else, are not without fault----and, MOST CERTAINLY, not above reproach (and, IMO, SHOULD be held accountable, because I feel their job should be, FOR THE PEOPLE [aka, not injecting their own personal feelings, in the rules, and giving more consideration to people's rights to voice opinions that might differ from the Mod's])----but, I feel that "Awww, don't pick, on 'em" won't fix the problem(s) that cause the ongoing complaints about the Mods' actions / decisions.
I feel that people must be TOTALLY honest (I mean, that's one of the things we're known-for, right?), and forthright, and voice, here, their problems / complaints / whatever, so that the issues, regarding Mods, can be addressed, face-to-face, so-to-speak----and then, you know, it would help, too, if the Mods listened, and didn't have the attitude (as some, I feel, have had in the past) that THEY'RE right, cuz they're in-charge, and that WE'RE, just, NOT, and that's all there is to it.
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
I have to agree, that some (or a certain) mod(s) is completely biased... But what bothers me, is they don't say anything when they modify a members post or shut down a thread. Modify a post is a bigger concern and they should mark it as them doing such, when changing the context of another members post.

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I agree with both y'all!!
I agree that the post editing is particularly concerning----AND, that there should be annotation, at-the-very-least, when it's done (AND, when threads are locked); and I believe, unfortunately, that because this has been addressed MANY times, and the no-annotation-thing continues to exist, that the Mods are, in essence, thumbin' their noses at us, users, and saying: "I'M in-charge, NOT you"----and, I think it goes without saying, that that STINKS!!
As for "overwhelming support in their favour from the people responsible for moderating": I agree with this, as well----talk about "Group Think", GOOD HEAVENS!!
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
the mods do the best they can. If you have an issue with something, you can always PM me about it.
I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:
I think the reason it's being discussed in the open rather than a PM, alex, is because the users feel safe this way. If a user PM's concerns about a mod to management, and mysteriously vanishes, who is to know? This is why there is more than 1 thread at present hoping to address this as an open forum rather than a private letter. I get the feeling users' faith has been tried and they don't feel their accounts are "safe" if they take the option you suggested (even though it is the most sensible).
Yours sincerely, some dude.
I think the reason it's being discussed in the open rather than a PM, alex, is because the users feel safe this way. If a user PM's concerns about a mod to management, and mysteriously vanishes, who is to know? This is why there is more than 1 thread at present hoping to address this as an open forum rather than a private letter. I get the feeling users' faith has been tried and they don't feel their accounts are "safe" if they take the option you suggested (even though it is the most sensible).
Besides being vanished... Alex has proven himself biased and making rash decisions. Hence his monitors act accordingly.
I think the reason it's being discussed in the open rather than a PM, alex, is because the users feel safe this way. If a user PM's concerns about a mod to management, and mysteriously vanishes, who is to know? This is why there is more than 1 thread at present hoping to address this as an open forum rather than a private letter. I get the feeling users' faith has been tried and they don't feel their accounts are "safe" if they take the option you suggested (even though it is the most sensible).
Besides being vanished... Alex has proven himself biased and making rash decisions. Hence his monitors act accordingly.
biased against what?

I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:

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Yes, like perhaps sustaining enough of a past time in order to keep complex users at bay is one way the messages get deleted or threads edited on purpose without any warning, because the discussion got too deep and the one bias way you can get to defeat the distanced object, is by getting rid of users one by one. Like,threatening them with a warning for no reason.
All I'm gonna say is, some recent users didn't need to be banned, and airing some of those views now, should highlight news of this.
Last edited by Empathy on 27 Jun 2017, 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Yes, like perhaps sustaining enough of a past time in order to keep complex users at bay is one way the messages get deleted or threads edited on purpose without any warning, because the discussion got too deep and the one bias way you can get to defeat the distanced object, is by getting rid of users one by one. Like,threatening them for no reason.
All I'm gonna say is, some recent users didn't need to be banned, and airing some of those views now, should highlight news of this.
If someone got banned they can appeal the decision to me. I've been taking care of things in my life so I have not had as much time to dedicate to WP as I would like (although I have been dedicating quite a bit of time to it behind the scenes). However that is now changing.
I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:

Joined: 30 Aug 2015
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Yes, like perhaps sustaining enough of a past time in order to keep complex users at bay is one way the messages get deleted or threads edited on purpose without any warning, because the discussion got too deep and the one bias way you can get to defeat the distanced object, is by getting rid of users one by one. Like,threatening them for no reason.
All I'm gonna say is, some recent users didn't need to be banned, and airing some of those views now, should highlight news of this.
If someone got banned they can appeal the decision to me. I've been taking care of things in my life so I have not had as much time to dedicate to WP as I would like (although I have been dedicating quite a bit of time to it behind the scenes). However that is now changing.
I'll try and pm you then
Sites like Sony have previously used third party moderators that follow preset guidelines, and are for the most part volunteers. While I've never been a big fan of them they were always at least consistent and impartial. Note that they were mostly volunteers on a Lithium platform. Considering budgeting and resources, something to consider. I find anyone related to the site or the various diagnosis can fall prey to impartiality.
Yours sincerely, some dude.

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No, Alex, I do NOT feel the Mods, generally speaking, do the best they can----otherwise, I would've never seen a spammer reach, around, 40 threads, recently (I saw where you said you added more filters, for new posters; I'm talking-about, before that), and the posts were there, for quite some time; and, there's NO excuse for that!!
Also, for as long as I've been here (and even longer, as I've read a TON of back-posts/threads), it is extremely difficult to get any response from you, through a PM or email, IF a response is received, AT ALL (which it rarely is). As I said, users (AND Mods) have been posting about your lack of response (PMs and emails), for YEARS----SO, the only alternative, IMO, is to take it to the streets, so-to-speak.
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)

Joined: 6 May 2014
Age: 63
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Yes, that's exactly it. People don't feel anyone in authority cares about them, here, because their voices are ignored.
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
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