My join date used to say December 4th, 2008; now it's says December 3rd. I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone else? Could the join dates have been affected in the database migration process or something? Or maybe a timezone-related thing? It says I joined at 6:00 PM. I find it odd that it happened to be right on the dot, but it's not impossible I guess. For all I know, that could be the actual date I joined, and maybe it only said December 4th because of a timezone offset that was corrected since I've last been here. The only reason I remember that date is because I've seen it so many times when going to my profile; it's not that I was thinking of the date at the time I registered.
Autistic (self-identified)
Open source, free software, and open knowledge geek
GoLang, Python, & SysAdmin aspirant
RPG enthusiast
Has OCD, social anxiety, CPTSD