is this the post?
I didn't grow up having a lot of stuff. My parents grew up poor & gradually worked their way into lower middle class. They did buy me a bit of stuff but it was a lot less than some of my peers. I only had a few interests & I mostly just wanted to focus on that which were my toys, TV, & video-games. I never really got an allowance until I became a teen & the amount I got was a lot less than some of my peers. What I didn't spend on lunch at school, I saved up to buy vid-games. As an adult I only worked about 38 months of my life & the jobs I had were minimum wage type stuff. I was on SSI at the time but the more I made in employment, the more my SSI got reduced. I worked a lot of over-time when I was allowed but I gave my parents a certain amount of my paycheck to help cover my expenses & my parents bringing me to & from work. My health care cost a lot which was about half my SSI when I was just on that. I also paid the cable/net bill & my phone bill. I could never really afford to have a lot of stuff. Nowadays I'm living with my girlfriend & on Social Security Disability. My insurance is much better but I have other living expenses. I do have a knife/blade collection but I raked up aLOT of debt partly cuz of that.
I wasn't raised to be a hoarder & cant afford to be one but I do have OCD but it's not really about me having a lot of stuff. My parents have some traits of hoarding thou. My dad works in construction & has quite aLOT of tools for work & projects around the house that take up more space than he has room for. My parents are also into antique stuff & have lots of things they don't need some of which they need to fix up. My parents aren't at a hoarding level with it thou.
this is a really weird glitch that occurs very rarely, i checked the logs and the post was not deleted, sometimes a new post will just disappear for whatever reason and not appear in the thread as it appears by default (posts sorted by "post time" in an "ascending" order)
i was able to find that post by changing the order to "descending", newest posts appearing first. if this happens again try fiddling with the settings, located at the bottom of the page, just above the page counter.
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