maycontainthunder wrote:
thinkinginpictures wrote:
I'm so sick and tired of everyone getting offended over simple disagreements calling out "hate speech" everytime they see someone who disagrees with their views.
THAT is the the reason people are moving away from WP.
Sometimes these "views" are thinly veiled attacks calculated to be within the existing rules by a malicious poster whose sole intent is to cause harm.
Hate speech isn't a disagreement over views.
Disagreements I can absolutely understand people getting a little butthurt over.
I will also point out that if someone feels unsafe in a community they will leave... we're meant to be a place where people can feel safe.
I don't feel safe on WP because when I make posts/threads that I find harmless, I often find them to get locked and getting a moderators attention/warning for posting my disagreements on various topics which _I_ find non-controversial, but which people get offended over.
One example are threads about the circumcision debates. I have never attacked jews, muslims etc. but I do find that circumcision should be a choice of the child when it reaches the age of 18, so it can decide what to happen to its own body, only exception being when there's a medical need for a surgical procedure.
Yet people get offended and call that hate speech, antisemitism etc.
Or when I questioned the trans gender policies, a topic that is completely a no-go on WP.
I haven't attacked trans people at all, but people get offended because I disagree with mainstream politics and opinions on that subject.
I don't feel safe AT ALL with that much censorship and even personal accusations against me for being transphobic and antisemitic when I am definitely NOT!