The allowed post edit time is 300 minutes (5 hours).
The allowed post deletion time is 1440 minutes (24 hours).
If someone posts after you, your post cannot now be deleted irrespective of how recently it was made.
If someone posts after one which you then edit, an "Edited by {member name} on {date/time} {count} times" note is appended to it.
Which is to say: if your post was made more than 5 hours ago it can't be edited, and if it was made more than 24 hours ago it can't be deleted either.
If someone has posted after you, irrespective of how long ago your post was made, it can't be deleted but if it was made less than 5 hours ago it can still be edited. In this situation a post may be pseudo-deleted by editing the content to read "deleted" or the extra-terse "." alternative.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.