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27 Sep 2008, 11:26 pm

Some of you may know "Bateau" aka "Section9" of the chatroom here. He came into the chatroom tonight, constantly complained of "Taggard" "having him banned" in a retaliatory tone.

He then starts KICKING THE WRONG PEOPLE out of chat as does "Katesmith" when there's an argument.

I'm posting this because I know of no where else to go and feel powerless to do anything about this.

This person is EVADING a k-line tonight, showing favoritism to certain trolls, and KICKING OTHERS OUT of chat for the WRONG REASONS. :twisted:

I don't understand how this goes on? Is this a fascist website? Or is it just the chatroom?

This person was BANNED FOR A REASON. Please keep it that way as it will do this chatroom a lot of good. Thank you!


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27 Sep 2008, 11:43 pm

deobfuscated_aspie, I moved your thread to the discussion area. The mods for the chat room will often check this area for messages about the chat.

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27 Sep 2008, 11:48 pm

Ok, thanks!

I didn't know just where to post. I'm fairly new to the forums as I've been in chat most of the time since I registered here.

I stayed in chat much of my free time for months and now I'm all of a sudden not there, banned, by someone who favors people in there.

I guess it was a rush job. :D


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28 Sep 2008, 12:23 am

Welcome to the forums deobfuscated_aspie

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28 Sep 2008, 12:32 am

Bateau wasn't k-lined, his bot was, because Taggard abused it...

Bateau only provided the bot to help people use the channel, when the CGI chat was broken.

You should thank Bateau or at least ask people to explain before you judge someone...


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28 Sep 2008, 1:22 am

glad to have you in the forums! we more closely moderate the forums here. I suppose our format is different, and we do more closely follow the rules and regs here.

but welcome!


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28 Sep 2008, 1:29 am

Why did he go on and on about it then, and say "I" was banned and "I" have gotten around it, for now?

Someone in the room also asked him wasn't he doing something against the rules by evading a ban.

I should thank him for what? Showing favoritism and banning me while on top of that he lets someone cuss me out as they do everyone?

I thank him for one thing. Helping me break my sad addiction to going into that hole to begin with.

I do much better on forums anyway. I appreciate that they do more closely and fairly get regulated.

Thanks Merle and spudnik!

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29 Sep 2008, 4:39 am

deobfuscated_aspie wrote:
Some of you may know "Bateau" aka "Section9" of the chatroom here. He came into the chatroom tonight, constantly complained of "Taggard" "having him banned" in a retaliatory tone.

Hmm, and why wouldn't I be upset with Taggard, did you bother to see the widely discussed account of what happened? No? Ok, let me give you the order of events:

About 2 years ago Alex has me help him configure the CGI and Java IRC platforms for users, then several months later locks them down extensively to save on bandwidth.

Then he stops being real active in the channel, and leaves with a realheadache of no ops with the Founder status, so we can't act without him to deal with Freenode staff, this is a major headache. He also stops responding to e-mails, PMs, and even phone calls from us.

About six months ago during one of a great many attacks by *chan members, I finally get Christel to get involved and help us, she agrees to set the large banlist limit, which alex many times said he'd ask to get for us, but didn't, as well as special filtering rules, to help keep out a few known problem users (one known pedophile with a criminal history in particular!)

About 4 months ago, Alex is still refusing to allow us to post the rules on the "Chat" page on the site, or list of who current operators are, so we've been doing the best we can, then I step up and get to writing a bot to help in channel, Bot_0. It has several basic functions, including giving users a way to imeadiately contact all the channel ops to get help, just by saying "wpops" in channel. It also includs things like the list of the 7 words you can't say on US broadcast television as a basic filtering mechanism. A few more are added, like n*gger, as well as some beastiality (horse) porn spam that some more *chan users like to flood us with after joining. (I really never again want to see anything about stallions, ughhh!) Since we can't easily deal with problems upstream (blocking attackers in his server, and yes, the CGI client has the ability to do that to problem users, hey, even Apache can be configured to do that, never mind the fact he told us it's impossible, we all know better!) we also give the bot the basic ability to let us track and deal with problem users, and to preform basic reserach on users when they join (calculate various hostmasks, create banmasks for us, preform reverse-lookups on IP address, etc.)

About 4 weeks ago CGI users start having random stability problems, not too bad though, maybe a disconnect a hour. About a week ago though, it got much worse. Many couldn't stay connected for five minutes, let alone a hour. So I again volunteered to setup an alternative, and I did setup a new CGI gateway, took me all of 20 minutes, five of that was provisioning the server for it and getting permission from the provider here at my university. Overall users are happy with it, and it's been getting about 40-50 connections a day from legit users, many who like it for it's cleaner UI, lack of advertising, and stability. I inform several Freenode staff about the gateway, and start the slow process of trying to get it made official, since, again, Alex isn't around to help us or even tell them "yeah, it's ok", etc.

About 3 days ago now, to the hour actually, two users (one who has been banned due to acting many times to intentional cause disruptions) decide to have some fun. They got a exploit that causes users of some antivirus package at a specific patch level to be disconnected, and went on my gateway, and started using it against various people in various channels. A Freenode staff member who isn't aware of the gateway configuration deals with this by blocking my IP in total from the network, since I showup as a university dorm (gee, imagine that). Unfortunately, at that time, not only was the person behind this on the network, but I was, and my bot, and about a dozen other legitmate users who were using what I was providing. ALL of us were killed as a result.

I contact Freenode, and get several of the staffers who know of me and they explain they know what the problem was, and agree to hurry up on getting the gateway registered to prevent this, but as a matter of network policy, they won't remove any other staffer's bans, so I'm waiting on the one who set the ban, now over 72 hours of wait, to fix it, so that myself, my bot, and the users who like my conenction because it is FAR more stable then the one Alex was providing (and I offered to host for him, yet he refused), can get back on properly

deobfuscated_aspie wrote:
He then starts KICKING THE WRONG PEOPLE out of chat as does "Katesmith" when there's an argument.

As to Katesmith, that's a whole different issue, and one that I won't get into here, but the deal was YOU were attacking Linuxkiteen, she reacted, swearing at you, both were told to stop, she did, you didn't, so she got mad again and started reacting. Both of you were pointed to the rules (, told to stop, and warned we would ban the next user to do it, you continused attacking her, again. She got mad, again, but you were banned for continuing the fight, and she was given a long talk about what is and is not acceptable. (your evasion of the ban is another matter completely too, ban was 24 hours moved to 3 days).

deobfuscated_aspie wrote:
I'm posting this because I know of no where else to go and feel powerless to do anything about this.

Sorry you feel that way and I'm sory you fail to understand what else was going on behind the scenes that caused the sequence of events reguarding the k-line.

deobfuscated_aspie wrote:
This person is EVADING a k-line tonight, showing favoritism to certain trolls, and KICKING OTHERS OUT of chat for the WRONG REASONS. :twisted:

See above, and Freenode staff was *WELL* aware I was evading the K-line, and many would have removed it themselves were it not network policy, and had effectively given me the go ahead to continue as needed until the problem was resolved.

deobfuscated_aspie wrote:
I don't understand how this goes on? Is this a fascist website? Or is it just the chatroom?

No, and no. We do the best we can, but clear violation of the rules is not tolerated, and when warned by a channel operator to stop attacking others, and doing it to get a reaction out of them, that is a clear violation of the rules!

deobfuscated_aspie wrote:
This person was BANNED FOR A REASON. Please keep it that way as it will do this chatroom a lot of good. Thank you!

Yes, that reason being there was a mistake made by a staffer who did not have all the information, and Freenode staff is aware of it, and waiting on their system to fix it, and told me to go ahead and continue to do what I was doing, so that I could be as fucntional in my normal capactiy as possible.

deobfuscated_aspie wrote:
Why did he go on and on about it then, and say "I" was banned and "I" have gotten around it, for now?

*sigh* see above, or at least read the explanation of events when given in channel to the many who asked.

deobfuscated_aspie wrote:
Someone in the room also asked him wasn't he doing something against the rules by evading a ban.!

Again, see above, or you could have watched my explaination in channel of the series of events and why I was evading, and that even the Freenode network staff knew it and were alright with it, and sorry about the ban in the first place, and were waiting on beaucracy to remove it.

deobfuscated_aspie wrote:
I should thank him for what? Showing favoritism and banning me while on top of that he lets someone cuss me out as they do everyone?!

Or let me explain, which I've gone out of my way to try to do here. As to thanking me, lets see, I've spent how many hundred thankless hours helping out in that channel, only to be attacked nearly constantly by users that don't understand what is going on. I'm really getting sick of this all and thinking of leaving actually...

deobfuscated_aspie wrote:
I thank him for one thing. Helping me break my sad addiction to going into that hole to begin with.!

Please don't insult the support channel.

deobfuscated_aspie wrote:
I do much better on forums anyway. I appreciate that they do more closely and fairly get regulated.!

Well it is easier to deal with problems when they aren't real time of course, we on IRC don't have the luxary of removing something someone said, filtering them after the fact, etc. It is easier to regulate, though normally we do the best we can on the channel to do that, even Bot_0 is an extension of trying to do that (that took me a good many hours of programming, and resources on my servers to run)

Please think about the series of events and pay more attention to what is going on around you in the future.


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29 Sep 2008, 5:31 am

If you want to get rid of kate, here's the petition:

Bateau's one of, if not THE only active op who actually cares enough to do more than warn and ban people periodically when he's not AFK. You'd have realized this if you bothered to say more than "omg f*k u 4 b&in me" to the guy. It's pathetic that people are attacking him for it, since they can get away with everything now that he's not on as much.


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29 Sep 2008, 12:16 pm

Oh....the chat people are all here! Hello there.


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30 Sep 2008, 9:19 am

Should start going in the chat more seems like all the action is happening there not the forums :P