Transferring to Another College
I have just graduated from a 2-year junior college with my second associates degree and I had to transfer to a 4-year university in order to earn my bachelor's degree. My professors were very good about providing me with the required accomidations when I gave him/her the letter after class without expressing myself to them since the letter was self-explanitory.
I applied and was accepted into the 4-year university and I met with the special populations counselor at the 4 year university when my documentation was submitted but the special populations department told me that in addition to giving the letter of the required accomidations to the professors at the 4 year university the only thing different they said I have to do is to have a discussion with the professor (to express myself and my needs orally) during office hours which would constitute a social interaction period.
For me, social situations are a pain and a whole lot worse than getting severely sea sick and it is very difficult (sometimes impossible) for me to successfully express myself or successfully interact with anyone plus I'm not used to changes in the way I do things.
Any advice on this situation will be greatly appreciated.