Ticker wrote:
I think most professors know what Aspergers is and can probably spot it better than the average psychologist can!
Highly doubtful. My genetics professor had never heard of Asperger's, and even commented that he had noticed no difference between me and any of his other students.
Folks don't you all know that in college now all you have to do is get a letter from your doctor saying you have a Aspergers or ADD/ADHD diagnosis, give it to the guidance counselor and then they by law have to give you accomadations because its covered under ADA regulations? I have a friend that did it which means yes the professor did have to give special favors such as allowing someone more test time, testing in a private room and not fussing at them for acting peculiar.
Not quite. There's a few more hoops to jump through than that, trust me, I've run into that wall already. I currently get a separate testing room, but no other accommodations. However, every prof I've approached about arranging the separate testing room has also offered me extra time if I needed it. But that's an individual professor thing, nothing to do with the university at all.