hyper_alien wrote:
I have been bullied for many years now because I am different.
Today I counted 33 projectiles thrown at me, 198 insults, ten well placed kicks and a punch. I just stick it out and tell the teachers and they try to sort it out but it is hard as i am eighteen and they are younger than me
While this will unlikely be a popular sentiment, I have a suggestion that worked for me:
Fight back.
If they hit you (with a punch or kick) return the favor, but
do not strike first. Also, try to do it near a figure of authority. This is especially important if the bullies are larger than you, because you will require the authority figure to quickly stop it.
You will probably get suspended, but it will likely be your only opportunity to get the administration to actually listen to your side of the story.
When I was in the public school system, they did absolutely
nothing to stop the bullying until I fought back (even in an incident when I was beaten by a large group and had the bus driver as a witness). When I fought back, it became a "fight", which oddly they
do take action about. In the disciplinary office, I was given plenty of time to explain what actions the bully had taken in the past, how it affected me, and why I could no longer tolerate it (make sure that you can answer those questions).
While the bullying continued, it was a lot less since afterward (with the exception of Weston and his gang, who were unphased by it) because random bullies were less willing to take the risk. Even if you cannot physically hurt them, your fighting back means the risk of suspension to them.
I just wish I didn't get so paranoid about the suspension itself, because I had to put up with another bully (Weston, who started the bullying a year earlier) for years after that.