I never did see the point of extracurricular activities. I only participate in clubs/activities that have a strong academic basis, because these are about learning, not social interaction. At my college, I'm a member of the chemistry club, but I only participate in academic-based activities. I never go to the social outings. I've been a chemistry TA for three years, and I was a statistics TA last fall. I really liked these, because I got to teach other people the material. That's the only time I like to be social with people I don't know- when I'm either teaching them material I like, or when we're discussing material I like.
Anyway, I always have hated how colleges and grad/med/law schools like to see a person have lots of extracurricular activities. Yes, some people like to be social and "have fun" outside of school, and these are the people who should be encouraged to join clubs and sports and not just study all day. But I love studying. That IS my source of fun. So why should I be forced to take time away from what I LIKE doing, to join a club and have to engage in hated social interaction?
Helinger: Now, what do you see, John?
Nash: Recognition...
Helinger: Well, try seeing accomplishment!
Nash: Is there a difference?