Do you apply for special consideration in exams due to AS?

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03 Aug 2009, 10:27 am

I am considering speaking to my subject coordinator about this. I study Medicine which is an intensive course for most people doing it, so I was worried that she'll say no to my requests coz the course is hard on everyone and not just me, kinda making me using AS as an excuse.

I could say that I have trouble with short term memory and that the transition from short term to long term is generally very time consuming (via rote learning).

Do/Have any of you applied for special consideration in exams? And if so, what sort of benefit did you get in terms of exam time, exam style etc?

Thanks in advance.


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03 Aug 2009, 1:00 pm

I'm just an NT mom, but I've heard that in the U.S., sometimes people ask for more TIME on tests as a special consideration -- both in junior high and high school classes, and on college entrance exams. I am not knowledgeable about what people currently ask for a a special consideration in college.


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03 Aug 2009, 1:23 pm

You have to talk to special services or something when you're in college. They can help you get more time on tests.

I do not have time restrictions on exams but I'm in highschool.


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03 Aug 2009, 3:44 pm

I can take my exams in a separate (quiet) room if I want to. Several professors have offered me extended time on an individual basis, but I have not accepted since I don't think I need extra time so it would be an unfair advantage.



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06 Aug 2009, 10:20 pm

I get extra time and can also do essays on the computer.

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07 Aug 2009, 5:40 pm

I write my exams in a seperate room without all the distractions. I've actually been offered a wide range of stuff from extra time to a computer program that would allow me to dictate my essays rather than write them, but all I accepted was the seperate (distraction free) room


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09 Aug 2009, 8:28 pm

I didn't really need it for grade 7 and 8, but since high school, I've been having a lot of trouble with school and needed the help. I have extended time for tests and exams, computer access, and I go in a separate room. I also can get photocopies/somebody else's notes for the days that my handwriting dies on me.


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09 Aug 2009, 8:34 pm

AS as such may not be seen as sufficient grounds, though I've heard of people getting extra time "for AS" much to my surprise. I do get a separate room with extra time for exams due to dysgraphia, which affects how well I can put pen to paper especially during exam conditions. Dysgraphia (and developmental dyspraxia) are common comorbid conditions with AS, so if your handwriting is less than stellar it may be worth looking into - it could be the difference between finishing and not finishing an exam.


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10 Aug 2009, 10:45 pm

I haven't asked for accommodations before. I actually am very good at taking tests, especially multiple choice or other easy-to-systemize kinds where it's more about learning how to take them than what you actually know.

However, given how I think my performance on the Law School Admissions Test was adversely affected by distracting noise around me (I have sensory issues, and with hearing it can be especially bad), I'm considering asking my law school about whether I can either wear earplugs or take the tests in a private room with a proctor or some such. Especially if everyone's going to be typing away rather than writing by hand on these tests, I can only imagine that I'd get distracted.

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13 Aug 2009, 8:47 pm

They were willing to give me extra time for being Gifted at my school...that never made any sense to me.
But they also gave to people with AS and similar conditions. So I'd go ahead and ask.


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14 Aug 2009, 6:41 am

I was offered the option of taking my tests in a quiet, separate room but I didn't accept it.

I wish I had accepted it now though, because all the sniffing and shuffling and coughing in my AS exams drove me mad and really affected my concentration.

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16 Aug 2009, 11:15 am

I get extra time, I should get a separate (distraction free) room, additional help with notes and the option to type my papers (those who have ever seen my handwriting will know why... ).
If there are accomodations available, use them! They are there to "level out" the field, giving you the "same" conditions as the others, but taking your disability into account.
Personally, I rarely need the extra time, as if there are no distractions I am usually one of the first to leave, but the arrangements help me a lot.
Not having everyone else making a noise, or the invigilators constantly walking about is a real help.
Also having the instructions printed and given to me, rather than read out by the invigilators, that sort of thing.

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16 Aug 2009, 11:33 am

No I just do exams the same as everyone else. I did get offered extra time ages ago but I declined because I didn't need it and didn't want to be patronised.

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18 Aug 2009, 3:44 pm

Most schools should have an office designed to manage special needs for individuals with disabilities. How you can access these accommodations varies by school, but you most likely need to contact that office, rather than discuss the situation with your professors or anyone else directly within the department. Presumably, the office will inform your professors whether you require accommodations, and how much specific information you give your professors is up to you.


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25 Aug 2009, 7:58 pm

I registered with my Disability Resource Center and was able to get a faculty letter requesting a notetaker and testing accomodations (quiet room with minimal distraction and frequent breaks - 5 minutes of break for every 30 minutes of testing). I plan on doing the same with graduate school. Most of my professors were really nice about it and willing to help me in any way they could. Providing, of course, I took the initiative to schedule appointments and talk with the necessary people.


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26 Aug 2009, 1:10 pm

In my Year 6 SATs i was allowed to take my reading and mathematics tests in one of the Special Educational Needs, (SEN), rooms with no teacher present - this was before the 'cotton wool' health and safety rules came in.

I done all my other tests in the gym with everyone else.

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