In the UK, I'm doing A-levels (UK pre-university qualification - usually people do 3 or 4) in Maths and Further Maths (both to A2). Normal Maths isn't that challenging, but Further Maths goes into topics that will be most likely met in first year university level mathematics. However most UK universities don't require Further Maths since the first few weeks' work assumes that not everyone has done it.
I'm doing the OCR-MEI course, you can see the past papers here to see how it bridges unviersity level mathematics (I don't do ALL of the modules):
HERE ARE THE PAPERS!I will have done C1 to C4, M1 to M3, D1, S1, NM, FP1 and FP2. FP3 is the hardest of the lot but it matches a few topics from first year university level mathematics.
C1 doesn't look too hard. I'm in 2nd year university BTW.