Fire drills--Are they as pointless as I think they are?

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14 Jun 2006, 2:35 pm

barracuda, with them nuclear blast drills with the hiding under desk that is to protect from the fallout if teh windows broke. i just dont se a point in it much anyway beucase a nuclear blast is a big explosion that covers miles and the duck n' cover its not pretecting much because the heat wave and the radioactive agents will kill u or the shock wave will since its distructive. i thought it was creative about the calculator (naming of) it can be a persons best friend if having a hard time in math. my "best friend" during last 2 months of school was a door closing device meant for commerical doors. i used it for handwriting. but with fire drills that closing device and me were almost inseperable. (dont want to loose it in a REAL fire). when i had fire drills in school i never took anything with me cause the stuff i had was always replaceable but anything of value or really love i took out in case the school building was really on fire. how i know if the drill was real of not was depending on the time of the day the alarm goes off if it was periods 1 2 and 4 it was a practice if it was during 3rd(3rd was about 200 minutes long) it was either a false call or real event. in the technical school, i had went to for half day, if the had a fire drill in morning they had one in afternoon of same day too, how i would know that is either see if shop door was making hissing noises or ask teacher "how was your morning".

when I hear hissing from back door when it closes and if I hear "we had a fire drill....." from teacher thats how I know a planned one was in order. they also tend to watch news looking for best nicest day to have it.

most of time I never asked teacher about drill the door would hiss on day of even if I was there in morning. that thing was accurate too and I know the custodians or teacher didnt set it up to do that. it was in no way connected to fire alarm system or electronically powered.

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10 Jul 2006, 9:58 am

When I was in elementry I hated them too. The sound they made was really ear shattering(it was worse then finger nails on a blackboard). But in middle and currently in high it's not the worst thing in the world. If you think about it firedrills are a good idea. They help you to prepare for what you will do and where you will go. Not to metion it gets you out of class and an excuse to run in the halls while seeing who can get out first.

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10 Jul 2006, 10:17 am

I was afraid of the alarm too. So you are not alone. :D


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06 Aug 2006, 7:41 am

In my elementary school, they made sense because we had regular bomb threats, and not only from students who wanted to skip exams. But in the one-before-the-last high school I went to, the only fires happened in the Chemistry labs and were quickly put under control. We used to have a drill once every two months or so, even in the coldest winter. Once I got badly sick from standing around in the snow in a thin sweater.


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09 Aug 2006, 6:54 am

I never did like (and still don't) leaving my stuff behind. Not to d with the fire though, everyone else dawdles so I was always scared sombdy else would steal it.


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09 Aug 2006, 9:35 am

They teach us to associate loud noise with running. It's Pavlovian conditioning, for the education system thinks people are dogs.

What was really annoying was in college when our building's alarm went at 3:00 AM because some ret*d dropped a cigarette in the garbage chute. As much as I wanted to smash in the nearest alarms and stuff cotton in my ears, I felt to sick to really do anything except go with the motions.


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10 Aug 2006, 3:09 pm

I doubt that'll have the desired effect. Think of the constant loud noise.


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18 Mar 2007, 12:01 am

We recently had a fire drill during my Humanities class. My teacher--who I swear has AS--acted really weird before the fire drill and was grumpy the whole rest of the day. My teacher and I talked about how loud the noise was and how we both hated it, and he actually warned us about the fire drill before it happened, which was totally awesome (but I was pretty anxious beforehand because I knew what was coming.) Teachers should do more things like that, I think.

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19 Mar 2007, 12:38 am

McJeff wrote:
When I was in school, I loved fire drills. Elementary school age, they were like an adventure. Everyone got to leave class in the middle of the morning, go stand outside, and there'd sometimes be a fire truck there too.

The loud noises never bothered me much for some reason - the only noise I've ever had trouble with is the sound of people talking loudly.

I feel the same way :P

I'm in college now, and even when the fire alarm goes off at my work (it goes off a lot where I'm at for some reason), I find it fun. I'm almost disappointed that people that I work with moan and drag their feet. It's exciting to move with a sense of urgency eh?


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19 Mar 2007, 6:01 am

If my school caught on fire, half the kids would end up trying to light their joints with it.


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19 Mar 2007, 7:00 am

I hate the alarms. We have a single ovenight drill at uni each year, but dozens of other times from people cooking - once at 4am.

But they are worthwhile - there was a real fire at my school (admittedly overnight, but they do happen).

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19 Mar 2007, 7:10 am

My dorm has this thing that comes on and says, "This is an emergency... blah blah", over and over, and we have to sit in this hallway with flashing lights, I get sick everytime it happens because of the lights.


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19 Mar 2007, 12:20 pm

sigholdaccountlost wrote:
I never did like (and still don't) leaving my stuff behind. Not to do with the fire though, everyone else dawdles so I was always scared somebody else would steal it.

This is what I hated the most about fire drills. Not the noise, not the running, but leaving my stuff behind. One time, I tried to take all my things with me, and the teacher told me to leave it behind. The only thing that kept me from having a meltdown at that point was a bully standing within hearing range. So the whole time everyone stood outside talking, I was worried sick about losing my things. When the whole thing was over, I felt extremely relieved to find my things safely on my desk.


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19 Mar 2007, 8:49 pm

Erghh, damn those drills. We had earthquake drills, though not fire. They tell you to duck-and-cover, which actually won't necessarily save your life. It's better to lie down up against a wall so anything that falls will form a "triangle of life" around you.

Oh yeah, I'm sure if there's really a fire or earthquake, kids are going to line up nicely. Sure. :?

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29 Mar 2007, 11:18 am

I do hate fire drills.
It reminds me of a funny story that happened at one of my schools though;

Basically, me and my friend were waiting for the next lesson, and we were standing right near a 'break glass here' thingy on the wall. My friend didn't notice it though, and leaned right on it, thus sending over 1000 people in a hurry out of the building at once, for no reason really!

It was very funny, except at the time. I have never had to leave a building due to a real fire though.

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30 Mar 2007, 2:20 pm

Yuck. Fire drills. There is nothing worse that the sound of a fire alarm going off and you try to walk in an extremely crowded, noisy hallway. The officials at my school have an amazing talent for scheduling fire drills on days when it's freezing. It's times like that when you want there to be a real fire--so you can run back into the school to warm yourself.

Anyone ever had a lock-down drill? They're a blast. You have to stay in the classroom, turn off the lights, and be quiet. It's like hide and seek, only you get to sit on the floor and take a nap. :)