and who decides that. You, me, G.W. Bush?
You cannot put a blanket statement saying that person with disability X should not go to college or be able to do a certain type of job. That is up to the individual to determine. I know I would have a hard time with being a cashier so I do not accept any cashier positions. Another person with AS though may be able to do fine with being a cashier. I have also seen it said that persons with AS should not drive any commercial vehicles (which is a skilled job). Besides myself, I know about 2 or 3 people with AS who drive commercial vehicles and have driving records as clean as those of most NTs. I am one of those people. Should I have been denied a chance at a commerical license simply because I have AS?
There are people who are not suited for college but I think that most of those people either know it, or in some cases, are under guardianship where someone else decides (and there is a high threshold to grant guardianship anymore in the US). Those people will probably never set foot on a college campus except as a visitor.
There are others however, who with simple accomidations, will succeed in a skilled or professional career. Those people should be given the chance to succeed. Does it make a difference if the person computer to type up a memo rather than write it? Would you say that a blind or deaf person should be denied accomodations because of their disability?
There will be people who are unsuited for certain jobs (be they skilled, unskilled, professional, etc). It is not up to you or me (or even GW Bush) to decide who should work which jobs. It is also not right to relegate people to certain careers simply based on lables.
Louis J Bouchard
Rochester Minnesota
"Only when all those who surround you are different, do you truly belong."
Fred Tate Little Man Tate