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Were you bullied by teachers
Yes 37%  37%  [ 166 ]
Yes 41%  41%  [ 185 ]
No 11%  11%  [ 49 ]
No 12%  12%  [ 52 ]
Total votes : 452


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10 Aug 2009, 10:27 pm

The worst example I can think of is my 9th grade English teacher banning me from participating in any part in the class reading of a play because of my facial structure (I have a cleft lip and palate and only 6 teeth).

There was also my 3rd grade teacher, who called my friend and I's drawings "stupid scribbles" (both of us had fine motor skill difficulties and struggled with holding pencils and other utensils correctly) and screamed at me in front of the entire class for not eating the cheese on my pizza because I was wasting food and killing the earth in the process.

Most of the other bad teachers I've had have just looked the other way when I dealt with bullying or other difficulties and held me to a double standard when it came to behavior, even if they didn't outright bully me themselves.

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13 Aug 2009, 8:55 pm

Generally, my teachers just embarrassed me in front of the class by telling me I wasn't allowed to answer any more questions (which I did because nobody else ever knew the answers).

However, once my sociology teacher demanded (loudly, during class time) to know why I was reading the unassigned parts of the textbook. I told her I found it interesting to read textbooks, so she dug out several of her more advanced textbooks and told me to read those. That made everyone in the class stare at me and probably made them think I was even stranger than they already thought.


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17 Aug 2009, 1:24 pm

I used to have a f***** for teacher in the 1st grade of high school. What he did:

1. He poked my sideback many times.

2. He said i should look at him, but for f**** sake i have problems with eye contact :evil:

3. He sat down on the knees at the chair IN FRONT OF THE TEACHERS LIKE A DAMN 5-YEAR OLD!!

4. NOBODY likes him, including the teachers I THink, and i feel sorry for them, because they cant say anything mean to him without getting expelled, if the person that hires the people was there, he would surely fire him.


6. When i pass him, he says nearly unhearable, Hlo, hl, lo, nnnn, mmmm (insert name here), HE MUST SAY HEEEEEELOOOOOOO :evil:, thats the correct thing to do, not like that at all.

7. He looks like a f****** 5 or 6 year old in da face, and his mentality is fine, but his damn behaviour isnt so mature.

8. When i was painfully enough going to go the town to the police office, my assistant promised me to go with me there, but then came the teacher and said to not do it, and im..... WHAT?! HE CANT TELL MY ASSISTANT THAT!! MY ASSISTANT IS HIRED TOOOOO >>>>>>>>>>AAAAAACCCCOOOMMMMPPPPAAAAANNNYYYY<<<<<<<<< me wherever i go :x, continuing under..

9. When we got to the police station, my UNCLE was there, painfully enough, and things........ When we got out, i was GOING to make sounds to the picture of the policeman, and the teacher said the most annoying thing so far: " I AM POLICEEEEE :P" In a ret*d ANNOYING WAY, i felt like crushing him DOWN then :evil:. Its better than if he met my mom, and it was bad enough to grab his hand to get my diploma, by the way, he looked AWAY when he "CONGRATULATED" me.

10. WHen he said " LOOK AT ME :evil:" I dreamed about smashing his face to nothingness or spitting in it.

11. My aspie friend is more respected by the idiot than i am, even though he was pretty f****** rude to. The things my friend said was "I cant concentrate when looking at you, you answered your own question, you annoy me... and the thing that made me smile was when the teacher became annoying and then my aspie friend roared: "I AM HUNGRY :evil:". If i had said that myself, i would perish. What a sad and useless life form my teacher is, he is a disguisting one.

12. I hope he got raped and beaten by his parents, i REALLY hope he got bullied, beaten, raped by a big one, taken money from, getting his face thrown into mud..

13. I have dreamt about that i said to him while sittning like a kid in the chair, the following; "You should either go to kindergarten or go to a mental hospital, I think this is a high school, not a kindergarden, "Looks towards the teachers" "What do you think, (Insertnamehere, and its repeated to all the others.)

14. He was rude to the other students, one said something no trude and then the teacher said; "Thank you for sueing me", in such a rude way. Another one was saying "Were gonna make some posters and maybe commercials for nerd-cell phones, and then the fool teacher said; "Then it will most possibly get corrrupt", WILE THE OTHER TEACHERS LISTENED, WHY DIDNT THEY FIRE HIM?!?!.

15. My heart was beating so loud and fast at the choosing of teachers this year, it was like the ones you hear on horror movires when the characters get afraid, thankfully i didnt get him.

16. If i had not been strong-willed, i would have destroyed him, i cant believe i managed to get tortured for 1 year witht that, if it was not me who had been tortured, it would be fatal crisis for the student, my aspie friend would probably tie him up and strangle him till his eyes is squeezed out. I would rather have the grumpy 60-year old math teacher i have who calls me idiot, fool and stupid and says other means things to me as a SOCIAL WORKER than being with theother teacher for 30 MINUTES.

17. To boot i will make him cry and feel he is nothingness when he is sleeping.

18. I will also bestow mental devastation upon him, I will lock him inside a room isolated from outside space and he will most likely eat his own s*** a thousand times in a half year, he must eat rats, and they will eat his eyes while he sleeps in their blood and beside them.

>>>>>>HE SHALL BURN IN H*** :evil:<<<<<<<


Now comes the whole, sole reason NOBODY likes him; He was rude to one of the students, the student couldnt help but answer rude back, and when another student got interrupted the teacher said; "We won't give a s*** about what (insert name here) said." 8O 8O 8O a teacher is NOT supposed to say that.


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22 Aug 2009, 4:15 am

No. Just ignored.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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30 Aug 2009, 7:15 am

I have been bullied by some teachers, one of them responding to my Mom "Her problems are not in my priorities. I have a neutral behaviour with every of my students" when she told him he was seeing me drowning and held my head under the water. This was not true, he was neutral with everyone but me. And I am not the kind of people who thinks the world is pitted against them.

But the general problem was that every single teacher I have had until now, even at university, was somehow afraid of me. They could not stick a label on me, I am distant though I have the best grades everywhere. They realized they could not teach me anything I did not already know.
Some reacted in a curious way, interested by my skills, they gave me harder exercises and were nice with me. Most of my teachers, on the contrary, were irritated, telling my parents I had to understand that I had to wait for others to be done with their exercises and shut up. One was completely scared. She told my Mom "It feels like she hates me. She's staring at me ready to bite".

I think teachers being humans like others makes them misunderstand autistic people like any other human being does. Sad.


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30 Aug 2009, 5:27 pm

I was always both good, and bad at math. I see a math problem, and I ussually see the anwser. Especially for the simple stuff, like, most anything before trig. But, that technically makes me bad at it, since, I didn't learn how to do math until I was an adult...I just saw the answers, there was never a reason to learn the "normal way", not to mention I didn't really even understand how or why there was a problem with my method.

7th grade math, I had been enrolled in an advanced math course because of my previous elemenary school test scores. I did very well for the first few day, until my teacher refused to accept any math work without "showing my work". I had no work to show. He berated me daily. Insinuated I was cheating. Even after I demonstrated that I just saw the friggen answer for him, by having him write out random equations that I would answer...he gave me hell for it, every day. Called me an idiot, ret*d a few times. He was angry and hostile with me continuously. He also figured out I couldn't answer a question if it was posed verbally, and every day made me (and just me) go up in front of the class while he would verbally ask me a math question. To which I could not answer. And then laugh at me. Many of my classmates would join in. I wasn't the most composed in front of a large group of people to begin with, this made it worse. I recieved zero credit for any work I did, even though it was all correct. Was failing a class for the first time, ever. He was far out of line, and I didn't at the time have any experience with anything of this sort. I didn't know how to handle the situation. I was devestated, and stopped going to school, even contemplated suicide for the first time. Thoroughly tramatized.

I withdrew from classes, and enrolled in homeschool for the remainder of 7th, and 8th grade. I had some difficulties with other teachers in highschool, but none of them came close to the degree of my math teacher's abuse. Not to mention I had already given up caring about school. I was jaded. And am still bitter to this day when the topic of public education comes up in conversation.

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30 Aug 2009, 9:19 pm

Shadowgirl wrote:
In grade 3 I had a teacher say to me "If you were my child I would tie you up, beat you half to death, and throw you in a closet"
(This was before I was put in special needs in 5th grade).

8O That's horrible, how can a teacher be allowed to get away with saying something like that?!

I had a teacher in Year 2 (that's first grade in America, I think) who was horrible to everyone (she didn't like children. Why was she a teacher, you ask? That's exactly what everyone else was wondering), but she was especially mean to me. Once she shouted at me and humiliated me in front of the class because I got a question wrong. I THOUGHT THE ANSWER WAS SEVEN, OK? I'M ONLY HUMAN. And another time, a bunch of girls had stopped speaking to me because I'd said something and they took it the wrong way, and when I was crying about it, I asked for a tissue, and she just said, "Get it yourself!" like I was asking for a huge favour or something, and then this other teacher who was in the room at the time asked what had happened, and then the mean teacher started to tell her that I'd said something to one of the other girls (I can't remember what I actually said), and I said, "That was by mistake," and then the teacher shouted at me for speaking back to her (I was crying, for Pete's sake! :roll:).

In Year 6, I had a teacher who everyone else thought was really cool, but he used to just let everyone else pick on me, and occasionally joined in with them. Once when it was the class party and we were allowed soft drinks and stuff, someone stole a bottle of Coke that my friends and I had bought, so I grabbed it off her while she was drinking out of the bottle, and then she made a huge fuss about my accidentally spilling Coke in her eye, and I end up getting into trouble for that. Maybe if she'd kept her hands off our drinks, it wouldn't have happened! And once in math class, we had to put the "trend" of a graph, and I put "it went faster then it stops", and I actually got moved across the classroom away from my friends because the teacher didn't think I put enough effort into my answer (I actually quite liked sitting at the desk I got moved to, it was near the science display. But that's not the point). But then when I started secondary school, we were given that same question on a test, and guess what the correct answer was? "It went faster then it stops". :roll: Idiot teacher.

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03 Sep 2009, 11:44 am

Great topic to discuss!

I thought maybe teachers would be better by now, but surely not.

I still remember 3rd grade. I remember getting an A on an assignment and then the teacher tells the WHOLE class that I only got an A because my dad did the work for me! I should have told my dad that day when I got back from school, but I didn't. He could have said something to my teacher. I mean I was only 8 years old! I would love to go in her face and tell her that I have TWO college degrees. Associates and a Bachelors degree in music. I would love to see her face after I tell that to her face. Oh yea I'm sure my dad wore a dress and sang soprano? HA I think not! I'm sure he pretended to be me and played piano in front of professors in college. Teachers today are just as evil as ever towards kids who have disabilities. They just all assume that kids with disabilities are dumb. I truly don't believe so.

But then in college I had a professor tell another student that I don't play piano well. Then why did he continue to teach me? That student told me he said that, but my professor said he never said such a thing. So actually I really don't know who to believe.


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05 Sep 2009, 8:22 am

Year 6 was a bad year for me. A teacher kept accusing me of stuff that other people had done and when I said it wasn't me she would ask "Who was it then?" and then after saying who it was she would say "Your trying to blame him because you can't take responsibility for your own actions" She was insane.

She kept labeling me as manipulative, yet she would tell my best friend to stay away from me, deliberately trying to annoy a kid she knew with ADHD, until he went crazy at her. Luckily I was able to hold in my anger unlike him

At the end of year 7 when I was leaving that school the IT Admin gave me there old NT4 server with every file made by the teacher and the principle on it. I found a memo on it sent to my parents telling me to stay away from my younger brother claiming that I was 'spreading ASD behaviors to him'

In year 8 when I was in Montessori school all the teachers were fine and didn't have any trouble

This year in non-montessori high school the only annoying teacher was this angry Scottish woman teaching PE but I got moved from her class, and my new PE teacher is cool


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09 Sep 2009, 9:22 am

I've never really had that all through elementary, middle school, or high school. But the professor for my college Theater class has been singling me out and bullying me (which by reading her reviews on ratemyprofessors and talking to people who have had her before, she has done to a lot of students in her classes - I wouldn't have even taken the class if I knew she was teaching it, but when I registered, it didn't have the teacher's name up yet). She picks one or two students who are her favorites, and is a complete b***h to everyone else, though she is much, much worse to me and one other girl in my class.

I mean, it would be one thing if she was actually offering helpful criticism, but she doesn't. If you don't do something exactly how she wants it, she will find your vulnerabilities and rip into you. For example, because I tend to have a quiet voice, she tried to psychoanalyze why I must be like that in front of the class ("I know you weren't like that when you were 4! Either it's a learned behavior, or you were born damaged." I don't remember if that's the exact quote, but that was the gist of it.) and then went on to say something how I'm going to be a failure at life and that I will need at least ten years of therapy before I could even hope to act half-way decently, or to even get anywhere in life. She said basically the same thing to the other girl, though I don't remember the reason behind that (it wasn't for being too quiet I don't think. I think I have the market cornered on that.). She tries to come across as though she's an expert at everything, including psychology, even though she's just a theater teacher (working at a community college, no less) and doesn't know a damn thing about psychology (on like the second day of class she said, while looking right at me, something about how clinical psychologists say that shyness is simply another word for selfishness... since shy people are apparently too wrapped up in their own sense of self-importance to care about anyone else... umm no... If anything psychologists say that shyness is another word for social anxiety!)

She also started yelling at me and saying that I'm a god-awful terrible actress just because I said that I didn't understand how some stupid metaphor she said related to acting (I wasn't trying to be a smart-ass or anything. She was talking directly to me and asked if I understood what she was talking about. Which I obviously didn't as nothing she says makes any sense. If you don't just nod and agree with her, even if you don't agree with her or don't understand what she's talking about, she like gets personally offended.)

She made us play that stupid telephone game (yes, the same game you played in grade school, even though we're all like 20 years old now!) and then made us analyze where the sentence got changed. The person I whispered the sentence to didn't hear me and changed it. When she asked him why he didn't hear what I said (and only one word had even been changed anyway, not that bad when you remember how bad it got when you played that game at age 9), he said that he has problems with his hearing and doesn't hear well with that ear. But she then went on about how it was because I whispered it too quietly (the point in that game is to whisper!). Even though the sentence did get changed between two other people in the class as well, she focused solely on me in her bitching about how I don't communicate well, and how I must just not want people to hear me since I don't have anything important to say anyway.

I could go on and on, but you get the point. She also seems to be trying to turn students against each other (which is probably why she makes no secret of who her favorite is. She even admitted that she has like one favorite student in each class, who she refers to as "The One" and told this one girl that she is "the one" right in front of the entire class. She has also encouraged people to not work with the students she doesn't like - including and primarily me - when we have to work in partners or groups.)

The great thing about college is that I can drop classes, which I'm going to do today or tomorrow. I thought that I could just tough it out, but the more I think about it, I don't really see the point in toughing it out just to most likely get a failing grade for the class when I don't even really need that class anyway (I have way more than enough elective credits already). Life's too short to allow some bitter old lady to completely destroy my self-esteem. I don't even want to be an actress anyway. I only took the class because I thought learning how to act would help me with social interaction and stuff.


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11 Sep 2009, 3:37 am

From teachers, not so much direct bullying as just...dumb useless teachers.

First up: A real gem of a teacher (NOT!) who was also a counsellor. This woman seriously had NO business being a counsellor, let alone a teacher. Fortunately I only got her as a substitute a few times, but got sent down to her in the auspices of counselling rather regularly. She'd do dumbaft things like tell children "Why can't you be more like <insert name of 'perfect' child here>? When anybody with any brains or hint of common sense knows you do NOT pull crap like that on kids!

One thing that really drove me nuts about this woman is when she epic fail counselled. She was berating me for something I'd supposedly done (and I can't remember what it was) and I was giving her an explanation--it was something someone else had done that I was reacting to. She said something about "You're answering back" (as if that was a bad thing). If I had known the words WHAT THE F*** back then, I would have used them. But my reaction was pretty much that in substance if not precisely. I was like "Answering back? What are you talking about?!" I guess that was supposed to mean 'backtalk' but I don't really think so. Oh well. This teacher is the reason us kids got pulled out of that school, as my sister (NT) was having difficulty reading and this teacher was her teacher and was trying to use ridicule to fix my sister's reading problem. Uh-huh, yeah...try again lady.

Another useless t*t of a teacher was grade 8 english. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuseleeeeeeeeeeess. A nearing-retirement, stuck-up woman with a british accent. I swear to god, this teacher was one hell of a b****. But she was mostly a passive-aggressive one. At that particular time I was on antidepressants and was salivating a lot. To get rid of this extra saliva I was letting it go into the outer casing of my clear BIC pen (after having pulled the upper cap off). I didn't realize there was a vent hole near the bottom of the pen and my page I was writing on got wet. The teacher was coming around looking at everyone's work and said not exactly quietly, "Why is your paper wet?" I don't remember what came of that. But that was after two real b*tches--one homely white girl and one little azn girl who seemed to be under the white b****'s influence--were harassing me. I had a desk in the middle of the room, right where I liked it. Not too close to the front, not too far to the back. Desks weren't assigned so it was first come first serve. I do not remember the circumstances for why the little azn girl and the mean white b**** were sitting behind me, but the one girl was kicking my seat and the white girl was throwing spitballs and egging on the other girl. The teacher was very disinterestedly reading something at her own desk at the front of the room. You'd have to be blind and deaf to not notice what was going on. So I rather loudly brought it to the teacher's attention. She crankily told me to change desks...and the only other available desk was way out the edge at the front, near the door. Which I guess was fine, but I didn't want to be that far to the front. And she did nothing to the two girls.

I transferred out of this beyatch's class. The funny part? My parents had thought it was a GREAT idea to put me in 'enriched' (read: more schoolwork, i.e. MORE HOMEWORK). THere were three levels of classes: Enriched, Core, and Learning Assistance. The class I transferred into was a 'core' class because a) ENriched was a waste of frakking time and b) there was no other choice. But I was infinitely happier there. The teacher in the core class was freaking awesome. He would say to kids who did not do their homework "Shall I put you in LA LA?" And they'd go "LA LA?" "LEarning Assistance Language Arts" :lol:

There was a teacher I had in Grade One who wasn't a horrible teacher, but had her moments. One time I pretty much had to wet the carpet because she wouldn't let me go to the bathroom while she was reading from Thornton W. Burgess' "The Tale of Paddy the Beaver". When that happened she angrily whispered, "Clean it up." was HER fault...


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12 Sep 2009, 4:05 am

Long Story Short: I had a bad teacher in 5th grade and had a bad teacher last year where i am attending Junior College at. 5th grade was hell, because everyone was ordering me around saying things like "go away" when all I just wanted to ask a simple nice question or try to hang out with them, or when i was taking a long time on an assignment, they said "do your work." But when I witnessed other kids messing around, i told them to "do their work" and they were telling me to mind my own businesses. I also got falsely accused for things that i didn't even do and when the teacher witnessed the problem, they were about 5-10 people falsely accuseing me for something i didnt even do and the teacher believed them.


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12 Sep 2009, 4:31 am

FreeSpirit2000 wrote:
Long Story Short: I had a bad teacher in 5th grade and had a bad teacher last year where i am attending Junior College at. 5th grade was hell, because everyone was ordering me around saying things like "go away" when all I just wanted to ask a simple nice question or try to hang out with them, or when i was taking a long time on an assignment, they said "do your work." But when I witnessed other kids messing around, i told them to "do their work" and they were telling me to mind my own businesses. I also got falsely accused for things that i didn't even do and when the teacher witnessed the problem, they were about 5-10 people falsely accuseing me for something i didnt even do and the teacher believed them.

Also, last year, at the Junior College I go to, i came into class 2 minutes late, and the teacher asked me my name. I answered her as clear and punctual as possible, and she made me repeat myself 5 times. Another thing was that we had to fill out a survey and there was this question asking "What accomadations do you need?" I written that i need extra time on tests and homework assignments. Then when we were done and she asked me out loud infront of the class What Disability I Had and I simply said, "That's a Personal Question." Due to the place and time she asked the question. When she was doing attendance, she misspelled my name, and I told her "Can You Please Spelll It Correctly" and she misspelled it wrong again and i reminded her again and she accused me of being a "Smart Alec" when she didn't recognize how much she was getting on my nerves or either she was just trying to intentionally piss me off. This person literally could have been able to hold Guiness Book Of World Records award for most annoying person for what she was doing to me constantly that day. I'm sure if she was doing the same thing to an NT, the NT would have literally beaten the crap out her regardless of the severe consequences. After that i just dropped off the class.


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12 Sep 2009, 4:32 am

There was another teacher...he was nice but INCOMPENTENT...He didnt have a clue in what he was doing or how to handle certain situations.....He did however learn to do so....AFTER I made him do so...Several of his markers mysteriously walked away from the class (one of my special pay attention to whats going on lessons).... :P

Honour over deciet, merit over luck, courage over popularity, duty over entitlement...dont let the cliques fool you for they have no honour...only superficial deceit.



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16 Aug 2010, 10:05 am

There was one time when I was at school and a female (sad to say, as you'll soon see) teacher bullied me, by telling me that I was not allowed to go to the loo after I had a (mild) meltdown when another kid hit me.

As I always did back then the kid got his just desurts!! !

After I was told off, I went and grabbed her round the neck and started to try and strangle her (I think I hit her a few times too) as I yelled that wanted to kill her.

After I caimed down she was scared stiff and was in a state of shock for quite sometimes afterwards.

You may think that I was wrong to do this but she was also a pedo as there was one time when I was ill and she begin to thuch me inapprparetly. (Happly not on the privet areas but it was still in an exploitve manner) and so got less than she desvered.

Goodbye Till Next Time


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17 Aug 2010, 9:52 pm

d057 wrote:
Cicely wrote:
When I was in 9th grade one of my teachers caught me skipping a pep rally (technically those are optional, even though everyone is expected to go) because all the noise would cause me sensory overload to the point where I'd have an anxiety attack. He yelled at me to go to the pep rally and actually followed me in and watched me the whole time so I had to stay there, which teachers are allowed to do with students who are misbehaving. I wasn't misbehaving; I was just sitting outside and reading. I had a horrible anxiety attack at the pep rally, of course. He told me to "knock it off" and was really mean about it, but whenever he saw me skipping a rally after that he just made some comment about my lack of school spirit and left me alone.

I hate pep ralleys! They are extremely noisy, and I could care less about the football games, my high schools football team sucks ass anyways, so why should I care? The football players in my school are arrogant asswholes who only care about themselves, and they show no talent in football whatsoever. The last time my school had a pep ralley, I went to the office and asked my mom to come and pick me up. Our gym has awful sound in it, and everything echoes really loudly. why couldnt you explain to him that the noise bothers your ears? he hopefully would understand after that.

Yeah. Pep rallies would be great is a real , quiet music group (orchestra) would play instead of the fscking band. Pep rallies are a compromise between sitting in the front (so I can see) and sitting in the back (to save my eardrums). Also, there is that fscking teacher who won't let me get decent reading material into the rally as its "disrecpectful" (which appears to be schollspeak for "I don't like it.")