atindo wrote:
I am getting quite often reminded that I do need to write comments. I tend to zone out for a while and then write pages of code in a few hour sitting. With math, my problem was if I get the correct answer then why do I need to show the rest. I actually changed my major in college due to my incompatibility with math classes.
If you program in the real world, other people will need to use your code. Giving your colleagues a large pile of uncommented code and then expecting them to wade through it to figure out what you're doing is rude and disrespectful.
As to math... well, it's been a while since I've taken a math class that was as trivial as simple calculations that they wanted us to show. If they're asking you to compute an integral and you skipped a step or two, I can sympathize, that sort of thing is a waste of time. In higher-level math classes they usually ask you to prove something or other, and a proof that skips steps is not a proof at all.