Anyone ever threatened with suspension?

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02 Feb 2011, 12:44 pm

My brother got in trouble once when he wrote "I bet you do not even read these papers and only give me an C any ways" in the essay part of a test. when he go the paper back it had a note saying "Not only do I read them I also show them to other teaches. we all would like a word with you" they all yelled at him for writing something so dumb and hurtful. Most teachers he says could not stop laughing.

Who says I only have one mind?

Emu Egg
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07 Feb 2011, 4:56 pm

I was threatened with a suspension when I started a petition to get a kid kicked out of school.


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07 Feb 2011, 8:13 pm

Wow, a lot of those schools sound really really strict. My schools were much more lenient. At least the system was, the teachers could be mean, but they never threatened to get you suspended since it was nearly impossible to do due to the education laws. I was pretty good until the second year of college, by the time I was hit that I decided teachers were only deserving of respect if they reciprocated. Or at least didn't act like bullying aholes. Some teacher accused me of having 'issues with authority', but I was a perfect polite little angel with the teachers who were decent. And didn't think teaching physics meant as lying on top of the teacher's table gossiping about last week's awesome party with the cute popular girls in the front row for 30 minutes out of a 40 minute class. :roll:

Oh, I did attack a bully out of the blue from behind in a hall full of students and he got into trouble for it. I told the truth about what happened, I'm sure he and the other kids did as well. But hey, the guy had a known history of attacking me in less open areas, the kids had a known history of letting him, so the teachers kept telling me I didn't have to lie for him so he wouldn't hurt me as much. This time they'd really take care of it since it was such an escalation to happen right out in the hall like that. All that torment and finally I got the little bastard suspended by doing to him what he did to me. :lol:

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16 Jun 2011, 5:40 pm

I never had much trouble before since I always swallowed up when younger, but in middle school I was bullied for a long period until I finally punched his face and then I got in trouble for the first time in detention. I'm currently in a "catholic high school", they are just nonsense... I have got a warning because of a fight with a bully. I was bleeding and he was not, but still they treated me with injustice. Got another warning because I closed the door too strongly, it said: "caught vandalizing school property", btw the door is ok!

Today I finally got a suspension because me and some other 3 were planning to get the wifi pass of the school. The teacher left the class for while and left his notebook in the table; I just opened it, and because of a mistake from the other 2 who weren't looking well at the hall, the teacher came in rapidly and I got caught...


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16 Jun 2011, 9:29 pm

I've been in suspension...3 times!

First time: 6th grade

Story: It was "wear your santa-hat to school day" everyone in our class wore santa hats. Mind you, our school system where I live, has the 6th-graders still in elementary school. So, we were all lined up for P.E. This really annoying boy named Mitch was standing behind me. To annoy me, he started playing with the ball on the hat. Then, it came off. Of course, I was annoyed, and there was nothing I could do about it I forgave. Then, we went inside. We were having a free day, and I decided to play basketball: horse. A few other of us (including Mitch) lined up and took turns. I guess I wasn't going fast enough, and he threw his basketball at my head. But, he didn't get in trouble. No. The P.E. teacher told me to take a "time-out" and cool down, because now I was genuinely annoyed. Later on in the day, around lunch, I decided I wanted to fix my santa hat. Of course, what was I, a 6th grader who knew the tiny main building like the back of my hand...I shouldn't have been wandering around trying to find a teacher who would fix my hat with a glue gun. Freedom? What freedom. But, I didn't know it was wrong. None of the teachers, until the bell rang, said to go back to lunch. I go to class, (where there is a sub, the sub that hates my guts for some random reason). I sit and mind my own business. We get some free time to talk and work on an art project, and Mitch starts talking. I must have said something to my friend that he thought was stupid because he started making fun of me. That was it! I was angry! I had just picked up the habit of swearing, and I did so under my breath. Welllll, the sub heard me, and that was the end of the line.

Second time: 7th grade

Story: This was pretty innocent, and it doesn't start at school. It is a tuesday afternoon, and I am bored. What do I do? I decide to explore the wonderland that is our garage, and find hidden treasures. Buried somewhere in the cabinets is a pocket knife. Eh, it's pretty cool, it makes the cut to stay in my jeans. The next day, I decide to wear the same pair because I don't have any other clean ones at the moment. I get to about third hour and I see that I have it still in my pocket. I think to myself: "Wow , I am so cool, I snuck a pocketknife into school." Lunch comes, and of course I want to show my friends. But not in public, as soon as I am in the girls bathroom, I show one of my particularly loud friends. "YOU HAVE A POCKETKNIFE, OH MY GOSH!" After a smack to my forehead, i leave the bathroom, the bell rings and the guard asks to see my backpack. Clean. Empty your pockets....doh!

Final time: 7th grade

Story: I am pretty athletic. But I didn't used to be. Not that I was fat or anything, I just wasn't strong, I was normal...or so I thought. I am in P.E. and we are getting ready to get into swimming, Wait! An advantage! I used to take swim lessons when I was 7/8 years old. I may not remember a lot, but I can't be the worst swimmer here: wrong. 10 people make advanced, the smaller part of the majority makes intermediate-advanced, the larger part make intermediate, 10-20 people make intermediate-beginner...guess who makes beginner? Me, and 2 mexican kid's (not racist, but I don't know spanish, so can't talk to them about the lameness) This all sorting out happening in front of over 100 kids because it is all the boys and girls that have P.E. that hour. Ok, ok, there is something wrong...but I am a reasonable person. I will find out what, fix it, and move up. I asked the teacher, ok, I need to work on these strokes. "You're doing better, better, you've got it".."can I move up" reply. Soon the mexican girl moves up, then the guy. I try to ask. The teacher doesn't answer, despite working with me everyday. By now I am pissed. The mature response: ditch P.E. and make them feel bad. So, I hide out in the showers (mind you, I have ditched before and nobody has noticed) and stay as silent as a rock. I can hear them searching for me. They pass right by me, I can hear the, they went through and couldn't find me (because I am that good at hiding)..."we will expel"......"craaaaaaaaaaaap" I come out and accept the consequences of suspension. Lame.

Oh, and I have been threatened for the following things:
Wanting to go to the bathroom when it was pouring rain outside
Wearing a pink, yes, that is pink, bandana
Talking out of turn
and other things I can't remember right now

Don't have the greatest of track record with authority...they either love me (did I mention, I've been a teacher's pet several times) or hate me (I can still see my 7th grade math teacher two inches away from my face, hands on my desk, screaming at the top of her lungs).


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21 Jun 2011, 7:42 am

wow... your guys are awesome.... XD
the trouble i got into is not doing homework and detention for being late ( but it was the bus =))

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21 Jun 2011, 7:57 am

I was expelled.


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22 Jun 2011, 5:18 pm

I got suspended all the time when trying to defend myself from bullies. I would even act up in order TO get suspended. My mom would make me do workbooks and other school related activites but I didn't care. I was safe from bullies. Eventualy the school gave me an in school suspenion but it was just me and a teacher who was supposed to babysit me. She just let me draw pictures all day and my regualr teacher had me write about my special intrests. Some punishment. They eventualy sent me back to my regualr classroom about an hour or so before school was over. I enjoyed my in school suspension. The school year was almost over anyway and the next year my parents homeschooled me.

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22 Jun 2011, 8:53 pm

I got threatened with suspension for apparently 'hacking' my school's computers in middle school. It was kind of stupid really, the school had a firewall that blocked a bunch of sites but I just setup a computer at my house that I could browse to and view blocked websites (a proxy if you will). I got a detention for it and I guess it went on my 'permanent record' (what is that?) and if I was ever caught doing anything wrong on the school district's computers again I would be suspended and also not be allowed to use any school computers anymore. It was all pretty stupid because I didn't hack anything and I didn't really do anything wrong... whatever.

In high school I had an intern teacher teaching my english class. On the first day of class she said how we would have to write journal entries everyday and she would give us a topic. She also told us we could just write whatever we want, like why we didn't like the topic, etc. So I would generally write some sort of critique her chosen topic or lecture and at the end of the week we would turn them in and she would respond to my critiques defending herself. I thought we were just engaging in general debate, but apparently I was making her extremely frustrated. I didn't really realize this until one day I was checking my grade at the door (she said we had to do this before we sat down) and the bell rang. She just started yelling at me for not being seated, and I tried to explain how her rule conflicted with me being seated before I checked my grade. She just said something like 'I don't care' so then I called her a nasty choice word that I wont repeat here. :o The thing is I didn't even get a detention or anything that time, the supervising teacher just told me to go study in the library for the class period. The next day the intern apologized to me and the whole class... looking back I probably should have apologized too. :roll:

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23 Jun 2011, 7:52 pm

i was loads of times, sometimes threatened for expulsion, because the teachers confused my aspergers for a drug problem. every one of my teachers seriously thought i was a pot head!


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23 Jun 2011, 10:38 pm

Thirty or forty times across my school career, varying from half a day to two weeks. I got a week for going home when the teaching staff ignored my pleas for help when I was getting bullied, and half a day for throwing a table at a teacher. Skewed priorities? :?

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24 Jun 2011, 6:37 pm

I was a "goody two-shoes" until grade 6.

In grades 6, 7, and 8, I was in detention about once every few weeks,
mainly for not paying attention during classtime.

During my high school years, I kept my nose clean.

As for suspension, since I started at a community college in the
Fall of 2008, I have been threatened with suspension at least twice
for academic issues.

Suspension at my school is one year.
Beginning in September, it will change to only one term.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

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12 Jul 2011, 11:49 am

I've been suspended once. It's fun. My family wasn't even cross with me really, so I just watched Jonathan Creek and ate custard creams.

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14 Jul 2011, 12:35 pm

i was suppossed to be but didnt

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22 Jul 2011, 3:48 pm

I have been suspended 5 times, and I still have 3 years to go. Mostly for fighting, I never understood that the other person wasn't being serious. They've pressed charges only once, and it was ignored. Mostly, I did have to do community service. But this was before I was diagnosed, so people just thought I was weird, or that I had anger issues. I guess I kind of do though...

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03 Feb 2015, 10:33 am

I got ISS in 3rd grade (and 2 whacks with a paddle) for disrupting the class.
I got ISS in 8th grade for disagreeing with the teacher on evolution.
I got my only OSS also in 8th grade for telling another teacher to teach language arts for once and stop talking about Obama.
My 8th grade school was terrible and shut down 2 years later because of how bad it was.