What classes did you fail in High School?

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19 Jul 2011, 2:06 am

I failed my second semester of high school chemistry. I was very, very lucky to have taken and passed three other lab science classes, because you had to have three years' worth of lab science to graduate. I got an A in biology that same semester.


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20 Jul 2011, 6:34 pm

Linear Algebra


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20 Jul 2011, 6:38 pm

I have no idea how many classes I've failed by now. Somewhere between 2 and 5 semesters worth, mostly English and US Government. It's interesting that Aspies have problems with Science and Math, to me that seems what they should be best at, but all evidence I've seen shows otherwise. :chin:


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21 Jul 2011, 11:34 pm

Algebra was my downfall. I could do geometry and Trig, but algebra was 45 minutes of hell per day. I slept though science and history courses and got As. I didn't do well in grammar courses but I survived literature, even if I didn't read the books.


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23 Jul 2011, 1:04 am

When I was in high school (80-83) junior high certificate (year 10) used a 1-7 grading system. 1= clinically brain dead; 7= potential genius.

I got 4s in two subjects. Everything else was less, with a 1 in business principles. Funny thing is, I don't think it was an intelligence issue. As I look back, and I consider myself now, an owner of a larger personal collection of books than the library in the nearest town, I think the issues were discipline, focus, procrastination and an inability to make a decision that I will stick with.

assumption makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'mption'.

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23 Jul 2011, 1:24 am

So far I've failed Algebra 2, Spanish 2(I failed the first semester then got an A for the second) World History(I failed the first semester, then got a B second semester) PE( first semester then got a D on the second) and Chemistry(Failed the first semester then got a D on the second)

I was really depressed, and had lots of anxiety about school for the first semester of sophomore year.

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06 Aug 2011, 9:21 am

I think I failed more than one class but I'm having a hard time remembering now. I know I failed Algebra 1-2 on two separate occasions though. The first time was in 8th grade (at this point I was one year ahead of my peers). We were graded on trimesters and for some stupid reason (because we were advanced?) a C or higher was considered passing. I remember it came down to me having a 69.7% and the teacher (notoriously mean and who my mom really liked) wouldn't round me up to a C to pass. Then Freshman year I took a computer algebra course and did great the first semester and most of the second but I started to struggle with some concepts during second semester and since it was computer based with no mandatory homework I never studied in any way. I don't know if I flat out failed the final or not but I did bad enough that I had to repeat again. The next year I took Geometry even though I had failed Algebra 1-2 because I had already signed up for geometry. I did fine in geometry. My Junior year I took algebra 1-2 for the third time. By this point I knew most of the material very well and spent significant portions of class sleeping. I got 100% on the final this time and was the first male student that teacher had ever had ace the final. It only took me three tries.

I never felt like I really struggled with math that much I've just always hated homework and had a hard time with doing it no matter what class I was taking or what my motivation was. When my parents told me I couldn't start playing ice hockey (which I wanted to do more than anything) unless I kept my grades up, I couldn't. I just don't negotiate like that and making that sort of offer with me always means I will be completely demotivated. Of course, it only hurts me but I can't seem to change that personal trait. Even now at work I'm not getting as many sales as I'm supposed to and the more pressure they put on me the less motivated I am and the worse I do.


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06 Aug 2011, 11:14 am

I didn't fail any subject but that's just because where I live you can't fail subjects and go on with the semester if you fail one subject you fail all subjects for one specific semester automatically.
But I was almost at the edge since I got frequently terrible marks for maths, physics and P.E. .

I see many failed Maths and P.E. ....intresting.


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06 Aug 2011, 11:34 am

In the Netherlands, you get grades on a 1-10 scale. 6 is a pass. I got one 5 in high school, for arts or handicraft or whatever the English term is. It didn't matter at all, though. I did not have to take the subject for longer than one year.

"Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant. " -Socrates
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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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14 Aug 2011, 7:23 am

I've never failed any state examinations but I nearly failed Music. It was kind of funny because I got an A in it in the first year but I had no interest in it so I let myself nearly fail. I got a D. :) That takes tallent in my school xD

I failed maths and science nearly every year (summer tests) apart from the state examinations where I got an A in ordinary level maths and a B in Higher level Science.

I failed French and German in first year and gave both up. Again, I had no interest and I found it challenging because of the spellings etc. It's odd though because I'm an A student in English.

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18 Aug 2011, 11:31 am

I didn't fail anything, but math and physics was very difficult to me.

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24 Jul 2016, 2:16 pm

I got a D in Spanish 1 because I was out of school for 3 months. I was attending a special ed school during that time that I determined was a terrible fit for me, so I transferred back to my original High School. I took the class again over the summer and got an A.

Other than that, I got 6 A's, 13 B's, and 5 C's in High School (6 courses each year for 4 years, excluding Period 7 Study Hall).


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25 Jul 2016, 7:32 pm

The only course I failed was Social Studies 10, because I skipped it a lot and slacked off in it. I ended up with a C+ in it in the end.

From grades 9-12, I got 5 A's, 14 B's, 4 C+'s, a C and a C-. The C- was in math 9 and the C was in Socials 10.


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30 Jul 2016, 11:22 am

I failed art for being 'too creative'. :?

I failed music because I stupidly opted to take music class before finding out how hard it was.

I failed maths and science because I've always struggled with those two (plus IT).

I passed english, although didn't get as high as an A but I still got a got a good grade.


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30 Jul 2016, 2:49 pm

Greetings. I am going into grade 12, and fear of getting low marks this year. I only will do bad if I get too stressed, then I procrastinate, get really high levels of anxiety, OCD levels skyrocket. I just get bad. Even though I was stressed in grade 11 for one semester because the guidance councillor wasn't (?) able to get me into another class without dropping a subject I wanted to take (computer science, law). So I "dealt with it", ended up getting horrible handwashing OCD, several panic attacks, usually 1-3 a week (expected and unexpected), and just worn out from stress and lack of sleep. I didn't fail any courses though. Didn't do bad either, but I worked myself too hard for my brain.

Anyways, about marks, Ontario Canada for high school works in a percentage system, ranging from 0-100%. My lowest high school mark was 77% in biology (with 70s being in the "normal" range), and my highest mark was a 97%. I almost had a 98%, but dropped a percent because of exam. The biology mark was lower than normal because it was during my grade 11 first semester time (see above story), and the teacher sucked for me. She said "don't take notes" and would get students in trouble if they took notes. Bad on my part. Should have made notes. Plus, it is a memorization course, and since I have memory problems (my LD), it is a lot harder for me to memorize than the "average person". So a lot of factors went against my mark for this course.

One thing though, I did (and still do) get a lot of accommodations. Since I have ASD, LD, and anxiety disorders, I fit three of the eleven (one category is "multiple", but the person I go through doesn't want me with this category so teachers know I have these specific issues). If you are curious on this, here is a link:
http://www.peopleforeducation.ca/faq/wh ... onalities/
The accommodations, honestly, help me be able to function and do well though.

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 148 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 60 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)

Dx Autism Spectrum Disorder - Level 1, learning disability - memory and fine motor skills, generalized and social anxiety disorder
Unsure if diagnosed with OCD and/or depression, but were talked about with my old/former pdoc and doctor.

Criteria for my learning disability is found at this link:


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01 Aug 2016, 5:16 pm

all of them at one time lol