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14 Feb 2011, 3:01 am

Since we have a different system, it's a bit hard to describe..

Year 7-9 (ages 13-15) was probably the worst part of my life. The gymnasium on the other hand has, during the half year or so that I've been here, been the best part of my life.. excluding the unhappy love. :roll:


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15 Feb 2011, 11:02 pm

I hated the fact that my school was Catholic and I wasted a lot of time learning about Catholicism,religion should be your own decision,not forced upon you. I liked ditching class to go to the beach though! :lol:


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16 Feb 2011, 1:10 am

yes i dont look back too fondly on high school. except for marching band, high school was hell on earth for about 85% of the time. i put up with a lot of s**t and i wasnt friends w anybody in my class of 350 people. i think its funny now that since the 10 year reunion is happening in a few months, everyone from the preps to the dumbasses to the as*holes to the sluts to the losers are being nice to eachother and saying "hey i hope everyone is doing well" and other broad niceties . BS. you dont remember much of me in high school and i dont remember much of you either. there are probably half a dozen to a dozen people i wouldnt mind seeing again, but for the vast majority...they can continue being the little f*****g as*holes as adults. oh people say dont be so upset about them being nice and they have matured and s**t, BS its the fact that i know i dont give a damn about them and they dont give a damn about me, so why play the game?

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16 Feb 2011, 1:36 pm

I had the biggest ego boost of my life in high school, which was grades 10-12 in my district. 9th grade was in junior high with the 8th graders. Our 9th grade GPA counted towards high school, but we were unable to participate in most of the activities that the high schoolers could do and had stricter rules. It was basically middle school on steroids. I had an aide follow me from 6th grade through the first month of sophomore year, and in 9th grade I was also pulled out of classes to be in an ASD social skills group. (ASAN founder Ari Ne'eman was in the grade below me) I didn't like havin someone go around the school with me because then it was obvious that I had a problem. 9th grade was one of my least favorite school years.

When I got to high school as a sophomore, I had a much better attitude and felt more grown up, so they ditched the aide stalking me early into that school year. Like I said, my ego went through the roof and I got the best grades of my high school career. What really made my experience memorable was when I joined Drama Club on a one-off chance because the spring musical they did looked interesting. It was one of the best decisions I ever made because so many people were so friendly to me and were available to talk with. I also fell in love for the first time.

In high school, I found my niche and I still keep in touch with some people that I met there.


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17 Feb 2011, 5:45 am

The only decent thing I found about high school, back in 1996 when I never owned a pc and the school had a lab full of them running windows 3.11/95 :D


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17 Feb 2011, 10:09 pm

bigbadbeast2007 wrote:
The only decent thing I found about high school, back in 1996 when I never owned a pc and the school had a lab full of them running windows 3.11/95 :D


remember those computers with those big ass 5" floppies with Oregon Trail in the late 80s /early 90s. and remember when Encarta Encylopedia was the greatest most up to date with 30 second videos too!


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17 Feb 2011, 11:03 pm

Musicprophets wrote:
bigbadbeast2007 wrote:
The only decent thing I found about high school, back in 1996 when I never owned a pc and the school had a lab full of them running windows 3.11/95 :D


remember those computers with those big ass 5" floppies with Oregon Trail in the late 80s /early 90s. and remember when Encarta Encylopedia was the greatest most up to date with 30 second videos too!

with a whopping 256 colour resolution too!! :lol:

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07 Aug 2011, 7:14 am

KBerg wrote:
Hate is somewhat mild word for what I felt at the time. While there I fantasized almost every day about locking all the exits and setting fire to the building, then sitting outside and just listening to everyone in there die screaming (except for a few select teachers and 4 of my fellow students I liked). Unlike my fellow students I had too strong morals views against doing harm to others to ever seriously consider doing anything like that. Now I want to just not have to go there to vote, every time they hold elections the voting places are in that place. My father's values run too strong in me, I can't not vote, but I feel stupid, weak, and exposed just going in that building to do it and always have to get myself some treat so it doesn't drag my mood down.


My high school was designed by a prison designer, and the people in there sure acted like there were inmates. And the teachers wanted in on the whole popularity society thing, too. They would call students sluts.


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07 Aug 2011, 1:37 pm

Yes. I got horrible grades, which led to a lot of trouble with my parents. The vast majority of my teachers were pricks who didn't deserve to breathe. I was an outsider with no friends and a constant target of rich, cool, popular as*holes who loved to torment people like me. A group of homophobic jackasses who were in many of my classes found out I was gay, which just made things worse. And in the final year, I was in the hospital for a month because of stomach problems, and one of my teachers failed me for the entire semester instead of letting me make up the work I missed. The principal was not sympathetic to me, and they wanted me to repeat a grade. I had to drop out and get a GED to avoid that. I don't even like being near a school, and the experience turned me off of the idea of college forever. Why spend thousands of dollars to go through the same BS and get screwed over again? School is just a horrible memory that I would love to repress into a blur of nothingness.


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07 Aug 2011, 4:01 pm

Freshman year: awful
Sophomore year: somewhat sucky
Junior year: best year so far

Remember, all atrocities begin in a sensible place.

Tufted Titmouse
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07 Aug 2011, 5:47 pm

I guess I'm going to elaborate.

I absolutely despise America's current public education system. It is so beyond f****d up. A lot of people's brains simply aren't wired for it. They can still be brilliant and brighter than most of the students, but not get good grades. Sometimes this is because school, home or both aren't good environments and they can't work, and sometimes they do all the work but simply can't focus or do it "the right way". And getting bad grades will then affect their future and they won't get scholarships, etc. Not to mention that any teacher can (and most will) just fail you if they don't like you. A lot of the teachers I've experienced are just older high school children that haven't grown up. Whereas we were BORN beyond that level of immaturity...And like Jory said, they don't care if you absolutely can't come. They'll just try to waste your life even more with another grade, or you could get a GED which is just as good, but a lot of people don't view it that way.

Really, the point of school isn't learning. The point is for popular c***s to just assemble and inflict chaos upon the less worthy. The apathy of staff all across the USA goes so far that I would even say they encourage it. I never wore any good clothes to school because I didn't want to have such things in a place where such wrong and filthy activity happened. It just didn't feel right, like I'd ruin them.

To say nothing of PE classes, where people can really act like the true barbarians they are...

I can not begin to describe how much hate I have for the public school system. I'd really just like to think my education begins with Uni.


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08 Aug 2011, 4:44 am

I enjoyed parts of high school, like band/orchestra classes and biology. Most of high school was a waste of time because I had no interest in class and I didn't have the capability to develop my social skills the way most people do. I did that in college instead. I ended up graduating high school a year early and starting college at 17 because I was honestly bored.

I wish high school were set up more like college. There should be some basic required classes, but I think rather than taking four (long, torturous) years of English composition/literature, for example, you should take classes on reading and writing skills and then be able to demonstrate 12th grade-level competence on a test or something and then take further classes if it's something you're really interested in. You should be able to tailor your high school years to help you toward a greater goal, either in the workforce or in higher education. Some high schools do this to an extent but I wish it were bigger.


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09 Aug 2011, 11:11 am

I liked and disliked high school.

The liking came from getting good grades and being on a sports team.

The disliking came from having no friends and no life.

Go die in a ditch if you're a b*tch, if you're a jerk, go to work, if you're just mean, flee the scene, and if you're rude, go ahead and intrude because you're probably just like me.

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09 Aug 2011, 4:09 pm

I hated high school. Hated it. I was an isolated, introverted nerd who was far behind most of his peers physically and socially but probably somewhat advanced intellectually.


I'm now 32, and 80% of my closest friends are people I have been friends with since high school. Seems isolated introverted nerds stick together in the long run.


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09 Aug 2011, 6:09 pm

TheCaityCat wrote:
I wish high school were set up more like college. There should be some basic required classes, but I think rather than taking four (long, torturous) years of English composition/literature, for example, you should take classes on reading and writing skills and then be able to demonstrate 12th grade-level competence on a test or something and then take further classes if it's something you're really interested in. You should be able to tailor your high school years to help you toward a greater goal, either in the workforce or in higher education. Some high schools do this to an extent but I wish it were bigger.

I agree.

I'm actually fine with high school right now. It's better than middle school. There are fewer bullies and more opportunities to take classes. But I think there should be more choices in classes so students can take what they really want to take. I think the main problem with this is the number of people who don't care about school. These people just want to get through the day or just have fun with their friends. I hated my English class because almost everybody in the class didn't care about the schoolwork and just wanted to talk to their friends. Fortunately, I switched to an English Honors class in the middle of the year. :D

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16 Aug 2011, 2:25 pm

i hated high school.

Last edited by orionnebula on 16 Aug 2011, 11:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.