Other students can be such a pain

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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10 Aug 2011, 8:01 pm

Let me begin by saying I'm just looking to vent a little steam and see if anyone has had similar experiences. I don't want criticism, constructive or otherwise. Has anyone else noticed how very irritating other students in your classes can be. I was "gifted" with the opportunity to go to a high school where every student is a poser and they all behave like they're four. They have no respect for the rules. Some of the student's in a class I was taking even took it upon themselves to plan an in-class party without the teacher's permission. They chatter constantly about irritating things. They refuse to be quiet both in class and in the library. They have the nerve to refer to the librarians as b****es when they tell them to be quiet. They insist on dressing like gang banger thugs and hos. They constantly talk about drinking and doing drugs. They even have the nerve to bring illicit substances to school and use them on campus. I really hate my fellow adolescents.


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10 Aug 2011, 8:11 pm

I am thirty, so it has been a while since I have been in a high school setting, but I figured I would reply. I have two godchildren who are currently in high school. the things kids do today simply astonishes me. yeah when I went to school there were drugs and fights, but people basically still respected authority. and now that is gone.

this is why our society is going to hell. I fear for the future.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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10 Aug 2011, 8:14 pm

Too true.


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10 Aug 2011, 10:30 pm

High school is a miserable place for Aspies and even some NTs in some schools- I say take the exit exam and study your interests on your own. You can always enroll in a community college at 18 and then transfer to a university later. High school (for me early 1990s) were by far and away the worst years of my life.

Tufted Titmouse
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11 Aug 2011, 1:33 pm

Yes, our world is truly ending. Natural disasters right after the other, each year getting hotter, wars, genocide, and most of all, the utter unintelligence and lack of morals that the current generation has. The very face of them can be seen as people setting fire to buildings in England just because they can. I wanted to kill them all in high school last year. I was so depressed. Everyone thought I was nothing because I actually had intelligence and respect for myself and others.


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13 Aug 2011, 7:22 am

Thank you everyone for putting in words the frustration I felt at many classmates all through school! (To be fair, there were people who looked out for me and did little things to make my life easier.)

I was the target of a group of bullies in secondary school. This school has an affiliated primary school, such that more than half of the cohort, including those bullies, comes from this primary school. I entered at the secondary level from another primary school. Being an outsider and being on the spectrum gave them two reasons to target me.

They laughed at me for singing the national anthem at assembly because nobody else was. I told my teacher, who told me, "You sing the national anthem because you are proud of your country. There's nothing to be ashamed of for doing that."

On a side note, I just left a job where the boss, being fully aware of my situation, was making life more and more difficult for me although she seemed understanding initially. I had a nightmare where this boss became a teacher at this school and assigned me to the same camp dormitory as the bullies. She then told us to put our things on our beds and go bathe within a specific period of time. I knew that if I went to bathe in the very crowded bathroom I would likely be bullied out of a chance to bathe, and the bullies would probably dump my stuff and take my bed in the meantime. Just as I was wondering what to do, the dream ended. Whew!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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13 Aug 2011, 8:16 am

I'm quite sorry to hear that. I suppose I should consider myself lucky because I've rarely been on the receiving end of the other student's negativity. In fact it seems that people like me despite the fact that I barely talk to them.


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13 Aug 2011, 9:53 pm

ACerulean wrote:
I'm quite sorry to hear that. I suppose I should consider myself lucky because I've rarely been on the receiving end of the other student's negativity. In fact it seems that people like me despite the fact that I barely talk to them.

It's great to hear that there are still many kind people out there. :D


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13 Aug 2011, 11:16 pm

And it's things like this that convince me that I really am from a different species of human.

Remember, all atrocities begin in a sensible place.


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13 Aug 2011, 11:34 pm

It happens in Adult Education classes, too. I'm in my fifties, and some of the other guys in my networking class behaved much like those in the OP did. When I told them that I had come there for an education and not to observe their antics, they insulted me, threatened me, called me names ... et cetera ...

The instructor reported their behavior, and I backed him up; a few were expelled from the class, but the rest continued their harassment at a lower level while I focused on my studies. Most of them failed the mid-term, while I scored the third-highest. After the mid-term results were posted (and the class grew smaller), some of the remaining harassers had the nerve to suggest that I tutor them, give copies of my notes to them, or even do their assignments for them - and do it all for free!

Whatta buncha low-life losers!

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14 Aug 2011, 2:56 am

Fnord wrote:
Most of them failed the mid-term, while I scored the third-highest. After the mid-term results were posted (and the class grew smaller), some of the remaining harassers had the nerve to suggest that I tutor them, give copies of my notes to them, or even do their assignments for them - and do it all for free!

Oh that happened to me in primary school too. We were put in groups for group work and other activities. For a social studies project, the bullies in my group left most of the work to me.

After a while the form teacher reshuffled some of the groupings and I was assigned to another group, away from the bullies. They asked a girl I was on better terms with to tell me to "go, but leave whatever research you have done for (us)". 8O

Emu Egg
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15 Aug 2011, 1:18 pm

Hi I'm Trey, I am almost 12.
When I lived near Lake Erie, not too far from Cedar Point 8) , but at school, I had some friends, but some had nerve, in 2nd grade, when we had pajama day, I took a couple of stuffed dogs of Lucky and Penny, but after I went up for something, LUCKY WAS GONE :evil: ! !!

By 4th grade I had an enemy who was a friend of my best friend who was very humorous, and a very nasty teacher who would call students names like "knuklehead" and harass us... especally me because I'm not the best in math, and a few 6th graders asked if "I liked boys :?: 8O

Last year I moved to central Ohio with my mom because she got married to my dad because he's local here...which ment I was moving down here for fith grade "which means new friends..." :?: ...............THAT TURNED OUT BAD!! ! People left me out of games, lied to me that they had "arranged seating" so I wouldn't sit near them [because I had a friend who sat there], call me names , tell me the F-word :cry: , and at gym people wouldn't let me join their group our "gym teacher" gave us activities for. One day, he [for once], he gave me a group that unfortanatly had my enemy in it, and he had the nerve to tell me "get in MY way..."as a threat, and when we were playing against another team, instead it was an arguement because they wanted to dump me on the other team. The gym teacher would do nothing and once even said "It's not my problem.", and eventually I would ask if I could stay in the classroom, but NOW he would listen and would say "It's more fun here, so you would rather be here." ,... well if I could stay, that means 15 or 30min away from all those idiots.
...Gym class was very miserable :cry: .

Except A few I give credit to who were kind and were WILLING to help :D

Now I will go to a differant school were my dad knows its princepal who sounds very kind :D


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16 Aug 2011, 5:39 am

Hi Trey, hope things will be better for you in your current school.


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19 Aug 2011, 12:45 pm

Fnord wrote:
It happens in Adult Education classes, too. I'm in my fifties, and some of the other guys in my networking class behaved much like those in the OP did. When I told them that I had come there for an education and not to observe their antics, they insulted me, threatened me, called me names ... et cetera ...

The instructor reported their behavior, and I backed him up; a few were expelled from the class, but the rest continued their harassment at a lower level while I focused on my studies. Most of them failed the mid-term, while I scored the third-highest. After the mid-term results were posted (and the class grew smaller), some of the remaining harassers had the nerve to suggest that I tutor them, give copies of my notes to them, or even do their assignments for them - and do it all for free!

Whatta buncha low-life losers!
You took the words right out of my mouth.

I was bullied in grade school and jr high, but, high school wasn't too bad (except for some annoying cheerleader-type... my English teacher, not another student). Going to college wasn't any better... until I started taking night classes rather than day classes. There were still slacker jerks (one guy used to make fun of me and the other female in the class... then, when he realized I was scoring better than him on our work, he asked me to DO HIS FOR HIM. 8O Oh, not for free, no... my payment... would be a date with him?!?!? 8O :x WTF does he think he is thinking THAT would be a reward for me?!?!? JERK!) :evil:

I finished my associate's degree and had to pause my education for five years or so. Now night classes at a more expensive school are SO much better. Most of the students are great and just like me, working parents who actually value the education.

There are some who don't take it seriously, but, the teachers ignore them or kick them out. It's been a fantastic experience. A different school can make a world of difference.