I went to an AS college, and it was hell. Half of them were horrible people, and bullied the more affected ones, and one would push me everytime I was in his way. There was a fight there, and one of the guys who was expelled for the fight, force-kissed this aspie girl. The other guy would bully people and kept taking the piss out of my mum for being fat. Another guy there who I thought was my friend, threatened to hit me. Two girls laughed at me when I panicked, and one of them got pregnant there. The other used to bully the vulnerable too.
All the students were allowed to make up the rules of living there, including staying up late and bothering me. The staff blamed the bullying on the AS and did sod all about it.
I realise this isn't the same as school, but it totally changed my view of aspies. I think a big risk would be that to cut funds - they'd only send the worst cases to a school or college specifically for aspies.