Horrible First Semester of Community College
So I'm going to community college and both parents are footing the bill as well as myself. Under a senior year course load of AP European History, AP Government, Physics and Algebra II, and after challenging and fighting tooth-and-nail my special ed IEP case manager, my mom and the principal to get into these classes, I managed with a B-average in all of those classes, as well as being a Junior ROTC lieutenant and Student Council Traffic Court Chairman, I drudged through my academic and extracurricular responsibilities with a tremendous amount of stress but prevailed in the end of first semester. However, taking a light course load of 14 credit hours consisting of Public Speaking, Intro to Writing, Intermediate Algebra and Elementary German I, I feel stressed and that my first semester has been kind of crappy.
As I'm heading into finals week, I am not worried about Public Speaking and Intro to Writing, which I have roughly a B in both of those, but in Intermediate Algebra and Elementary German, it's a different story: right now, I have a little less than a sixty-eight in Algebra, the final is one-third of the grade so I need a C+ to get a 70 for the semester, since I have a D- average I'm stressing, and Pre-Calculus requires at least a C in the class to transfer into. In my German class, which I am taking on a pass-fail basis, I am barely passing with a 62 in the class, but at this point, I'm convinced that even if I were to turn in coursework and cram for the final exam, that I would not effectively be retaining information for Elementary German II, so I feel that I should accept the F this semester, retake it in the fall with a newfound expectation of what I should expect and get a higher grade, either with or without the pass-fail basis or standard grading system.
Considering that both my parents and I are footing the bill, how should I break it to them? Should I let my parents know before the semester grades come out? Or would it be better just to try and pass the German instead of taking the low-road? I've also decided to send my German teacher an email about my intentions for the class so she doesn't feel neglected and that there isn't any awkwardness between us when I come to her class next semester. Here's a copy of the email, please give me feedback on how I can make the email sound more considerate:
I think it would be best to retake German in the fall. I think it would be a better policy because for the semester I thought that learning by osmosis (like in a history class) was usually the best policy. I've discovered, too late, that studying a foreign language requires a greater deal of memorization than coming to class. I doubt that my grades on the test with my course work ethic would not suffice for a passing grade. Even if I were to turn in the coursework at the last minute and cram for the final exam to the point of earning a passing grade, I feel that I would not retain enough of the linguistics for Elementary German II from rote cramming and it would be better to relearn the coursework for a fresh start next fall. So I feel it would be responsible and honest of me to inform you of this decision.
As I'm heading into finals week, I am not worried about Public Speaking and Intro to Writing, which I have roughly a B in both of those, but in Intermediate Algebra and Elementary German, it's a different story: right now, I have a little less than a sixty-eight in Algebra, the final is one-third of the grade so I need a C+ to get a 70 for the semester, since I have a D- average I'm stressing, and Pre-Calculus requires at least a C in the class to transfer into. In my German class, which I am taking on a pass-fail basis, I am barely passing with a 62 in the class, but at this point, I'm convinced that even if I were to turn in coursework and cram for the final exam, that I would not effectively be retaining information for Elementary German II, so I feel that I should accept the F this semester, retake it in the fall with a newfound expectation of what I should expect and get a higher grade, either with or without the pass-fail basis or standard grading system.
Considering that both my parents and I are footing the bill, how should I break it to them? Should I let my parents know before the semester grades come out? Or would it be better just to try and pass the German instead of taking the low-road? I've also decided to send my German teacher an email about my intentions for the class so she doesn't feel neglected and that there isn't any awkwardness between us when I come to her class next semester. Here's a copy of the email, please give me feedback on how I can make the email sound more considerate:
I think it would be best to retake German in the fall. I think it would be a better policy because for the semester I thought that learning by osmosis (like in a history class) was usually the best policy. I've discovered, too late, that studying a foreign language requires a greater deal of memorization than coming to class. I doubt that my grades on the test with my course work ethic would not suffice for a passing grade. Even if I were to turn in the coursework at the last minute and cram for the final exam to the point of earning a passing grade, I feel that I would not retain enough of the linguistics for Elementary German II from rote cramming and it would be better to relearn the coursework for a fresh start next fall. So I feel it would be responsible and honest of me to inform you of this decision.
How is that a light course load?
I figured that Public Speaking, Intro to Writing, Algebra and German were basic general education courses to fill transfer requirements and therefore easy. I wouldn't want to take only two courses because I want to prove to selective universities that I can handle a tough course load, especially if I'm wanting to major in computer science, engineering, science or business. Are even the most selective schools forgiving about shortcomings in the first semester of community college?

Joined: 2 Sep 2011
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Posts: 758
Location: in the Ministry of Silly Walks
I think the idea of intentionally failing a pass/fail course that you're passing (albeit barely) is a horrible idea. I think emailing the German teacher might be a good idea, but you should probably just state that you aren't sure you're learning enough this semester to take German II and that you wonder if she could give you any advice. If you put in the effort to pass (even barely) this semester, and then retake it next semester so that you can work harder at it, I highly doubt she will mind at all.
Also, (if I understand you correctly) you have about a 68 in a class where you need a 70, and you took essentially the same thing in high school with a B. That sounds like something you can pull off.
You should probably tell your parents that you aren't having such a great semester, at least, since they are paying for it. They might even have some useful advice.
Are you still doing the extra-curricular activities? If so, I'd consider dropping at least one of those to reduce your stress level next semester.
Most schools aren't going to care that much about one bad semester.
"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." --G. K. Chesterton
I'm not in any extra-curricular activities right now, but I feel crappy for being able to get on honor roll my first semester of senior year with two AP courses, Physics and Algebra II with an unimaginable amount of stress as well as being a leader in NJROTC and Student Council, while f*****g up my first semester of college just taking general requirement courses...
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