Hey all
Am doing things in economics at the moment related to price elasticity of demand, and my query mainly lies with cross elasticity of demand.
Is cross elasticity of demand solely limited to price? Another name for it is cross-price elasticity of demand but I wonder if that has just been coined over time, without considering other factors?
I guess what I mean is, can cross elasticity of demand also be used in instances of changes in supply/demand of another product, not simply changes in price of it. I.E. instead of - Price of Burger King increases so Demand for Mcdonalds will increase at 0.7-Inelastic, instead of that could we also measure - Burger King runs an strong advertising campaign so Demand for Mcdonalds decreases 0.8 inelastic.
Do you know what I mean? Could cross elasticity of demand also be measured in terms of changes in supply/demand rather than price?
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