Problems with classes
So I'm taking a French class which is designed to improve your conversational skills in that language- for example, having the right pronunciation, saying things in the right way, etc.
I like doing the homework, which is a page-long essay and 10 definitions per week. It's so we don't forget how to write in French. I like doing that. It's the class' sessions that I don't like.
I was never really good about talking in French- hence why I'm taking the course- but I seem to be mega insecure about it, because I'm really afraid to say stuff. But I'm not even sure if that's the problem, because I like talking in my other classes. The teacher seemed a bit intimidating at first, but I'm warming up to her. But maybe she's still the problem. Or maybe it's the people in the class, but they are nice people who are mega-friendly. Or maybe it's the fact that we have to work in groups from time to time, but I sort of like doing groupwork in my other classes where I speak English. Or maybe it's because of the fact that we are constantly encouraged to choose movies and watch them without subtitles (we're supposed to also take in about 3 hours of spoken French a week; this can take many forms, like radio, or TV, or film- as long as it's spoken) and I don't like doing that because if I watch something for pleasure, that means I want to watch it, and therefore I want to absorb everything about the movie, and I can't do that if I am watching it without subtitles and have no clue what's going on. Or maybe it's all of these. Maybe the teacher/class and I just don't mesh, and it's as simple as that.
Anyone have a similar experience with a class? Why did you hate it? What did you do about it? I can't exactly drop the class (I'm a college student, BTW) so I'm pretty much stuck with it. Thanks!