So apparently I'm going to shoot people up.

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Emu Egg
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22 Dec 2012, 1:57 am

raisedbyignorance wrote:
hindix wrote:
raisedbyignorance wrote:
I cannot believe the stupidity of such people. That whole schools needs a serious education on Asperger's Syndrome. Too bad their minds are so immature and warped by everything that the media tells them that they would tell lies just to get you in trouble.

So it's socially acceptable to yell at people and make a big scene? Gotcha. You can't blame educators for being on guard after what happened at Sandy Hook. If someone yelled at you for a very trivial reason you would at the very least be frightened if not concerned for your safety and the safety of others. The person who made this thread got what he/she deserved for causing a big scene over nothing and for all we know he/she could have made death threats.

There's a time for paranoia and a time for rationality.

Tell me where's the rationality where saying "I have Asperger's" is somehow transcribed in the human ear as "I'm going to kill everyone"?

I don't blame the educators for addressing the report. I blame the girls for making a false report so they could feel better about themselves.

I said I wouldn't respond to this thread anymore but I feel that I must in order to clean my slate. First and foremost I was too brute with my criticism. It was not right of me to be that critical. With that said I hope you can read the rest of what I have written to understand my perspective and the views that others might share.

First lets take the perspective of the NTs who were probably in addition of being bullies were influenced by current events. I know if I had someone yell at me and I had no idea except what I heard on the news that "Asperger's is bad" (which it is not) I would probably make a report too. I also don't know anything about the original poster besides this "outburst" that was not clearly defined and there could have many unknown things that were said. Being the type of person who judges a book by its title I simply assumed that because of the way this person reacted to a situation that it could very well be possible that the girls who filed a report could have some merit in their actions. However it is equally if not more so likely that the girls were actually in fact out to get the original poster and were hoping to get the reaction they got. But that is besides the point I was trying to make. Now before you read this next part please keep in mind I am speaking from personal experience and from what I have observed from others being bullied. I am not trying to be cruel or unkind but offer advice that worked for me and others.

The original poster brought this entire situation onto themselves by allowing others to get to them. I am pretty sure nothing would have happened had she ignored what the bullies said. Hence that is what I tried to tell her but clearly she either wants to ignore self improvement by feigning suicide or worse does actually feel suicidal. It saddens me that she does not want to accept any advice that requires her to admit she is responsible for change. I know it is a hard concept to understand (it took me years) that we are as responsible as the bullies but we are. There is always something we do to make bullies want to bully us and it is up to us to modify our behavior so that we won't get bullied anymore. I learned that it is best not to talk to anyone who wants attention, not to even look at them and most importantly I learned how to manage my body language so that no one would assume I was upset.

That is what I did and it worked. After awhile no one would come up to me and say "hey "f** alien," "r****ded loser go die," "gay f** freak." I simply became a ghost unknown to the bullies and I was perfectly fine with that.

Again I am sorry for seeming insensitive, that was not my intent. Perhaps I have become too interrogated in the NT world where such remarks typically get good results. Or maybe I am not as good at pretending to be NT as I think I am. Or maybe I am NT. I have been confused about this whole "Autism Spectrum Disorder" thing since I was ten.


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22 Dec 2012, 7:48 pm

I'm of the stance that bullying is NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER your fault.

If people are going to say this **** to you to try to get a reaction out of you, THEY ARE IN THE WRONG. Knowing that YOU DO NOT DESERVE IT will help you ignore these comments.

I sure as **** hope these girls who filed the false report get what they deserve - if I had it my way, they'd be expelled.

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22 Dec 2012, 10:44 pm

Here's the thing Hindix, I don't believe OP's particular incident qualifies as bullying. Bullying would be if the abuse happened intentionally and for no reason. This is a case of people being completely misled and deluded by their beliefs to the point that they report a threat of violence where there is none. And that can turn into hate and bigotry.

Regardless of how the OP acted, I don't think one can just ignore a person if they are so convinced of a certain belief...especially if such belief go against the facts and can be incredibly harmful if allowed to spread. Taking a stand in this case is necessary. Perhaps the OP overreacted, but then the past week has put everyone on edge, both NTs and Aspies.


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28 Dec 2012, 11:00 pm

Comp_Geek_573 wrote:
I'm of the stance that bullying is NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER your fault.

If people are going to say this **** to you to try to get a reaction out of you, THEY ARE IN THE WRONG. Knowing that YOU DO NOT DESERVE IT will help you ignore these comments.

I sure as **** hope these girls who filed the false report get what they deserve - if I had it my way, they'd be expelled.

Hear, hear. I've had to put up with bullying at work from someone who is my parent's age. People think it's more convenient to blame the victim than to make the bully stop. She even assaulted me and I filed a police report, and she has not been fired, though a judge ordered us to be separated. But, HR is trying to undo the separation, so I have had to file a complaint with the MCAD. It's maddening to think we had to put up with this as children and that it doesn't even stop when we are adults. I wish I could just go to school and keep away from the people who would want to bully me. I should not have to be around them anymore and I certainly should not be forced to endure risking another assault by this person.


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30 Dec 2012, 4:12 am

I wouldn't think to much of this, the people who reported you to the principle were just ignorant and they cant expel you or anything for have a mental condition

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07 Jan 2013, 5:01 pm

Comp_Geek_573 wrote:
I'm of the stance that bullying is NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER your fault.

If people are going to say this **** to you to try to get a reaction out of you, THEY ARE IN THE WRONG. Knowing that YOU DO NOT DESERVE IT will help you ignore these comments.

I sure as **** hope these girls who filed the false report get what they deserve - if I had it my way, they'd be expelled.

If no action has been taken then the OP should file a lawsuit or contact the ACLU.


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09 Jan 2013, 10:41 am

VAGraduateStudent wrote:
No one wants to hear how ASDs really work, they just want to pretend that all people on the spectrum have no feelings and are ticking time bombs.

Couldn't agree more. I was warned repeatedly by medical experts to NEVER say anything to anyone about having Autism or Aspergers because most people have very ignorant views on the subject. After disregarding this advice a bit (after all, people don't make fun of people in wheelchairs or with Down Syndrome), I have come to the understanding that most people are willfully ignorant and don't want to learn about ASDs.


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09 Jan 2013, 11:28 am

hindix wrote:
The original poster brought this entire situation onto themselves by allowing others to get to them. I am pretty sure nothing would have happened had she ignored what the bullies said. Hence that is what I tried to tell her but clearly she either wants to ignore self improvement by feigning suicide or worse does actually feel suicidal. It saddens me that she does not want to accept any advice that requires her to admit she is responsible for change. I know it is a hard concept to understand (it took me years) that we are as responsible as the bullies but we are. There is always something we do to make bullies want to bully us and it is up to us to modify our behavior so that we won't get bullied anymore. I learned that it is best not to talk to anyone who wants attention, not to even look at them and most importantly I learned how to manage my body language so that no one would assume I was upset.

That is what I did and it worked. After awhile no one would come up to me and say "hey "f** alien," "r****ded loser go die," "gay f** freak." I simply became a ghost unknown to the bullies and I was perfectly fine with that.

Again I am sorry for seeming insensitive, that was not my intent. Perhaps I have become too interrogated in the NT world where such remarks typically get good results. Or maybe I am not as good at pretending to be NT as I think I am. Or maybe I am NT. I have been confused about this whole "Autism Spectrum Disorder" thing since I was ten.

What a load of crap....its not like everyone has the option to just not let bullying get to them, the issue is people should not single out and bully a kid at their school. It can do a lot of damage actually, and I know this from experiance....if I had the option to have not let that crap get to me I wouldn't have but I wasn't able to build a emotional forcefield that keeps anything horrible someone says from being hurtful. If you have great for you but its a load of crap that if someone is treated that way they brought it on themselves by 'letting it get to them.' as far as I am concerned you can take that opinion and put it back up your you know what.

Maybe its safe to say this didn't quite work as a redemption, lets just be clear usually blaming the victim for being bullied or harrased by others goes over horribly........I think it would go over horribly if said to an NT who faces harrassment or bullying as well.

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09 Jan 2013, 11:29 am

Comp_Geek_573 wrote:
I'm of the stance that bullying is NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER your fault.

If people are going to say this **** to you to try to get a reaction out of you, THEY ARE IN THE WRONG. Knowing that YOU DO NOT DESERVE IT will help you ignore these comments.

I sure as **** hope these girls who filed the false report get what they deserve - if I had it my way, they'd be expelled.

I'd have to agree.

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09 Jan 2013, 7:43 pm

LennytheWicked wrote:
Not really, no, but apparently our school admins heard rumors of violence going to occur on Friday. I didn't think anything of it, but then I got called into the office. A bunch of girls told my dean that I said I wanted to kill everyone, and my dean believed them.

This happened because I sort of blew up at a girl for saying, "People with altzheimers have no feelings."

"You mean sociopathy."

"Oh, no, Asperger's!"

And then I screamed at her and may have thrown an, "I have asperger's" in there.

Luckily, I am not at school today.

I had been wondering why everyone suddenly left me alone last week. They had been harassing me nonstop since Freshman year, even outside of school, and I was very confused.

I learned something from all this; for every average 100 people living in this country, one happens to be an open minded rational mind while the other 99 are brainless ret*ds.