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19 May 2013, 1:46 am

I went but I didn't have a very good time. For one, I can't dance very well and when my high school P.E. class introduced the dance portion of the curriculum, I kept screwing up on the dance moves because of my poor coordination. The second thing was that my date largely ignored me in favor of dancing when he knew I felt uncomfortable and awkward doing it.

Oh, the music really sucked but I guess that's what you get when you attend high school in Montana. :roll:

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20 May 2013, 2:11 am

We call them formals here, and I didn't go to the year 10 formal (I'm pretty sure year 10 in Australia = high school sophomore in the USA, but correct me if I'm wrong) for several reasons: I hate formal dresses, can't dance, hate the music, have hardly any friends at school and find all the boys in my year disgusting. There's another one coming up in two years, and unless I'm allowed to wear a semi-casual dress with leggings (most comfortable for me) I probably won't go.

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04 Jun 2013, 11:31 pm

Well, I rarely ever post, preferring to just read other people's comments, but since I was Prom King my senior year I though I might just say something. First, I won because I had a friend who made posters for me, and another friend who nominated me for fun....and the rest of the lunch table who followed him. I guess it also helped that the other two guys were jerks. I must say, I cannot all, but I told myself I would have a good time and I did. Although if it weren't for my friends being there I would have probably just sat in a corner or something. They ended up playing "Don't Stop Believin" by Journey while I stood up there awkwardly with the girl who had been nominated prom queen. It only made it more awkward that her boyfriend was standing in the crowd just staring at her. I'm just glad she won and not one of the other two, she was one of the nicest girls in school and her boyfriend was friendly to the extreme, all the other girls were gossips with hormonal boyfriends. Gosh, I'm such a nerd. Right after the "big dance" (during which I didn't dance.) my friends from the gaming club came up and we played ninja and I threatened to throw my friend Cameron into a Saarlak pit if he didn't let me win. Now that I think about it, I think that at least a good third or more of us were geeks or nerds. Guess that makes sense when more of the seniors were in Advanced Placement classes than were in regular classes. Thinking back on it, I actually had a pretty good time in High School, although it had some really low lows, it also had its high points. I figure I'll stop typing before I get off topic. Sorry for any bad grammar or syntax, I don't feel like proofreading. Actually, I'm getting paid to do that for a book that my English teacher is writing...which is why I don't want to do it now, sorry.

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06 Jun 2013, 12:50 am

had the opportunity to go this year (as a junior) with the Doctor Who club, but I backed out b/c I was too anxious. turned out to be a good choice as it was apparently SUPER loud and crowded. I have no plans to go next year, quite happy to star home with my beloved Star Trek :)

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Pileated woodpecker
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27 Jun 2013, 1:47 pm

Nope! I hate dancing. I hate crowds. I hate loud music. I also hated most of my high school peers. I knew I would be miserable if I went, and so I'm glad I didn't!


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10 Jul 2013, 5:18 pm

Pay a load of money to get an uncomfortable suit and then go to a party that i hate with food that i wont like and spend hours doing nothing all to say goodbye to people who have mocked and excluded me for years? How about nope.

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10 Jul 2013, 6:29 pm

I went to prom. I actually asked out one of the most popular girls in the school district as well (you could take people from other schools) & she said yes.

Unfortunately, I had completely different expectations, and thought that prom was going to be a lot more classy than it actually was. I also thought that my date was going to generally stick by me and hang out with me during prom. However, She used the opportunity as a means of socializing with friends that she had not seen in awhile, and it made me feel used. When I asked her why she did not dance/hangout with me, she told me that because we texted back and forth every day, she already talked to me enough. When the evening ended, we ended up going back to my house. I expected at least a goodnight kiss from this girl, but she did not give one to me because, and this is in her own words "I don't want to get your hopes up."

Since prom was on a Saturday and I was not busy on Sunday, I had an entire day alone with my thoughts. It ranks up there as one of the most miserable days of my life.


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10 Jul 2013, 8:36 pm

haha are you kidding? im gunna be watching youtube vids instead :D


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10 Jul 2013, 10:48 pm

I went to prom twice, it was pretty fun.

The way I see it, you get 1, maybe 2 chances in your life to go, and you'll never have another chance.


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13 Jul 2013, 9:24 pm

I'm a Senior next year; I did not go this year. Prom is totally out of the question. It's a waste of money, and I also live in Florida, which is essentially the worst place to look for ideal virgin women worth considering as wives.

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13 Jul 2013, 9:29 pm

Pageognat wrote:
I'm a Senior next year; I did not go this year. Prom is totally out of the question. It's a waste of money, and I also live in Florida, which is essentially the worst place to look for ideal virgin women worth considering as wives.

... or three wise men, it seems ...

Tufted Titmouse
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20 Jul 2013, 10:11 am

My Grads (Prom) is going to be in September. I'm not going to be attending, for several reasons:

1. It's way too expensive
2. There are many people in school who I'd rather not see again
3. One of the people I don't want to see again thought it was a great laugh to sexually harass me in school. There's alcohol at the Grads and it's the middle of the night, so who knows what he'd do to me if he got the chance.
4. There's one person I was considering taking to the Grads. But he doesn't like the whole dancing-at-a-ball thing. And I also happen to be a guy. So yeah...


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20 Jul 2013, 11:40 pm

I never even bothered to think about going to graduation, or prom for that matter. High school was meaningless to me and I tried to distance myself as far as I could from the whole experience.

Blue Jay
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02 Aug 2013, 12:36 pm

Nope! I suffered through two dances with people I hated (the feeling was mutual). That was quite enough. I only got out of it by not mentioning it to my mother, who would have made me go. *shudders* No, thank you.

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Tufted Titmouse
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06 Aug 2013, 5:28 pm

no...would've went if someone asked me (and paid for the ticket obviously :lol:) but i don't really mind, it would've been pretty awkward anyway

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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09 Aug 2013, 9:43 am

I've been for one and I'll be missing this year's one.

There's just way too much fuss over it. And for someone with sensory issues like me, it is hell. Imagine going to a place with bright lights and too much noise. Argh. I just sat in a corner and ate stuff and left asap.