Space wrote:
JakeG wrote:
Space wrote:
the same grades as the rest of the world. Just because people have AS doesn't mean they all get the same grades in school.
Yes; I think the whole 'most people with AS are above average intelligence' thing is a fallacy.
I think that:
1) It is normally the more intelligent people with social difficulties that get identified. E.g. people speculate about Bill Gates having Aspergers but they don't talk about guys of average intelligence who show symptoms.
2) 'Special' Interests are often mistaken for intelligence.
AFAIAA; across the whole autistic spectrum, levels of intelligence have a similar dispersion to that of the wider community.
Well I think that there are many people with AS who are intelligent, but their performance in school doesn't always reflect that. At the same time, there are people who did well in school who I wouldn't consider very smart.
On my school, there are 4 other autistics (of which i know 2 are Aspies) and they all have grades up in 80% to 90%.
I can't believe that's just coincidence.
Other question i have regarding studies is:
My strongest point is understanding the things i study, all my classmates just learn it until they know it but they still don't really understand it. (Which is why they mostly fail on math and such)
Is this asperger-typical or just something personal?