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22 May 2014, 5:19 pm

I took World Civilizations at my community college last year and loved it. This may sound silly, but I never realized how nuanced history really is until I sat through the lectures in that class. I particularly enjoyed the non-emphasis on Western civilization at times, especially the ancient Middle East and India. I also liked learning about Western imperialism during the late 19th- and early 20th century, and how that played into World Wars I and II (WWII is one of the most fascinating topics in history, in my opinion). It almost makes me want to be a history major, if I weren't already double-majoring in other fields.

What fresh hell is this?

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28 May 2014, 1:41 pm

I like Math, but not the teacher.
Science was interesting but easy. The hardest thing was at the end when we had to design underwater bases and bunkers for the military. Our teacher led us to assume these designs might be in use some day, but they probably won't.
English is typically fun. I like Gothic literature the best.
History and Economics were fun. We had to build siege weapons. Our teacher had us test them by firing bags of marshmallows at the soldiers below our window. We got an A if we hit someone. The drill instructor, it turned out, knew beforehand and used it as a training exercise.
Foreign languages usually come easily to me. I speak Spanish and understand German, French, Latin and Italian. I'm developing an understanding of Chinese and Arabic.
Debate team. I'm improving and my coach switched me from novice to varsity after 3 tournaments. I earned the most points for my team at districts and my coach expects me to get first place at tournaments next year.

I attend a dual enrollment school, and have 2 high school courses left: English 4 and Chemistry.

I take university courses, mostly humanities and find them interesting and a bit fun, but they are also too easy.

overall GPA is 5.0, including university courses.

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31 May 2014, 7:05 am

Mine is definitely English Literature! (closely followed by English Language)
I am really interested in Biology and Chemistry too, probably more so, but find them extremely hard as I'm terrible at maths.


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04 Jun 2014, 2:58 pm

Physics is the one true subject
Languages are cool too (I do Spanish and French)

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18 Aug 2014, 7:10 pm

History is the best! we haven't studied some of my favourite topics though, such as the denazification of Germany and the Russian Revolution. Germany 1918-45 was great through. Geography is also great - well the human topics such as deprivation, sanitation and world health are anyway! I only like English if there is a 'purpose' behind the text - and chemistry makes so much sense, but in GCSE Physics they actually lie to you to fit the syllabus! Madness! Actually, I'm not that keen on maths either.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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24 Aug 2014, 9:35 am

Really loved math once I took Calc 2 and saw how it all fit together, love chemistry and physics, currently a senior level chem major.

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26 Sep 2014, 7:10 am

I am in ninth grade. I like all subjects, particularly mathematics. I have taught myself some year 12 maths recently. It's hard, so I learn it piece by piece so it makes sense. My favourite topics are trigonometry, algebra, integral Calculus, quadratics and surds. I like to multiply two to four digit numbers in my head and try and find how people invented formulas. I am currently disappointed that I didn't reach my goal yet, but the more motivated I become of this occurrence, the favourite subjects I will have.


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28 Sep 2014, 12:58 am

ALittleBitConfused wrote:
History is the best! we haven't studied some of my favourite topics though, such as the denazification of Germany and the Russian Revolution. Germany 1918-45 was great through. Geography is also great - well the human topics such as deprivation, sanitation and world health are anyway!

this! i was very into Nazi Germany and ww2 my sophomore year of HS and that summer, hell, i read the entirety of mein kampf! (horrible book, besides the blatantly obvious reasons, it was just badly put together). since disappointingly, most of the history in my classes was waltzed over and never very in depth, i made lots of my research myself, going to the library after school, web articles about the stuff, etc.

geography too, i'm an avid amateur cartographer, but i deal mostly with my fictional worlds. i can top most of my peers at locating places and events on a map, and early human migration and linguistics are also areas of interest.

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28 Sep 2014, 3:22 am

Music and Languages (English, italian and japanese,my first language is spanish), but those are extra curricular activities.

Also Computer programming, web design and multimedia design. But honestly I don't enjoy the career-related subjects as much as I enjoy music and languages.

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28 Sep 2014, 6:21 am

Kiprobalhato wrote:
ALittleBitConfused wrote:
History is the best! we haven't studied some of my favourite topics though, such as the denazification of Germany and the Russian Revolution. Germany 1918-45 was great through. Geography is also great - well the human topics such as deprivation, sanitation and world health are anyway!

this! i was very into Nazi Germany and ww2 my sophomore year of HS and that summer, hell, i read the entirety of mein kampf! (horrible book, besides the blatantly obvious reasons, it was just badly put together). since disappointingly, most of the history in my classes was waltzed over and never very in depth, i made lots of my research myself, going to the library after school, web articles about the stuff, etc.

geography too, i'm an avid amateur cartographer, but i deal mostly with my fictional worlds. i can top most of my peers at locating places and events on a map, and early human migration and linguistics are also areas of interest.

Geography and history are interesting subjects. In geography, we are currently learning about world hunger and biomes. The assignment was very interesting. For term four, I am learning about tourism and how we connect around the world. I can't wait to do history next year because we are doing ww2. I am excited to know more about the nuclear devices dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


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05 Oct 2014, 1:22 am

Honestly? Vacation was my fave part of school.

I guess my fave subject was what we call community subject, which was history, geography and contemporary society. It was over all the most interesting subject and there was quite a bit of discussion, which was always fun to listen to and sometimes participate in.

Sometimes when we had religion class, we talked about ethics and choices and made up what would you do scenarios, and I really liked that part of it.

I liked when we could write stories and listen to each other's stories in Norwegian and English class. I also liked listening to others' book reviews, but I didn't like writing them. The rest of the things we did in our language classes tended to be very boring though.

In high school we had microbiology as optional subject and that was interesting. Biology was also interesting.

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10 Oct 2014, 2:55 pm

I do English, Politics, History and Psychology. Politics is my favourite because i'm good at it :)

Shy, awkward 16 year old communist girl whose main interests are 9/11, roller coasters and the 1917 Russian Revolution. I might not have any friends but somehow I have a really amazing boyfriend :)


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11 Oct 2014, 2:32 am

Skilpadde wrote:
In high school we had microbiology as optional subject and that was interesting. Biology was also interesting.

i loved biology freshman year of HS <3
we got to dissect a sheeps heart and a rat. my partner, my LO had pet rats (i have hamsters) and objected, and my other partner was plain disgusted with the heart so both times i did it all by myself. :lol:


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11 Oct 2014, 11:15 pm

I really enjoyed phycology class. Took one just to try out college many years ago and couldn't get enough of it. Not a field I would get into but learning about the brain has always been an interest.

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13 Oct 2014, 1:27 pm

My most favorite subject is History
My least favorite subject is math - hate it.

Chris Poole


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15 Oct 2014, 12:42 am

Mine were sciences , chimestly and physics ....

I'm wondering , how mutch a intrusting teacher vs a brong one affect your learning ?