Anyone here who doesn't like math or science.

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11 Jun 2014, 12:40 pm

Is there anyone here who struggles with math and science? I know I do. I have just finished my first year of high school and I struggled with math and science the entire school year. It was just too hard and I wasn't doing too well. I was asking because I have autism and most people with autism/ Aspergers that I know are good at math/sciences. Is there anyone like me who isn't?


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11 Jun 2014, 7:06 pm

I barely got my required high school credits in math and science. Always been hopeless with it - I still count on my fingers.

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12 Jun 2014, 12:58 am

I kind of want to blame and subsequently apologize on behalf the education system for making you hate math and science. The way it's taught in many schools gives you little time for appreciation while hard-pressed and underpaid teachers desperately try to force-feed enough information to you to make sure you pass a bunch of tests. Science is an exploration of the beauty of our world, and I'm pretty sad to see that a lot of people dislike it. That's it for now for my rant about the education system.

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12 Jun 2014, 1:24 am

I was a poor math student, but I was able to improve later on. I agree that the approach to math in school often isn't a good one.


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12 Jun 2014, 2:24 am

I liked biology, but i absolutely hated chemistry.

i agree the way these subjects are taught kind of turn me off from learning them. my biology teacher did however make learning biology a bit enjoyable and hands on, and i commend her for that.

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12 Jun 2014, 7:37 am

Yep... I hate the SMELLS of chemistry (except when I'm with my girl).

I'm only good at math when it veers away from the Abstract--Practical math is ideal for me; theoretical math: fughettiboutit!

I guess, if I really desired to study something like theoretical physics, that I would do all right with diligent study--but I'm too hyper!


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12 Jun 2014, 8:27 am

Kiprobalhato wrote:
I liked biology, but i absolutely hated chemistry.

i agree the way these subjects are taught kind of turn me off from learning them. my biology teacher did however make learning biology a bit enjoyable and hands on, and i commend her for that.

I always loved science in schools, I think maybe because my grandpas and uncles never discouraged me from exploring anything or explaining stuff to me.
HOWEVER, I HATED Chemistry in high school. Why? The primary grade for the first half of the year was based upon a memorization test of the periodic table and element weights. Da fuq!?!? Everyone has that chart readily available, why did I have to memorize it? (btw, if I hadn't mentioned, I've got a few short circuits in my neural connectors, and, when my immune system acts up, it is very difficult to imprint/retrieve memories... of course, I didn't realize that at the time, as my doctors hadn't explained it well. It wasn't until I went to Uni and had access to medical texts in their library that I put it together and realized I wasn't stupid per se.)

I'm with KraftieKortie on applied maths, too. Geometry and trig were a walk in the park, because they're easy to visualize. I took college algebra like three times before passing.

Physics was mind-bending, but, I ended up doing better in it than I'd thought I would... wish I could've gone on to the next level with it, but, had to drop out before finishing my engineering degree.

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28 Nov 2014, 3:25 am

I hate science and science hates me. :evil: :evil: :skull: :skull: :skull:


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01 Dec 2014, 7:45 am

Maths has always been my worst subject even since I was little. I struggle with basic mental arithmetic and time, especially in the 24hr clock, and still count on my fingers. I'm pretty sure I have dyscalculia but there isn't anyone connected to my uni who is qualified to diagnose it. I hate math.

I always hated chemistry in high school. Some of physics wasn't too bad, I mostly just found it boring, but when it got harder I really struggled. Biology I quite liked. Didn't take any of these subjects post-16 though.

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01 Dec 2014, 1:22 pm

Always hated math. Like most sciences (not chemistry). Understand science well enough to get by, but have difficulty relating what I've learned to other people.

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03 Dec 2014, 10:49 pm

I've always been able to mostly hold my own in math. I can usually grasp concepts very easily but I downright hate having to do boring tedious work, ironically enough, because I love computer science. However I do agree with what the guy said when he said that if it doesn't have immediate practical use I tend to not absorb it as well.

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04 Dec 2014, 12:27 am

I think it's a bit of a stereotype. People see news articles about some super smart science AS person, but the majority are not like that. I don't think most people on WP are extremely good at math, only a few of them.


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04 Dec 2014, 1:16 am

I think there might be something to that, but like I always say: Intelligence is the capacity for knowledge and intellectual thought. Smarts is your ability to use your intelligence.

To put it another way: I'm intelligent because I can learn easily and can know a lot. I am not necessarily very smart because I don't find myself using my intelligence for anything.

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04 Dec 2014, 10:20 pm

nopy4869 wrote:
I think there might be something to that, but like I always say: Intelligence is the capacity for knowledge and intellectual thought. Smarts is your ability to use your intelligence.

To put it another way: I'm intelligent because I can learn easily and can know a lot. I am not necessarily very smart because I don't find myself using my intelligence for anything.

That's exactly how I am. I was good at "school work", and people mistake that for being smart.


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05 Dec 2014, 3:51 am

I struggled a lot with math in school, as I seemed to pick things up slower. I dropped physics as a subject, but loved biology. I went on to study life sciences.


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06 Dec 2014, 12:55 am

trollcatman wrote:
nopy4869 wrote:
I think there might be something to that, but like I always say: Intelligence is the capacity for knowledge and intellectual thought. Smarts is your ability to use your intelligence.

To put it another way: I'm intelligent because I can learn easily and can know a lot. I am not necessarily very smart because I don't find myself using my intelligence for anything.

That's exactly how I am. I was good at "school work", and people mistake that for being smart.

Grades = intelligence. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who legitimately think there is a strong correlation.

Regardless, I was always terrible at math beyond the basics. It wasn't necessarily that I was bad at learning it, but the memorizing was where the trouble was. If I'd been given visual examples throughout the year, I'd probably wouldn't have so many problems.

Science, on the other hand, has always somewhat fascinated me, but not big. Actually, I'd always wanted to take chemistry. The elements and how stuff is formed has always piqued my interest as well.