There was a time when most of my bullying became verbal, too, and I believed that'd mean I could verbally analize what they said and calmly reply to my heart's content, making their words harmless. Big mistake. When they are determined to hurt you, they won't stop of their own accord till they really hurt you. My ill-advised attempt at verbal defence only made the challenge more enticing to them---a challenge I could only lose, because I wasn't attacking them, nor would I have known how to. If you refuse to yield verbally, sooner or later the abuse will become physical, some way or other: they can decide they've had enough and beat you up anyway; they can steal your stuff when you're not around; they can use their social skills to turn everyone else against you so you eventually lose something valuable beyond the realm of mere words; they can get you punished by framing you as the real troublemaker, or simply by convincing enough people to falsely accuse you...; their possibilities are endless, while the only thing you can do is wait like a moron to suffer whatever crap they come up with, at least in my experience.
The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.