Hi my name is Katie and I'm currently getting my undergraduate degree in Neuroscience. I love all my classes, but I'm pretty sure not all my teachers love me. haha. I've always been that kid who never shuts up or sits still, but my teachers put up with it because I work really hard and I usually have the right answers. Now that I am in college; however, my teachers are annoyed easily by my behavior. I am thankful that they still remain patient with me because they are aware that I have Asperger's and ADHD; but I don't enjoy being that annoying kid. I have developed a "thinking out loud" learning style over the years because it helps me stay engaged, sit still, and not freak out over every sound (eating, drinking, tapping, etc.)I have tried to cut back on my disruptiveness, but now my classes are unbearable to sit through and I probably could just teach it to myself, but I don't pay outrageous tuition to sit in my room and teach myself. Also, my teachers are notorious for asking rhetorical questions and I never know when they want the class to chime in and answer or not.