Hello. I am not finished high school, but every single mark I have gotten but one was about an 80. My overall average in grade 11 was 87%, which is considered in honour rolls. I am not doing as good in math and sciences as I have thought, but want to improve, and want to do well and will work hard to get 90s in them, or at least high 80s. My grade 11 biology I only got a 77%, which sucks for me. Bad teacher and too much memorizing (LD in working memory and other things), and I had the other two sciences at the same time, and had a major OCD episode (needing to wash hands every 5-10 minutes). I have learned that I can't be too stressed or else I get bad OCD, more than I have at the moment. I'm going off topic, sorry. I have never failed a class. As a kid though, I had problems with reading and writing.