Reward yourself? Hah! Maybe if you can. Do as well as you can at school, but be fully aware you’re doing it for your own purely selfish interest in making the best possible future for yourself. Study should be its own reward for you. Consequently, expect people to hate you, bully you and try to undermine you in every way. Expect them to consider you mentally defective for your passion (they’ll call it an obsession, of course), particularly teachers, your parents and other authority figures. As soon as they see you spontaneously applying yourself, without being commanded to, they’ll resent it and start recklessly pressuring you and guilt-tripping you to study less, no matter what disastrous consequences yielding to their pressure would have to you and your academic and professional future. They’ll want you to be irresponsible and need their guidance, so doing anything well on your own will offend them. Carry on and become financially independent as soon as you can, to minimize their chances of further screwing over your life.
Good luck.
The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.