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I am...
Gifted (120-140 IQ) 44%  44%  [ 132 ]
A Genius (140+ IQ) 38%  38%  [ 115 ]
Above-Average (101-120 IQ) 13%  13%  [ 39 ]
Average (100 IQ) 2%  2%  [ 7 ]
Below-Average (80-99 IQ) 0%  0%  [ 1 ]
Borderline Retardation (70-80 IQ) 2%  2%  [ 7 ]
Total votes : 301

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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01 Jun 2007, 8:25 am

For me IQ tests are strange. I was tested by a shrink and got 115. Splitted up in the components:
Numerical: 99.999 percentile, Verbal: 92 percentil, Figural: 8th percentile (! !!)

You could say its a bit lop-sided lol.

Though in school maths or physics or anything you would consider related to numerical skills, were never my best subjects and not interesting to me, ever. I always considered the subjects where you had to compose long texts to be my bread-and-butter game. That my figural/spatial understanding of things totally sucked, was clear to me all my life :)

In contrast to most people here, I believe that IQ scores have a very high validity and thus some meaning. For everyone interested in this topic, I recommend reading the book "The bell curve" by Herrnstein and Murray. Though there is a certain controversy about this work, from my background of psychology and statistics, I personally find most of the drawn conclusions believable.

I find this saying "IQ doesnt matter ..." somehow condescending, especially if it comes from the super gifted with 140+ like dexkaden. I think a high IQ is a genetical gift, like beauty or an athletic predisposition. You should appreciate it. Denying its significance wont make anybody feel better. I think a big part of life is accepting who you are. I know I'm smart in comparison with the average population. I'm smart enough in comparison to the college population, that I got accepted into med school, by working hard. But it is impossible to me to graduate at the top of med school and I probably couldn't cut it in science. It makes me a little sad, because I really love academia, but thats just the way it is.

I'm from Europe, maybe this devaluation of IQ tests come from the "American dream"? Everybody can achieve everything he wants, if he works hard enough? I still find it odd. Few people would argue, that everybody could become a world-class runner. Maybe I misunderstand you all a bit and what you really mean is "There is little correlation between IQ and achievement in many fields of life". This is also my point of view. I suppose in business, creativity and following through with your ideas is more important than IQ. Or as a salesman you need social skills more than anything. But there will never be a maths professor scoring in the bottom 25% of general or numeric IQ. Believing otherwise seems to me a little bit delusional and quite unlike the usual aspies' reliance on logic.

I'm sorry if I formulated any sentences unclear, english is not my best language :)


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01 Jun 2007, 8:55 am

I would say that I am probably the most intelligent person you are ever likely to come across. 'Profoundly gifted' doesn't even come near describing the depth of my intellect.

I was IQ tested by the worlds leading experts on intelligence but of course, I was so far ahead of them intellectually-speaking that it was meaningless for them to try and evaluate my superior intelligence. They eventually concluded that my IQ was somewhere between Skewes' number and Graham's number.

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Tufted Titmouse
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02 Jun 2007, 8:48 am

ahayes wrote:
Here's the code that uses to determin your IQ score:

int nIQ = 100 + rand()%41;


They demonstrate only your ability to do IQ tests, anyone scoring over 90 is capable of complex thought and able to do anything they wish in life (if they take a proper test)

EDIT: I just took the IQ test on tickle, using random answers the whole way

I scored 93, so this test says that if I act completely random every time any level on intellects is required in life I will act just a bit below average :lol:


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02 Jun 2007, 2:55 pm

i got 121 on the adult test.
i am gifted, apparenty.

i still feel stupid though. :(


Haven't been here a while. Huh.

Snowy Owl
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24 Jul 2007, 8:00 am

My mensa IQ said I have a 147 IQ so im just a genius but i don't see myself as one particulary :lol: (btw im not a member of mensa my IQ wasn't high enough).

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24 Jul 2007, 12:54 pm

When I was younger my IQ tested at 160. Then I had a head injury and when I was tested last year my IQ was 116. So for a while at least, I was a mensa-style genius :)


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24 Jul 2007, 7:28 pm

So much for the bell curve...

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 Jul 2007, 1:31 am

I always thought genius was more like 150-160 range. By those standards, no I don't think so. By your standards, and those of numerous people over the years who've used that word at me, YES! Of course, I've also been called "robot", so yay me.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 Jul 2007, 9:49 pm

I'm not actually sure what my IQ is (tickle says it's 130), but I've always been in the gifted/talented classes in school...

I think Pugly's statement best describes me though: "I don't think one number is good enough to describe my mental capabilities.... I'm smart and slow at the same time."

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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28 Jul 2007, 11:14 pm

Forgot to say: by my own standards, also no. But I don't let it get me down, because my genius standards are pretty high.

Snowy Owl
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29 Jul 2007, 12:30 pm

A common feature in AS is a wide spread other IQ like some of you described I was in the average percentile. but for verbal i was in the top 1-0.5 %. it was really confusing for my psychiatrist. :lol:

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29 Jul 2007, 3:03 pm

after almost failing school... i was sent to have my IQ done and scored high in a lot of the areas... dont need to say... but it landed me in magnet school and probably made my academic career what it is now... dunno what would have happened if i had stayed in the environment i was in.

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30 Jul 2007, 10:04 pm

143 when I was kid, wasn't in the gifted class due to bad handwriting and some problems with math in french.

It probably is lower now, thanks to two concussions, a brain tumour (removed, safe and fine now, minus hearing loss in one ear) :)

In college when they were doing the learning diability testing, they discovered my Verbal ability is on par with Canada's top people, and everything slides down after that. Although all of them are average or above average, there's huge gaps as you go down the levels. The college tester said that it is the gaps between your abilities rather than the actual level that can often cause problems.

It'd be fun to see what the IQ is now, but the old styles were kind of innaccurate, I though, because they tended to be centered around only certain kinds of IQ?

Blue Jay
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31 Jul 2007, 1:41 pm

141, have been tested as part of a study at Yale for preemie babies.

Pileated woodpecker
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01 Aug 2007, 1:54 am

I scored once at 145, once at 151, and the highest was at 160. I think it's somewhere in between the two extremes. The 160 was on a test that also measured speed of neural computation but it was actually just really easy math and logic problems. Me and my friends each took one after a psych. grad. student called us 'very, very tricky' because she couldn't "fool" us with some common perception problems. One of these guys was a comp. engineering major, I was a theoretical math major, and the other, who outdid both of us!, was a journalism major. The lady asked if I liked math (before I told her my major) because I ought to be really damn good at it for an American or otherwise (she was Russian with a B.S. in math).
Little did I ever think I would be starting my M.S. after finally getting a political theory degree... in theoretical biology & ecology (read: mathematical). Filling out my university employment forms and signing my employment contract as Graduate Assistant later this afternoon. Start teaching in three weeks. Woooo! Very excited.
My Master's thesis advisor called me a genius the first day I met her, like three years ago, for shooting down some of her ideas that she'd spent awile thinking about. I try not to pay much attention to those sorts of labels nowadays though as it's results that matter most.

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Snowy Owl
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07 Aug 2007, 2:34 am

160 something I guess according to my mom. They never told me I was doing an IQ test but I guess one of the tests the school or my psychologist gave me was it. I don't really consider myself a "genius" or anything. It's weird hearing that.