I have a few questions for people in college........

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So I just have a few questions for those of you in college......If you can just take some time to answer these I would appreciate it Thx.
~~~~~~~~~~SERIOUS QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~
~1) How did you hear about your college?
~2) How did you prepare to meet them in person( like interview)?
~3) Do they have strict rules? For example: dress code, parking, fees, ect.....?
~4) How are the people there?
~5) Is it easy to find people you relate to?
~6) What is lunch like? Is there a cafeteria that all of you eat in? Does everyone have lunch all at ones.
~7) How is traffic? Is it easier to walk, bike, or drive from class to class?
~8) What are your schedules like? Are your classes back to back or spaced out?
~9) Are pets allowed? DOGGOS DOGGO DOGGO
~10) How are the classes? Are they small or packed? Is there alot of one on one? I'm guessing no.
~11) Is there dissecting animals? If so, what types?
~~~~~~~~~~~FUN QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~
1) What are the parties like?
2) Are there ways to sneak out of class? (For emergencies)
3) Are the teachers nice?
4) Good spots to hide bands?
5) Who throws the best parties?
6) Is popularity still a thing in college?
~Taste the rainbow~
~Saturdayz for the boys~
~ADHD at its finest~
~I'm folding the dishes~
Can I answer from the days when I did go to college? Was a fair few years ago though.

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~1) How did you hear about your college? I just picked one nearby. I started at a community college because it's more practical: smaller class sizes provide a better learning experience and it's much more affordable.
~2) How did you prepare to meet them in person( like interview)? I didn't do any of this (for either community college or for the University I attended). I just applied and had to go on campus for a few registration things and orientation.
~3) Do they have strict rules? For example: dress code, parking, fees, ect.....? I don't believe there are colleges with dress codes, even religious schools seem to abandon this grade school practice. As for anything in life there are procedures and rules. Yes parking costs money and there will be many fees on top of the actual tuition. 'Rules' won't be stringent like the ones you experienced in grade school, but there will be some to ensure civility, enforce laws, and make sure certain graduation standards are met.
~4) How are the people there? Too broad to answer. They are people just like everywhere else.
~5) Is it easy to find people you relate to? This is subjective. It will differ for everyone. I imagine NTs, extroverts, or standard people will find it easy if they found it easy in other areas of life. Personally I don't relate to people often.
~6) What is lunch like? Is there a cafeteria that all of you eat in? Does everyone have lunch all at ones. In college you set and follow your own schedule. There won't be an organized lunch hour where you eat with your classmates. You will make time in your schedule and choose a place to eat. Campuses tend to have many different cafes and dining halls to choose from.
~7) How is traffic? Is it easier to walk, bike, or drive from class to class? This is highly dependent on the school you choose. In proper college towns students don't typically drive to class because parking is expensive and scarce. If you go to a standard university you may live in the dorms and so you could walk, or bike to classes. In the first year or so you'll probably have classes scattered around campus (i.e., far away from each other). There are typically buses for people living off campus. If you go to a community college things will be less spread out and they don't usually have buses or shuttles, so most people drive.
~8) What are your schedules like? Are your classes back to back or spaced out? It can be either, but it can be difficult to schedule them back to back when times are limited. Having gaps will be better if you're at a large university where it'll take a while to get from one building to another.
~9) Are pets allowed? DOGGOS DOGGO DOGGO On campus grounds, in housing, or in class?
~10) How are the classes? Are they small or packed? Is there alot of one on one? I'm guessing no. Depends heavily on the college, the class level, and the class type. At a community college the largest classes will probably only have 40 people. At a university, standard beginning courses like Chemistry 100 or Physics 100 will be in a large lecture hall with a few hundred people. As you're classes get more specialized there will be fewer students.
~11) Is there dissecting animals? If so, what types? In biology classes? Perhaps. In sociology classes? Not likely. Again, it's highly dependent on the school and the classes you take.
~~~~~~~~~~~FUN QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~
1) What are the parties like? Noisy. Full of drunk idiots. Spilled beer everywhere. Often creepy people will take advantage of others who are drunk. Fights sometimes break out. Sometimes there are shootings and stabbings. I advise if you go to parties to make sure you remain in control of your facilities at all times. There are many risks that you become more susceptible to at these events.
2) Are there ways to sneak out of class? (For emergencies) There is no need to sneak out. If you need to go you just walk out (just don't be disruptive).
3) Are the teachers nice? Question is too broad. Professors are individuals that will all differ. You can use sites like RateMyProfessor.com to see what your professors may be like once you choose a school.
4) Good spots to hide bands? Hide bands? I don't understand the question
5) Who throws the best parties? 'Best' would be subjective. 'Who' is too broad.
6) Is popularity still a thing in college? The concept of popularity will run through nearly all stages of life.
I finished my bachelors degree and now am working on my master's degree (about to finish) at the same school.
~~~~~~~~~~SERIOUS QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~
~1) How did you hear about your college?
I grew up in the same state as my college. Its a state college specializing in science and tech.
~2) How did you prepare to meet them in person( like interview)?
I did not interview.
~3) Do they have strict rules? For example: dress code, parking, fees, ect.....?
Parking is limited and must be purchased. Fees on top of tuition average $500-700 a semester these days. Those that must live in dorms must pay for overpriced meal plans.
~4) How are the people there?
Okay I guess. Standard cross-section of US society. Some people are bad.
~5) Is it easy to find people you relate to?
No. I ended up sort of making two friends and now I barely talk to either.
~6) What is lunch like? Is there a cafeteria that all of you eat in? Does everyone have lunch all at ones.
There are several university dining locations. Can choose whichever one, but some are closer than others. The food is way overpriced and only required for people living in dorms (~$10 a meal).
~7) How is traffic? Is it easier to walk, bike, or drive from class to class?
Used to ride the bus everywhere. No longer with COVID. While on campus its just easier to walk. I bought a parking permit to commute now.
~8) What are your schedules like? Are your classes back to back or spaced out?
I had semesters where classes were back to back and others where they were spread out. No longer taking classes.
~9) Are pets allowed? DOGGOS DOGGO DOGGO
Not in university housing unless its an ESA or special housing that allows that sort of thing. Limited at my school.
~10) How are the classes? Are they small or packed? Is there alot of one on one? I'm guessing no.
Started large as freshman. Got smaller once in specialized courses for degree program.
~11) Is there dissecting animals? If so, what types?
No. I didn't take any biology courses. Not sure if they do that generally at the university level.
~~~~~~~~~~~FUN QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~
1) What are the parties like?
The few I went were just okay about seven years ago. They were 'geek/nerd' gatherings
2) Are there ways to sneak out of class? (For emergencies)
Just get up and go if its a big lecture with 100's of students. Small classes just indicate if you need to walk to the front of the class.
3) Are the teachers nice?
4) Good spots to hide bands?
5) Who throws the best parties?
No idea.
6) Is popularity still a thing in college?
Sort of if you join a social group, like a club. Otherwise no.

~~~~~~~~~~SERIOUS QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~
~1) How did you hear about your college?
~2) How did you prepare to meet them in person( like interview)?
~3) Do they have strict rules? For example: dress code, parking, fees, ect.....?
~4) How are the people there?
~5) Is it easy to find people you relate to?
~6) What is lunch like? Is there a cafeteria that all of you eat in? Does everyone have lunch all at ones.
~7) How is traffic? Is it easier to walk, bike, or drive from class to class?
~8) What are your schedules like? Are your classes back to back or spaced out?
~9) Are pets allowed?

~10) How are the classes? Are they small or packed? Is there alot of one on one? I'm guessing no.
~11) Is there dissecting animals? If so, what types?
~~~~~~~~~~~FUN QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~
1) What are the parties like?
2) Are there ways to sneak out of class? (For emergencies)
3) Are the teachers nice?
4) Good spots to hide bands?
5) Who throws the best parties?
6) Is popularity still a thing in college?

1. My Mum went there. (Collage no longer exists as it was knocked down and a new one built elsewhere).
2. Can't remember. Was done via a form I think.
3. I did not notice strict rules. When I was in school before we had the slipper in the first school (Age 4 to 11) and the cane in the second (11 to 16 or 18 if one became a prefect and did A levels). No uniform in college.
4.People were OK I guess but to be honest, my collage years were the worst in my life. The last couple of months I had the whole class turn on me so it was 25 to 1, so I ended up failing my exams so I could escape early to avoid possible bullying. (I was not bothered if I passed or failed. It was about survival).
5. No. I was very much a loner. Yes I spoke to others through masking but I was always a bit of an odd one out. Remember Sesame Street where they would sing "One of these kids is not like the others"? Well. That will be me! Haha!
6. Not sure. Was too scared really to eat there. Used to take sandwiches and nip off on my bicycle somewhere I could be alone to eat them.
7.Used to cycle as there was a 2 mile walk to the bus stop. If it was raining I would get just as wet to walk as I would if I cycled the 7 miles to the college, and I would be quicker on the bike, as I would be there in less time then it would take me to walk to the bus stop.
8. Classes were back to back.
9. No pets allowed, though for three days a week we were with the Agriculteral boys and they were part at our college, and part at another and they did have animals on the other college. The remaining two days we were with the electrical boys as we were on a general engineering course which was part mechanical and part electrical.
10. Classes... Usually around 25 of us. Problem was the course had been a 5 year course, and then a 3 year, but when I joined it was reduced to a 2 year and only one person passed from his own merit because it was so much work crammed into such a short time period. The rest cheated to pass and the lecturers helped them by turning a blind eye to the cheating, because if too many of us failed, their jobs were on the line.
11. No. Was an engineering course. Was supposed to be 60% theory (All mathematics) and 40% practical, but due to so much being crammed in to just 2 years, it was more like 10% to 20% practical).
1. I never went to any of the parties. Wasn't my scene at all.
2. I suppose one could just not turn up. We had a teacher from Iraq who spoke no English at first and was learning English as he taught. A brillinat man but we were totally lost in his electrical lessons. Why I mention this, he was the only one who kept a register, and he made the mistake of handing it out for us to write our names on it at the start of the course. Well, three extra names went down being Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Max Boyce, and being from Iraq, he did not notice as he had never heard of them. Every lesson he would call out these names. After about a year or more of the two year course, he complained to the principle of the collage about the students who never turned up for class, and Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse were no longer on the list, but Max was there until the end!
3. Teachers varied. Some nice and kind. Others average. One used to suddenly without warning do chicken noises and actions at random while teaching us. We think he had ben hypnotized.
It was where I learned I had faceblindness like my Mum because I kept getting homework wrong for about eight months. I knew I was getting some wrong but not everything wrong. One day I saw one lecturer come in to talk to another. I thought they were the same person and they were not. I had been handing my homework in the the wrong teacher. With the crazines of rhe other teacher clucking like a chicken and everything crammed in, I assumed that the different sirnames for what I thought was the same man was due to the different subjects he taught!
4. Not sure. Never tried. Possible but unlikely.
5.No idea. Never went.
6. Yes, but I was never popular. I was seen as "Odd" and unique so...
Last edited by Mountain Goat on 04 Nov 2020, 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 1 Oct 2020
Age: 21
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Location: In my head, Florida
To clarify
For the DOGGOS I mean are the fluffy ones allowed on campus like anywhere
The bands question I meant contraband :} Im guessing no alcohol allowed on campus :{
~Taste the rainbow~
~Saturdayz for the boys~
~ADHD at its finest~
~I'm folding the dishes~
For the DOGGOS I mean are the fluffy ones allowed on campus like anywhere
The bands question I meant contraband :} Im guessing no alcohol allowed on campus :{
Oh. Contraband. Not officially allowed but there was the occasional student turned up drunk and tried to act normal. Ammended post above to finish questions.
~1) How did you hear about your college? They are the colleges that exist in my city.
~2) How did you prepare to meet them in person( like interview)? Read about the school on their website, read the campus rulebook, etc
~3) Do they have strict rules? For example: dress code, parking, fees, ect.....? Not terribly - don't wear anything offensive, only park in the designated areas, yes you have to pay the fees.
~4) How are the people there? They are people. They come in all types.
~5) Is it easy to find people you relate to? I've found at least one person I connect with in most classes. Clubs help too.
~6) What is lunch like? Is there a cafeteria that all of you eat in? Does everyone have lunch all at ones. Lunch is up to you. It's not like highschool where there's designated "lunch times". There is usually some type of cafe or student center where you can buy food and hang out like at a food court. Bookstores usually sell pre-packaged food as well.
~7) How is traffic? Is it easier to walk, bike, or drive from class to class? Depends on the school. The community college I went to was a little bigger than a large city highschool campus, you can cross it on foot in 5 minutes. The grad school I'm trying to go to is the size of a shopping mall parking lot - you can cross it on a bike in 5 minutes. University of Florida is the size of a small town, and can take 10-20 minutes to get from one end to the other, in a car.
~8) What are your schedules like? Are your classes back to back or spaced out? You pick what classes you want from available offerings. Class times and formats are fairly diverse, so people can pick classes that can coexist with work schedules and other responsibilities. You don't have to stay all day, can leave between classes, don't even have to be there if you don't have a class that day.
~9) Are pets allowed? DOGGOS DOGGO DOGGO - typically service animals only on campus grounds.
~10) How are the classes? Are they small or packed? Is there alot of one on one? I'm guessing no. Depends on the class. Lower level classes that everyone has to take tend to have more people. Higher level and more specialized classes can get pretty small. For generic classes like Comm2, I've been in classes with as many as 60 people. In more specialized classes, I've had as few as 5-6. Average has been around 15-20 for me. Even if there's not time for one on one during class, most professors offer office hours, as well as there being tutoring resources through the school. Most professors also do try to leave / make time to allow for questions and discussion during class.
~11) Is there dissecting animals? If so, what types? Only if you take specifically biology oriented classes with labs. If you took chemistry or physics for science, no dissecting.
~~~~~~~~~~~FUN QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~
1) What are the parties like? Depends on the venue.
2) Are there ways to sneak out of class? (For emergencies) No need to, you can just leave quietly.
3) Are the teachers nice? Some are, some aren't. They can still be a good teacher even if they aren't "nice". They're not "mean" either - they're just not there to be your friend. I've liked most of my professors.
4) Good spots to hide bands? It's not like they search your rooms unless you give them REALLY good reason to suspect you're breaking the rules.
5) Who throws the best parties? Professional venues.
6) Is popularity still a thing in college? Mostly in the minds of people fresh out of high school and just starting college.
Focus on college first, worry about parties and the social scene as an after thought. It's a great time to adventure and experiment, but best not to forget why you're there. I've known people that got so caught up in the scene, they tanked out of school completely.

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I knew nothing about the college I went to until I visited it. I had heard the name but confused it with a small nearby college.
I was going to go to a private school that was rather expensive. On my way to an interview at the school, we stopped by the other school for a quick look. At that school, we visited one of the higher ups in the military program there because when he was in school, he would work for my parents in the summer time. We got a really nice tour of the campus from him.
The next day at the private school, I found out what they cost. I instantly knew that I wasn't going to school there. I could go to the state school for three to four years for what it would cost to go to the private school for one year.
It worked out real fine for me, though.
I remember worrying about what college was like. High school wasn't that great and I figured it would be more of the same at college. That turned out not to be the case at all. The thugs in high school generally didn't go to college. The people I met in college were more like the regular people in high school who weren't out to make everyone miserable.
Another big difference was the classes. Instead of having classes one after another all day long, we'd spend about three hours in classes each day. A few people would even work it out to have all their classes on Tuesday and Thursday so that they would have a
four day weekend each week. In the classes, sometimes there was attendance taken, sometimes not.
Here's my advice for classes:
1) Sit in the front of the class. If nothing else, the teacher will learn to recognize quicker and will remember you better. Don't sit in the back of the class if at all possible.
2) Read the text for the lecture ahead of time. Be ready to participate in discussions. It never hurts.
3) Ask questions. Try to make them good questions.
4) Find out your teacher's office hours and go by occasionally. The teacher will remember you. Many teachers can go an entire semester without any students coming to their office so they like it when someone has enough interest in the course to come by and ask questions.
I remember when I was taking one physics course that I visited the afternoon after taking the final exam. The grader was there and asked if I knew that I had missed a page on the test. I was then allowed to take that page that I missed. That one office visit saved me my A in the class.
I knew someone who was not that great a student who went to all of his teachers during office hours at least once a month. Even if he had no reason to go, he would find a reason. I asked him about it once and he said that he ended up with a lot of C's that should have been 'D's. Apparently, many teachers would remember him when grades were due and would bump up his grade.
5) Don't party on weeknights. You are in school to study and learn, not to party. There will be plenty of time for partying later.
By the way, back on the part of participating in discussions, there is St John's College in Santa Fe, New Mexico where everything depends on class participation. If you don't participate there, you probably aren't going to be successful there at all.

Joined: 1 Oct 2020
Age: 21
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Location: In my head, Florida
Just enjoy! Make life a game and live it.


Joined: 1 Oct 2020
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I have something to look forward to if I graduate. I have 16 credits a 2.75 gpa. Slacked off when I was freshman picking it back up. I did all required math, science, history, and fine arts. So close yet so far to graduating.
~Taste the rainbow~
~Saturdayz for the boys~
~ADHD at its finest~
~I'm folding the dishes~
~~~~~~~~~~SERIOUS QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~
~1) How did you hear about your college?
~2) How did you prepare to meet them in person( like interview)?
I went to three interviews, but none for the University I actually ended up attending.
~3) Do they have strict rules? For example: dress code, parking, fees, etc.....?
Nah. You have to pay for parking but I don't have a car so that was never an issue for me.
~4) How are the people there?
It really varies. The first flatmates I had were a nightmare, but I met some nice people in my second year.
~5) Is it easy to find people you relate to?
At first it was difficult and I felt very lonely. I had to be proactive in finding others, but eventually other people found me as well and I made close friendships.
~6) What is lunch like? Is there a cafeteria that all of you eat in? Does everyone have lunch all at ones.
There are multiple eating spaces but lunch times vary between schedules and you can go off campus to have lunch if you want.
~7) How is traffic? Is it easier to walk, bike, or drive from class to class?
I walked everywhere unless I wanted to go to the other campus, in that case I'd get into a scheduled University minivan pick up. Outside of lessons, I'd get a bus if I were going on a day trip with a mate somewhere.
~8) What are your schedules like? Are your classes back to back or spaced out?
Personally, mine are usually spaced out. Sometimes there would be three hours between lessons. Or the tutor would just get bored of teaching and tell us to go home. It was rather unpredictable and I spent most of my time working independently. Plus, my tutors were usually going on strike so I basically just taught myself using the internet for a significant amount of it. The spaces, such as the student library, were useful for group projects and the camera equipment provided was beneficial etc.
~9) Are pets allowed? DOGGOS DOGGO DOGGO.
Nope. Only guide dogs and possibly support animals.
~10) How are the classes? Are they small or packed? Is there alot of one on one? I'm guessing no.
Well, some people just never really showed up to lesson or they'd join another class time slot. I know I switched time slots sometimes to be with certain people. For my course there was a lot of one on one provided, when they weren't too busy striking, although it depended on the tutor.
~11) Is there dissecting animals? If so, what types?
Not for my area of study. I never really went into the science department, so whatever they were doing down there remains a mystery to me. However, I find it unlikely.
~~~~~~~~~~~FUN QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~
1) What are the parties like?
Varies. I didn't go to many. One time I got a noise complaint sprawled on a piece of paper in purple crayon because we were too loud. I went to a few clubs but I spent most of my free time spinning in chairs in the library and taking Buzzfeed quizzes with my friends or secretly talking about our crushes in uneventful areas. Cool is not a word I'd use to describe myself.
2) Are there ways to sneak out of class? (For emergencies)
Just leave. They can't stop you. If you miss about two weeks worth of classes they'll chase you up, but aside from that they don't care. Personally that happened to me once when I was rather ill.
3) Are the teachers nice?
Well that definitely depends. I'd say for the most part yes.
4) Good spots to hide contrabands?
I wouldn't know.
5) Who throws the best parties?
…I don't think I'm qualified to answer. Usually I'd meet up with a few mates and maybe we'd hit the club later or just stay in doing something else such as watching Netflix. Extra curricular activity groups are also a thing. I used to do improv.
6) Is popularity still a thing in college?
Hmm. Yes but it works differently to how popularity usually works in high school. In my university, it was mainly to do with your skillset and how entertaining your conversation is, with popularity varying between groups. Bizarrely I became rather popular in my second year unexpectedly. Each student became known for their own niche and if a group project was successful then it could lead to new friendships. If you were known as a bad student, one that didn't help out in group projects or often failed because you messed about, then your popularity would take a nosedive as you'd gain a negative reputation. However, if you showed initiative and skill, plus you were entertaining to hang out with, then you'd be on your way. Sometimes I'd become friends with someone and end up being friends with their friends by association.
Disclaimer: Entirely based on my experience. May not be accurate for you.
Support human artists!
25. Near the spectrum but not on it.
~1) How did you hear about your college?
School. It looked most suitable.
~2) How did you prepare to meet them in person( like interview)?
Almost drank alcohol to ease anxiety. Felt very scary going in.
~3) Do they have strict rules? For example: dress code, parking, fees, ect.....?
Parking was a bit strict, but I don't drive so it didn't affect me.
~4) How are the people there?
Some are pretty nice, but some hated others for no reason. It would take some time to figure out who was nice and who wasn't since it was not as obvious as in school.
~5) Is it easy to find people you relate to?
One person was a bit relatable and talked to him in class sometimes. Otherwise, not at all.
~6) What is lunch like? Is there a cafeteria that all of you eat in? Does everyone have lunch all at ones.
Had lunch on my own. Walked around town and it was nice.
~7) How is traffic? Is it easier to walk, bike, or drive from class to class?
A lot of traffic. I was sometimes late to my first class because the bus would arrive late due to heavy traffic.
~8) What are your schedules like? Are your classes back to back or spaced out?
5 days a week with 3 hour gaps between classes a few times a week.
~9) Are pets allowed? DOGGOS DOGGO DOGGO
No, sadly.
~10) How are the classes? Are they small or packed? Is there alot of one on one? I'm guessing no.
Hated it so much. Just always felt being at home.
~11) Is there dissecting animals? If so, what types?
So gross, but thankfully no.
~~~~~~~~~~~FUN QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~
1) What are the parties like?
Never cared.
2) Are there ways to sneak out of class? (For emergencies)
Easily. Had to do so a few times to get some time to myself due to stress.
3) Are the teachers nice?
They were.
4) Good spots to hide bands?
5) Who throws the best parties?
Everyone else.
6) Is popularity still a thing in college?
Yes, it was definitely a thing from what I observed. Must be stressful for those who cared about being popular.
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