I'm very sorry these terrible things were done to you.
For absolute starters, psychiatrists need to learn how to tinker with the medication, which I understand in many cases when a person is experiencing schizophrenia or bipolar, they do not do.
And thank you for your bravery in saying you were raped. As more men acknowledge this that, yes, males, too can be raped, hopefully that will speed the day when this kind of hugely serious abuse is committed far less often.
As far as community colleges starting to build dorms, I think it's good, it gives people one more choice and option.
I hear you saying that you'd still like to go to college. I encourage you to hold onto that dream, and also maybe at the same time, go lateral. For example, maybe politics on your own terms of engagement and back-and-forth?
For example, about 10 years ago I heard about "Town Hall" meeting at a restaurant. Then, I found out it was the Republicans. Well, heck. I went anyway, basically because I was lonely. And I didn't lie that much. I said I was really more of an independent and a moderate, so I didn't pretend to be a conservative. And the interesting thing, because I was focused on meeting people in a respectful way and hearing what they had to say and believe, I did better socially than at Democratic groups!, when often I have an issue or two to promote.
Also, some people like book groups. No, not the same as the college experience writ large, but a little bit of the exchange of ideas.
So, I say, hold onto the dream, and maybe at the same time lightly try experiments and/or sideways dances as it were.
I'm not near as active as I used to be, but I still care about our Spectrum and WrongPlanet community.