vetivert wrote:
interestingly, statistics show that boys do better in mixed schools, whilst girls do better in single-sex schools (can't find the source just at the mo, but it's fairly ubiquitous research, and is re-iterated every few years or so, just in case we didn't get the point). now, i wonder why that is...?
there is no significant difference in the bullying in girls' schools, however (can't say i ever went to an all-boys school, so can't comment) - the bullying is slightly different, though, in that it's more insidious.
According to what I have read, both boys and girls benefit from the single gender format. There are specific examples that have been found in England and the U.S. that show this. Read what is on the website I listed,, and you'll see what I mean.
They tell the story of Thurgood Marshall Elementary School in Seattle, and some other schools that switched classes to a single sex format with positive results for both boys and girls, with the biggest effect being the boys. It's worth reading and will make you think about this subject. As someone who has been in both worlds, I can tell you I preferred being in a single gender school and if I could have stayed in a single gender school, alot of the problems I had in junior high and high school would have been avoided.
Based on my experiences, I personally would have been better off staying in an all boys school and having been in both, I would bet there are many other boys would have benefited too.
"I am not a number, I am a free man!"