Kalister1 wrote:
...Their benefit to humanity is nothing in comparison to research scientists, construction workers, police officers, etc. In short, anyone else. Priests help others for the their own gain; be it emotional or monetary.
The people you mentioned also do it for their own gain, perhaps more so. Research workers are doing their thing because it provides intellectual satisfaction, and a modest pay cheque. Few construction workers are in it for anything else other than money, and the same could be said of the police, with the exception of those who join the force because they enjoy having authority over others and are able to legally physically assault, or kill. However, some good does flow from these people doing their thing just as it does for a man of the cloth to do his.
Kalister1 wrote:
...Maybe they should learn to take strength in themselves, and not in others? Its just a crutch for them, a pitiful one...
That's their business, not yours. If they're not doing you harm, what's the problem?
Kalister1 wrote:
...A moral philosopher has more information on morals than any priest....
So what? I doubt most people are that keen on wading through the pontifications of one of your moral philosophers, anyway.
Kalister1 wrote:
...Christians have never helped me...
Doesn't surprise me; I reckon they think you'll crucify them.