SqrachMasda wrote:
mine are.... disastrous
my texts and notebooks are stuffed with papers in no order, my room is litter with them
i know where everything is mentally so i see no problem
i'll have things from different classes in other books but i know if i need to look at the stuff where I put it
it would seem as though i'm completely unorganized but because i am well organized mentally, i can skip the external order
anybody else?
oh, and how's your handwriting
Well, it's been 14 years since I was last in school & had notebooks, so...
I was super-organized, because I was terrified of being caught without something important, and/or not being able to find something. School & classes gave me great anxiety, which I dealt with by being extremely prepared, with a ton of materials, making sure I had everything ahead of time, in order I'd need it. My school locker was neat, tidy, and mostly empty.
My room (then, as now) is quite a mess, though knew where what I needed for school was-that was all that mattered, because it kept me safe from getting in trouble academically.
I often doodled (patterns, spirals, outlines & eyes) all over pages of notes-but not to extent that it interfered with the notes themselves.
My handwriting was neat (now it's less so, since my arms/hands are getting old & decrepit) back then-took oodles of notes, from books & lectures.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*