What was your worst year in school?

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31 Mar 2007, 2:22 am

No wait... Grade 7 was a nightmare. I was picked on all the time.


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02 Apr 2007, 12:31 am

1st grade of secondary school (7th grade, for USA's education grades, I think).

My dad had the "great" idea of enrolling me in a private school. Almost all my classmates were shallow, preppy, conformists, untolerant, and some of them betrayed and bullied me. 2nd year was easier, because I learnt how to deal with the "beasts"

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10 Apr 2007, 5:09 pm

My first year of kindergarden (my parents figured I wasn't ready and took me out a week after I started and enrolled me into a diffrent school after I started)

3rd (everything I did was wrong. When were were supposed to study animals which I was looking forward to for weeks, the teacher said we were going to skip it and do another chapter I think she did that because she knew that was the only thing I was good at).

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10 Apr 2007, 7:51 pm

7th grade--I got suspended for "sexual harassment". I was in the mood to fall in love with a random boy, and I chose Julian. I've never liked a real boy before, so I had no idea how to get his attention. I told somebody that I liked him, and that person told Julian. But Julian didn't like me back :( , yet that didn't stop me from aproaching me. The first thing I did was chase him around. When i got close, I grabbed and hugged him. then I rubbed him. During classtime, i often reached out to touch his shoulder and neck. I did this over and over again, and didn't listen to him when he said "please don't touch me." the worst thing i did was lick the back of his neck. I was unaware of the fact that he's been complaining to his mother and the principle about all the things i did to him. The principle talked to me about this a couple times, but I still didn't listen. Finally, I was pulled out of class to discuss it with the principle, who told my mom about it, and boy, it changed my life dramatically! At least i've learned my lesson, so i wouldn't be doing this in high school. Luckly, i've recently had a crush, and he likes me back! :D

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12 Apr 2007, 8:01 am

im in my last year at school, with like 2 months till i leave(at last :))
umm, my worst year has got to be when i was in year 9, i remember every single morning i would wake up with so much frustration i couldn't bear it so i started self harming and my behaviour was real bad.
i would run out of lessons in school, got into 3 fights with the same boy, was banned from alot of my lessons, i had numerous meeting with the school and my mum, i was constantly on a red report card(this is to moniter my behaviour in each lesson, red is also the worst one) and the school was close to sending me to a behavioural centre/school thingy!
i wasn't deliberalty trying to get into trouble and make my mum suffer, i was mearly confused and angry that no body understood what it felt like to feel different when everybody else thinks your fine.

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12 Apr 2007, 3:49 pm

I'm 58 and found out I was Aspergers about eight months ago. I went to a seminar on Aspergers two months ago. When the lecturer started talking about school problems for Aspergers, I almost went into meltdown in the middle of that lecture hall. I had suppressed it all, just to be able to function through school and through all the jobs I had. I had flashbacks and shakes for two days.

I'd say 6th grade was especially bad and set the standard through junior high and high school. I came in to an elementary school in Illinois in mid school year. The class went from room to room together. One kid came up to me and told me that he was the head of this class and I had to do what he said. I figured I wasn't going to be at this school any longer than I had been at any other school, so I told him to buzz off.

Unfortunately, he was the basketball captain and his girlfriend was the head of the cheer leaders, both in my class. Truly everyone in that grade was either harrassing me to curry their favor or were intimidated to silence. I was framed numerous times. Numerous times in a queue, everyone behind me were given cuts in front of me. I just pulled into myself. Since the jocks didn't want to be suspended or anything, it was 'only' social harrassment.

7th and 8th grades were junior high in another school building with mostly the same kids, but the feeding frenzy was chilled a bit by the addition of other kids. High school was in a much larger facility because it was for the entire township. It chilled a bit more, but it was still there. Also, the basketball team won state championship so they felt great and left me alone. At the end of freshman year, my parents moved to Arizona.

By this time, I was so warped, I couldn't fit in. There was no persecution, but I was too nasty, withdrawn and defensive to make good friends. A group of us rejects started hanging out (Aspregers, I now realize) and got into the occult (now called New Age). After a couple of years we were already into the rudiments of witchcraft without any connection to material on witchcraft.

My father sent me to San Rafael academy high school over the summer to 'up my grades'. Wrong. That place was a hell hole full of platinum rats that couldn't be controlled by their parents! These rich boys were marking time before they went to San Quentin.

After that, my father said, (as I knew he was going to) "Say, how would you like to go there for the fall?" For the first time, I told my father, "If you send me there, I will run away." He knew this was no idle threat. Not that I knew where I would go, but I still would have to go.

After senior year high school, my father found an academy that would take me, not because of my grades but on the basis of my SAT scores. He wanted me to be a Navy Admiral or a business magnate to prove to his father that he could 'make it' through me. I knew that hope was doomed to failure. I accepted his choice, because the Viet Nam war was heating up and we both knew the U.S. was going to lose it.

I went to California Maritime Academy which was all-male and famous for its crudity. Some were hippies, some were platinum rats, some were hard-bitten sea dogs, and all didn't want to be there at all. The saying was "cooperation means graduation", but I was a loner, so I was on the outs. The worst of it was when the whole academy packed up on this ship and headed out to sea for four months each year. Then things got really bad for me. When I got home from those and took a break at my parents house , they would look at me worried. I was half-way to psychotic from the pressure. I got a four year degree out of there in three years. My grades were two hundredths of a point above the fail line. That academy no longer used SAT scores for candidates after me.
Grades 1 - 5 were a blur. First grade teacher kept my desk alongside her desk so she wouldn't have that far to reach.
Second grade teacher came to see my mother in tears, saying she had lost control and slapped me. The fact that my father was base commander and this was in Saudi Arabia helped the teacher be deferential to me.
Every teacher I had always noted on my report card, "failure to apply himself." Two teachers tried to reach out to me, thinking I had a tragedy at home or something. When it quickly became evident the problem was way over their heads, they just sent me back to class.

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12 Apr 2007, 7:11 pm

I'm not too sure. I was oblivious throughout infants and primary school, despite being bullied in infants (one day a boy followed me around blowing in my ear so that night I had earache, the same boy threatened to kill me, the same boy grabbed me by the neck and shoved me up against a window) and primary (in year six a girl started a campaign against me just because I asked her to move out of my way in the class - she drew a picture of a rabbit in chalk on the playground floor with my name next to it, she would talk about me and laugh while her and her gang all looked right at me and said my name and stuff, she also came up behind me and stabbed me with a pencil). I never remember worrying over it at home though, it was like two seperate worlds. I didn't realise just how different I was, even though I spent a lot of time alone and didn't relate to the other children. I did hav a best friend from year 3-6 and to this day I love him because he was awesome. He's the only best friend I've had I've actually cared for a lot.

From the age of around eleven I started to feel different and have been depressed since I was about eleven/twelve (with a few breaks here and there). In secondary school when I was being left out of my group's events I was very unhappy and didn't understand why they didn't want me around (even though I liked to be alone - it was the fact I was being left out when others were being included) and that's when I started to realise how different I was. Little things like people inviting my friends to parties but not inviting me etc. got me down. But then I found a new friendship group and things were okay, and even better I met a weird boy and we fell in love and were together for a couple of years... unfortunately he grew out of his weirdness and we no longer worked together. But for the first year things were great, then I got depressed again (which didn't help the relationship). So 6th Form after we split up was awful - no friends, no boyfriend, severe depression...

But right now I'd still be glad to go back to that than to be at university. I feel completely out of my depth here whereas in my old school the teachers would push you to do things, all the classes were in one building and in a very familiar surroundings (I'm still adapting to the uni surroundings, but it's just too big to get to grips with). Also it's nearer to home which is reassuring, and even when I didn't have friends there were more familiar faces (rather than not having friends, the people you do sort of recognise not being as familiar, and the majority of people being complete strangers).


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12 Apr 2007, 11:38 pm

It's between this year and 7th grade.

In 7th grade, my vlass was eally bad and we got punished all the time. The prinipal would come in and yell at us and I just got upset fast.

This year, I had a driver's ed teacher who hated my guts pratically, I'm in an AP class where I am on the brisk of not getting back in, my math teacher basically forgets we have 5 other classes, my lit teacher complains all the time, and on top of all that everyone in my school is better than me and they are practically rubbing it into my face. I cannot wait untill this year is over.

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13 Apr 2007, 12:19 pm

I was lucky. I was/is in good private schools (the primary one was a school for the gifted, and the secondary one is one of the top in the UK). I got on quite well at my primar yschool, although I was very, very hyperactive and I often got into small fights with the boys. In this school, I have been quite outcasted for the first 4 years (although I made a really good friend in year 7, whom I am still the best of friends with). Now people are opening up to me and talking to me. I am still quite hyperactive though, so some people are a little scared of me.

I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.


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13 Apr 2007, 9:16 pm

Kindergarten-The teacher said there was something wrong with me.

Fourth grade-I probably lost interest in math because of all of the wacko teaching methods he used. I was bored by the slow "go at your own pace" approach. It played to the slower students.

Eighth grade-I was bullied terribly by some very big, very mean students.

Virtually all of my University years, especially in the Master's program-I was so sick of the political correctness, I considered quitting many times. Only sheer determination got me through to graduation.


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15 Apr 2007, 11:10 am

9CatMom wrote:
Kindergarten-The teacher said there was something wrong with me.

Fourth grade-I probably lost interest in math because of all of the wacko teaching methods he used. I was bored by the slow "go at your own pace" approach. It played to the slower students.

Eighth grade-I was bullied terribly by some very big, very mean students.

Virtually all of my University years, especially in the Master's program-I was so sick of the political correctness, I considered quitting many times. Only sheer determination got me through to graduation.

I actually had a horrible kindergarden teacher.

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16 Apr 2007, 9:26 pm

My senior year was my worst year of school. That was 1992.

I had a nervous breakdown.

The second worst year was my last year in college. Without knowing I had Dyscalculia, I had just hit a wall and I wasn't going to get past it. This was a bad year because I had to come to realize I wouldn't end up as the brilliant architect or graphic artist I always thought I'd be.


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16 Apr 2007, 10:42 pm

7th grade. On top of dealing with not socially fitting in and idiot classmates, I started developing some serious blood sugar issues that caused me to go a little wacko. Around 10th grade, I gave up on trying to fit in with my peers and felt a lot better about myself ever since.