Sparrowrose wrote:
When I was having such an awful time in high school, people would tell me to hang in there because "college is different." My experience has been that, at least in the beginning, college is not always very different. As it goes on, it can be easier to deal with. I suspect there's still a lot of the bullying now, in grad school, but it's socially subtle enough that I don't see it. And that's a good thing. Most of what I experience from my classmates is dismissal, ignoring, or outright exclusion and that's a LOT easier to deal with than harsh words and fists to my face.
Gosh, I’m really sorry to hear you’ve had such a bad time bully-wise.
My school experience has been pretty positive—at least as positive as I’d expected.
Of course, 20 years in a male dominated, applied science (read blue collar) career field has more than prepared me for anything a few college kids could dish-up.
Being a social-cripple and twice the age of most of my classmates has limited our interaction, but what little interaction there is, is usually civil enough.
I think most of my ‘peers’ generally think of me as ‘that weird, old dude who studies too much.’ I got a few dirty looks for blowing the grading curve, but other than that, they leave me in peace.
I’ve also been lucky enough to have some excellent teachers who seem genuinely pleased to have a student who’s interested in more than a passing grade.
In my first little response paper in that soci course, I wrote 8 pages comparing and contrasting socialization and brainwashing just because it was fun and interesting…
The next class, my prof. was waiting for me at the door with the paper. She said, “This was so good, I cried after I read it.” She’s too funny—good teacher and a really nice girl. (If she was grading this post, she’d mark off 2 pts. for calling her a girl, symbolically sexist language, you know.)
No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus