Math and I have.... issues. Ever since I was a child math and I had trouble. Of course looking back on it, it wasn't math but the teachers around me failing me for not showing my work. I was able to do the math in my head much quicker than on paper, and doing it in my head made way more sense than on paper. However I got the questions wrong just because I didn't show my work. So because of that I have hated math, almost to the point of having near melt downs during math tests.
Now a days I can do almost any math easily, except for the useless math with the letters in it. My brain simply can't grasp those math problems. Seeing one of those kinds of problems will send me into a melt down. Three failed classes on the subject of letter math has taught me that, sometimes, they should let you skip such subjects. Thankfully I managed to get into a business math class that I was able to pass.