Craziest/funniest/weirdest/psychotic professor you've had

Joined: 12 Nov 2008
Age: 35
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Posts: 320
Location: I'm in ur kitchenz, eatin ur foodz
One time he was late to class (no one had seen him in the building all morning and that man is always in the building at least even if he's never on time to class) so we were all confused and went searching for him. When he finally strolls in and explained how he had to go back home in order to get his cameras so we could film video reference one of my classmates interrupts him and goes: "We thought you'd died!"
He stops mid sentence and looks up going: "Whaaaat?"
He also has some blood pressure issues and so we often have to worry about him when he starts to feel ill during class. At first we didn't know what was wrong with him, and so he explained it to us. He followed it up with a "but that's okay because I kick ass."
Also when we were learning rigging he told us how there were some aspects that you had to get exactly perfect or else you were "doomed" and had to start over from scratch. He then went on to go "dooom, doom, dooomed, dooooooom!" for a little while while he was showing us what not to do. A little later in the lecture we were doing animations and he was like: "I need coffee." so he drank down his coffee before he started explaining it to us but was having trouble saying the right words so he explained instead: "Coffee doesn't help."
The best thing though happened outside of class. My best friend and I (we're like conjoined at the hip and the whole art department knows this) were peering in this installation piece that looked like a bathroom in the middle of the gallery hall when all of a sudden we hear someone say "boo" and push into us. My friend and I turn around assuming it's one of our guy friends but are shocked to see our professor standing there giving us the most serious expression I've ever seen in my life. He then took a few steps backwards and vanished down the hall while my friend and I burst out laughing.
Ever watched Invader Zim?
International politics prof. was a retired UN diplomat (since 1947!)... the man was this grey old fellow who would teach the subject as if it were a history lesson. The most amazing thing is that as we followed the book (he was old school) he would stop us almost every page and tell us the book was wrong and THIS is what really happened...and would go on to tell you behind the scenes facts and events that really brought things into reality.
..for he was there... and there were pics in the book of UN meetings that you could SEE him in. You can't beat that kind of instruction.
Psychotic ones? My current anthropology prof. She's a retired ex-marine that was a drill sgt.. has a pissed off look and attitude 24/7 and suffers from some bone/joints problem that exacerbate her desire to share her misery on the world.
but she knows her subject very well and teaches it well. Its just reaaallly spooky to be in a lecture with this person. Every change in voice pitch makes you wonder if THAT is when she will snap and start beating the people on the first row up.
The worst teacher i ever had was MRs. Horton of 7th grade (that's right, like the Dr. Seuss Elephant) - Math. What a jerk butt let me tell you. Every time she would call you up to the board to do a math problem, she would start humming the Jeopardy THeme: DO DO DO DODODODODO. DO DO DO DO DO - then she'd be like "Your the weakest link, good bye" - I'm pretty sure she wasn't married since she was butt ugly, evil as satan himself, and considering she was a teacher dirt poor, [and I don't even think she could afford cable since all she ever quoted was Jeopardy, Weakest Link, and the Doodle Bops]. and that's all 3 strikes against her.
Then after she taught us her lesson, she'd put on this awful CD with African Chants, and the sad part is she put it on EVERY DAY, so I memorized it over Time, "AYEK NIGTOW! AWOON TAWOON! AWOON TAWOON!" -

Joined: 12 Nov 2008
Age: 35
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Location: I'm in ur kitchenz, eatin ur foodz
[quote="amazon_television]That dude was menacing, I remember being a freshman and having to do an oral final on Capote's "In Cold Blood" and Marquez' "News of a Kidnapping", it was me and one other dude that was a senior and fully checked out and I was so nervous I slammed a 6 pack of keystone ice tall cans and took 3 foot bong hits with this dude before we went in there and ended up getting an A+[/quote]
It must have been an entertaining presentation because you guys were so f***ing stoned and drunk.
My Geography or Physics teacher probably. Or maybe IT teacher.
Can't really explain, but... Geography, he would come right up in your face raising his eyebrows, make jokes, he would always teach in a quirky way and make sex jokes. Lovely guy, everyone loved him, and he did get us all very good grades.
IT teacher... If we got a question right he'd give us bubble wrap to pop. He'd high-five you, say "good morning" in the afternoon, etc.
Physics teacher... Gosh, he was just SO overconfident. He hated our school, so sometimes for entire lessons we'd just rant about how badly the place was run, he'd tell zany stories of his personal life (he'd travelled all over the world), a quarter of the way through class he'd get bored and but on a youtube video, he'd always teach in the oddest most practical way possible. Again, lovely guy, got us all very high grades.
In second grade, I had a teacher who though I was ret*d because I couldn't do the "holding pattern" exercises that teachers give neurotypical kids when they don't feel like teaching anything (wordsearches, labeling maps, that sort of thing).
I Grade 5, I had a teacher who also worked as an actor. He brought in cool books, made up silly stories at break, brought creativity into every subject and could actually handle teaching weird kids.
My high school chemistry teacher was one of them. He was a smart man but wasn't suited for teaching in a high school environment. He would constantly stutter in class, and use frequent filler words such as "uhhhhhhhh" and um. He also would tell us everyday how over the summer he worked at the water works, and how awesome working at the water works was. He also would tell us several times a week that he went sky diving once. He also had this bizarre card system where each seat was assigned a playing card, and if the playing card of your seat got called you had to answer a question. We would often remove our seat from the deck, and he didn't notice for weeks that the same 10 people would get called on daily. He also would get extremely pissed off at students for the slightest disruption or breaking of his rules. He frequently blamed me and 3 other students for anything "wrong" that would happen in his class. And his punishment was always the same office write up, and kicked out of his class for the day. He would give us a 0 if we used a different periodic table than the one he gave us, even though we each had a workbook with an identical periodic table in it. He overall was a very intelligent man, but was incompetent as a teacher, as he just didn't have the people skills to teach. He was probably the least professional teacher I've ever had.
algebra 2nd year teacher.
she was not a math teacher, understood the subject but being female didn't understand that most of math.. isn't math.. its logic, and thus there's n differnet ways to do the same thing. homework was graded 1/4th point per line. so you had to solve the crap the way it was taught in class. i think she taught calc for a few years but can't remember. the entire school hated her.
ap physics teacher was a nutcase too, still is. but a very good one. if you understood the subject the class was easy.. but, myself and 3 other students ended up translating much of the class for the other 60 students.
I had a pain neurobiology lecturer who demonstrated the process of pain by cutting his hand with his key and describing what he was feeling.
I also had a physics teacher who hated cats so much all the problems he assigned us involved cats falling of stuff, bwing washed down a drain, having pianos fall on them, all that normal stuff
Snowy Owl

Joined: 5 Jun 2011
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Not a proffessors, but 2 of my high school teachers were really funny
First there was mrs. Burke. she has an odd sense, hates diruption in her class, and is well known for her shrill battlecry of "I HATE KIDS". She also loves cats very much. We didn't get along when I had her for an english teacher, but now that I'm not her problem anymore, we've become good friends. She'd be an almost archetypal crazy cat lady, except she is actually very smart.
And then there's Mr. Savage
In all likely hood the best teacher I've ever had or will have, Mr. Savage used to be a reporter, so he has tons of cool stories about his .... stories. He is one of the nicest men I've ever met and and his sense of humor is hilarious or odd, depeneding on your outlook.
For example: His favorite joke.
He picks out a student secretly texting in class using his teacher vision, and tells the kid that if He can't text his mom in class, then the kid can't. He then asks the class if they know why he can't text his mother. no one knows.
His reply is to say in a very loud voice,: BECAUSE SHE'S DEAD, and then starts laughing.
This gave ris to alot of death jokes including
Q:Why did the squirrel fall out of the tree?
A: because it was dead.
followup Q: Why did the baby fall out of the tree?
A: because it was stapled to the squirrel
What is learning? Its paying attention. its opening yourself up to this great big ball of****that we call life! And whats the worst that could happen? You get bit in the ass! Well let me tell you, My ass looks like hamburger meat,But I can still sit down!
i currently go to temple university, majoring in mass media, and i had a professor of a media class who i really enjoyed, possible my favorite one.
he described his teaching as an existential take on how media technology affects our lives. much of his lectures are about how technology is an exponentially rising force that is changing the way we perceive the world.
he constantly balances the pros and cons. the increase in freedom of information and access to information through cheaper and powerful technology vs the fact that we are living in an increasingly mediated world. our perception of reality is being dictated by what we see on screens. humans also have a growing need for constant external stimulation. we do homework while listening to music, surf the web while watching tv, and go on facebook while attending lectures.