Dropping a class because teacher is a jerk
My Algebra 2 teacher blatantly ignored girls spraying perfume in the room. I have an allergy to it, and I cannot breathe when someone sprays stuff like that in the room. I have a similar problem with scented hand-sanitizer and some lotions. Anyways, I informed her of this, and she said, "No one sprayed anything."
So after I missed five classes, and I got a C on a test I hadn't been around to learn the material for (I knew how to DO the problems, I just didn't know what stuff was CALLED), I talked to her again. She grudgingly told the class that she would suspend people if she caught them spraying it.
The next day. They sprayed perfume. "No one sprayed anything."
So I went to my guidance counselor immediately and asked to transfer. About a week later, I had transferred classes, and I was back to getting between 89 and 100 on math tests. My new teacher is MUCH better, and I refuse to speak to my last teacher.
My last teacher was biased anyways. She had me the year before, and I did no work and still scraped by with an A. I drew during her class, ate, did whatever I felt like, and did no group work. Then I got hundreds on every test. So, for some reason, math teachers hate that. Jerks...