Twitch wrote:
Actually you lost and I worse than you. I flunked out of my first college with less than a 1.0.
At my first College I flunked all of my classes. The last half of the second semester I just stopped going, it was hopeless. That was almost 6 or 7 years ago.
In High School, I graduated with under a .5 GPA. I wasn't getting the help I needed and the school didn't seem to care to much about me. I think they just graduated me, to get rid of me. I graduated before "No Child Left Behind.'
Now I'm back in college and I have a 3.25. I get extra time on tests and all the other neat stuff. I also take my ADD medicine, which I didn't have when in high school.
Twitch, what's up with the picture of the DC metro station as your avatar? I'm guessing you may be from the MD/DC/VA area.