Aspies, what do you do on the weekend, Friday Sat nights?

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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03 Jan 2007, 3:56 pm

I do nothing, and I mean nothing, I have no life. I go home, sit at my computer, think, do sometimes listen to music or watch Anime, that's it. My humanity is gone repalced by something else entirely different, perhaps I'm not human anymore but something more... an alien?


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03 Jan 2007, 3:58 pm

Unless the couple friends I have at school physically intervene, I think I may try to move away from the whole party scene and go back to the computer bit. I'm tired of all the drinking, all the drama, all the stupidity. I've got one semester left at the school I'm at, and then hopefully I'll be somewhere with a more diverse crowd for grad school, or for the "real world" if I don't get in. Only fear I have (which is somewhat becoming a reality) is that I get too engrossed in it as I have been in the past.


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04 Jan 2007, 7:37 pm

jonathandoors wrote:
Aspies, what do you do on the weekend, Friday or Sat nights? When all the NT's appear to be drinking and partying i guess.

Usually hang out with a group of people who try to help eachother say sober :)


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04 Jan 2007, 11:41 pm

jonathandoors wrote:
Aspies, what do you do on the weekend, Friday or Sat nights? When all the NT's appear to be drinking and partying i guess.

Why, the same thing I do every Friday or Saturday night: try to take over the world.


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05 Jan 2007, 12:48 am

Usually play Guild Wars with the wife n some friends.
That or sim-racing, or painting or something.

06 Jan 2007, 1:29 am

I am at my house chatting or watching tv.


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06 Jan 2007, 4:41 am

Either at work or playing World of Warcraft, and looking at websites.

Someone at work called me a loser for not going out and getting drunk, and I told him he doesn't have any right to call me a loser looking at him.


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06 Jan 2007, 10:05 am

Stereokid wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
I usually go out to eat either by myself or with my family.


Where do you usually go out to eat when you go out by yourself? just curious.

I like to eat dinner around 4:00-5:00pm before everything gets crowded. I eat at Antonio's (an Italian restaurant near where I live), or Grand Buffet (a Chinese Buffet in my neighborhood). I would go to places like Chili's or TGI Friday's, except they are always uber-crowded.


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06 Jan 2007, 7:19 pm

If I'm in college I spend my weekend doing schoolwork. If I'm off from collegeI play my Xbox, go on the Net. Every friday nite, I go to hiphop dance lessons to avoid being bored.


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06 Jan 2007, 8:58 pm

If there is a more or less low key party, I will go. Otherwise, I stay in my room working on stuff, playing video games, watching movies, or cleaning (I only seem to clean or do laundry on weekends, I never can be bothered to during the week).



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08 Jan 2007, 3:59 pm

Friday night - Gymnastics practice, after I am tired and hungry, so I normally eat, shower, and sleep.
Saturday night - my brother's basketball games, or reading at home, or wrongplanet

I wish I had friends to go out with.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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10 Jan 2007, 8:16 pm

I am usually home, watcing a movie or TV or using the computer to play a computer game. It can get boring but there's relaly not much of a life after classes at community college and even harder because I have a hard time talking with people.


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12 Jan 2007, 4:02 am

I used to go out with my best friend, we'd go to parties, go driving or get drunk just for the sake of it.

I had a fall out with him because I was getting sick of his attitude so I've been at home on Fridays and Saturday nights lately, I intend to rectify this by going to some Hip-Hop shows with a new friend that I have made.


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12 Jan 2007, 4:35 am

hmmm. my weekends?

it varies weekend to weekend, mostly I'll get up, workout for half an hour or so, then do nothing for the rest of the day, except watch whatever I find in my room or borrow from someone. Usually third floor is up by 100 or so, so I go visit one of the guys up there. I do homework occasionally on the weekend or study for a test. With me, my weekend starts on Friday morning, ends at 240 in the afternoon for the only class I have taht day, then picks up again at 345. This weekend I'll be at a family reunion thingy. Monday is a holiday for MLK day. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. I did get all four seasons of Digimon off of Ebay and I got them this week, sooo...I'll end up watching them.

most weekends though it's usually sleep in late til 10:00 am, then workout then eat breakfast. Sundays I go to church, and this second semester I'm gonna get back into doing that.

I'm also one of the planners for random events on our floor, so I usually plan or am asked about ideas. Right now I'm workign on our floor date, where the roommate asks a girl for the other roommate....the date is called roomies. the only rule is that if anyone on the floor has a girlfriend, then it is automatically assumed that they will go with their girl.

This weekend, I have to do some online work for one of my classes....I hate my laptop. I've screwed it over way too much.

Anyhow. in essence. my weekends are boring. I might head into town ocassionaly, but that's usally a Friday only. I don't step off campus unless I am that bored.........or the local library has an item in. other then that. relaxation on the weekends.


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12 Jan 2007, 4:56 pm

What do I do hmmm... I sit down on my big ole couch and watch TV all day long. Sometimes I play chess online, other times I play battlefield. I eat large quantities of cheap junk food.


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13 Jan 2007, 4:25 am

Usually catching extra Zzz