hmmm. my weekends?
it varies weekend to weekend, mostly I'll get up, workout for half an hour or so, then do nothing for the rest of the day, except watch whatever I find in my room or borrow from someone. Usually third floor is up by 100 or so, so I go visit one of the guys up there. I do homework occasionally on the weekend or study for a test. With me, my weekend starts on Friday morning, ends at 240 in the afternoon for the only class I have taht day, then picks up again at 345. This weekend I'll be at a family reunion thingy. Monday is a holiday for MLK day. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. I did get all four seasons of Digimon off of Ebay and I got them this week, sooo...I'll end up watching them.
most weekends though it's usually sleep in late til 10:00 am, then workout then eat breakfast. Sundays I go to church, and this second semester I'm gonna get back into doing that.
I'm also one of the planners for random events on our floor, so I usually plan or am asked about ideas. Right now I'm workign on our floor date, where the roommate asks a girl for the other roommate....the date is called roomies. the only rule is that if anyone on the floor has a girlfriend, then it is automatically assumed that they will go with their girl.
This weekend, I have to do some online work for one of my classes....I hate my laptop. I've screwed it over way too much.
Anyhow. in essence. my weekends are boring. I might head into town ocassionaly, but that's usally a Friday only. I don't step off campus unless I am that bored.........or the local library has an item in. other then that. relaxation on the weekends.